Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Are Christian conservatives about to figure out that the current Netanyahu-run government does not actually like them?

HR 6090 bill would officially define "Antisemitism" so the federal government can sue, prosecute, or sanction more people, businesses, and universities for supposed violations of civil rights law.  --Charlie Kirk

Charlie Kirk explains

In response to campus anti-Israel protests, the House is rushing to to vote on a new bill, HR 6090. This new bill would officially define "Antisemitism" so the federal government can sue, prosecute, or sanction more people, businesses, and universities for supposed violations of civil rights law. 
This bill would make it illegal to compare Israeli policies to Nazi policies. It would make it illegal to describe Israel as racist. It would make it illegal to accuse an American citizen of being more loyal to Israel than to the United States.

But I stand with @RepThomasMassie: This bill is an affront to the Constitution and must not pass.

Where do you think all of the anti-Christian hate in the U.S. and around the world comes from?  It's not the Muslim world.  Nor is it the Arab world.  

When I worked at UPS in the 1980s, I delivered to retail businesses on Wilshire between San Vicente and Fairfax.  In the afternoon on my route for pick-ups in the area, there were often bomb threats with a couple dozen employees standing on the sidewalk milling about.  This was not rare.  It seemed almost weekly to me that at one building or another just east of San Vicente a bomb threat had been declared as evidenced by the crowds on the sidewalk having recently emptied the building.  The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles was located on the north side of Wilshire, and I used to pick up from their office there.  It was on the 3rd, 4th or 6th floor.  Can't recall.  But their office had a woman stationed behind bulletproof glass.  I didn't tap on it to check; it could have been plexiglass for all I knew.  And the sight of it alarmed me to dangers that I certainly was not alert to.  But no bomb was ever detonated.  No one was ever harmed.  Traffic was inconvenienced.  Commerce came to a crawl for about 30 minutes before everybody was ordered to return to their offices.  In retrospect, was the bulletproof glass necessary?  I don't know.  I never heard of anyone going into their offices to shoot up the joint.  Were the bomb threats real?  Who knows?  The frequency of them seemed almost to send a message that the Jewish people were the persecuted tribe of Israel?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Maybe it's just the reverse.  Maybe.

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