Showing posts with label Bioweapons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bioweapons. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

KATHERINE WATT on the legal framework for ushering in the 2020 COVID-19 bioweapons.

On January 24, 2023, Katherine Watt was an attendee at a press conference that discussed the ongoing emergency use rollout of bioweapons being marketed as COVID-19 vaccines. She discussed the legal framework for which this is happening and provides ways to circumvent the WHO/BIS/DOD initiatives that undermine sovereignty.

Monday, August 14, 2023

“We have biolabs in Ukraine because we are making bioweapons.”

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Public Health Emergencies Are Nothing More Than Camouflaged Power Grabs

Why am I not surprised that you're not surprised?  You mean you've known this all along?    

Here is Katherine Watts's 30-minute video presentation.

The biomedical injections raise the legal question, "Are they medicine?"  mRNA/DNA injections and other Emergency Use Authorized products are biochemical compounds exempt from U.S. regulations governing drug development, manufacturing, and distribution.  


Are they medical treatments authorized for economically/socially/psychologically coerced administration under international and federal Public Health Emergency Laws, PHE?

Or, are they toxic weapons prohibited under international and federal Weapons of Mass Destruction Laws?  

Answer: BOTH.

American Domestic Bioterrorism Program, Katherine Watt, Bailiwick News, April 28, 2022.

Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.  Her article about is a timeline of changes in U.S. law that made it possible for this intentional use of intentionally toxic products which are weapons to be camouflaged as a public health emergency response that work product and other posts that she's done we're seen by the organizers of this conference Amrei and Sylvia and they invited her to participate by email in November 202tge construction of the 

Work product seen by Amrei and Sylvia:

Timeline tracing the chronological development of changes to US law that enable the camouflaging of an intentional democide as a public health emergency response. First posted April 28th 2022. Updated regularly. 

Congressional activity intensified 1910s, then 1930s and 1940s (the construction of the administrative state); 1960s and 1970s (DoD R&D in chemical and biological weapons); and from the 2000s, right around 9/11, to present (Public Health Emergency program build up).

12:55. The implications are extremely distressing.  People who have followed all of these different paths to get to the same main finding refer to people who have not got there yet as "normies."  And people who have not seen it yet and continue to think that there is actually something called a public health emergency for which global coercion coordinated responses are the are the proper response call  people like Catherine Watts "conspiracy theorists." And then there are a third category of people who try not to pay attention to it, find it very upsetting if they think about it at all, and just try to get on with their lives.  And I think that's a very valid way to proceed. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Thank you to Lew Rockwell.  

0:00 to 1:34  Based on my knowledge, judgment, and experience and everything I have seen in the public records so far, yes, these are biological warfare weapons, offensive biological warfare weapons laboratories set up by the Pentagon.  Remember, the Pentagon does not do missionary work, they kill people.  And that’s why they are there.  And it’s now coming out of the uh . . . I’ve seen some of the documents produced by the Russian government.  Uh, yes, it appears that’s exactly what they were doing.  Indeed, there’s a [“Tucker: The Pentagon Is Lying About BioLabs in Ukraine.” Fox News] a . . . uh, BSL 3 down there in Odesa, and if you look at websites for BSL3s, which I have done repeatedly, you will see they research, develop, test, stockpile, and prepare for use every ["Russia’s Wild Theories about Secret Bio_labs and ‘Crisis Actors’in Ukraine Are Crafted to Appeal to US Conspiracists, experts say,” Tom Porter, YahooNews, March 14, 2022] type of hideous Nazi biological warfare weapon you can possibly imagine using DNA, genetic engineering, Gain of Function, and now synthetic biology, which by the way, I also covered in my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, 1989 [] Every U.S. citizen and resident involved in these activities is subject to life imprisonment under my statute.  
Biowarfare and Terrorism, Francis Boyle, 2005.