Saturday, May 11, 2024

JEFF CLARK, DOJ: it's really nauseating to see Governor Cuomo and Leanne Wen . . . I mean there aren't two more nauseating people, liars who lie to each other and then lie to the public, and it's complete gas lighting

Jeff Clark, DoJ it's really nauseating to see Governor Cuomo and Leanne when I mean there aren't two more nauseating people, liars who lie to each other and then lie to the public, and it's complete gas lighting.  And everyone knows that Cuomo was one of the lockdown mandators in Chief, and everyone knows that Leanna Wen, crisis actor and Planned Parenthood zealot, was the big cheerleader for COVID, the massive health emergency masks in the lockdowns.  [I'm going to include the vaccines. He missed that.  Why would Jeff Clark of the DOJ miss that key factor of this mass democide?] And then comes his apology that recognizing that, "And look, obviously it was a novel disease in many ways it's been overplayed . . . ."  So here we have a federal agent indicting Governor Cuomo and Wen in the court of public opinion.  Talk about your soft criticism, a backhanded compliment, it's like a massaged criticism.  So Clark offers nothing beyond what every normal thinking man and woman was thinking 4 years ago.  Why so late, Jeff?  His indictment is meaningless.  He just compounds the gas lighting, layering it.  

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