Showing posts with label Biowarfare and Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biowarfare and Terrorism. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2024

DR. FRANCIS BOYLE: The Food & Drug Administration was involved in the development of COVID-19 and has approved all of these vaccines

To get to your point on the vaccines, Colonel, the Food & Drug Administration was involved in the development of COVID-19, the offensive biological warfare weapon, and today as we speak, Colonel, it has been the Food & Drug Administration that has approved all of these C0VID-19 vaccines.  So they helped develop the weapon, and now they are approving these so-called vaccines.  

As for the vaccines themselves, I'm not part of any anti-vaxx movement.  I called them Frankenshots.  To distinguish them, there are some legitimate vaccines out there but I call these things Frankenshots.  It was the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Program Agency, DARPA, that envisioned and funded this mRNA technology that is behind all of these Frankenshots.  So they have us coming and going, Colonel.  These mRNA, they give you particles of COVID-19 that get injected into your body.  They are injecting into your body particles of an offensive biological warfare weapon Gain-of-function properties are being injected into your body.  And that is why we're seeing so many excess deaths, adverse events, and things of this nature, Colonel.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Thank you to Lew Rockwell.  

0:00 to 1:34  Based on my knowledge, judgment, and experience and everything I have seen in the public records so far, yes, these are biological warfare weapons, offensive biological warfare weapons laboratories set up by the Pentagon.  Remember, the Pentagon does not do missionary work, they kill people.  And that’s why they are there.  And it’s now coming out of the uh . . . I’ve seen some of the documents produced by the Russian government.  Uh, yes, it appears that’s exactly what they were doing.  Indeed, there’s a [“Tucker: The Pentagon Is Lying About BioLabs in Ukraine.” Fox News] a . . . uh, BSL 3 down there in Odesa, and if you look at websites for BSL3s, which I have done repeatedly, you will see they research, develop, test, stockpile, and prepare for use every ["Russia’s Wild Theories about Secret Bio_labs and ‘Crisis Actors’in Ukraine Are Crafted to Appeal to US Conspiracists, experts say,” Tom Porter, YahooNews, March 14, 2022] type of hideous Nazi biological warfare weapon you can possibly imagine using DNA, genetic engineering, Gain of Function, and now synthetic biology, which by the way, I also covered in my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, 1989 [] Every U.S. citizen and resident involved in these activities is subject to life imprisonment under my statute.  
Biowarfare and Terrorism, Francis Boyle, 2005.