Friday, August 4, 2023

45 studies using Ivermectin late in the game, 41% improvement in outcomes, meaning they didn't die.

See this post with Dr. Bryan Ardis for Ivermectin resources. 

1:22. I admit I was scared to use it initially.  The way I put my mind at ease was by researching it, and I went to the FDA's website to look at the original studies where the drug became approved for human use.  And I looked at their safety data and there's something called the LD50 which is a benchmark number for a drug's toxicity.  And LD50 means, okay, what dosage of the drug will kill 50% of lab animals.  For Ivermectin, you'd have to give about 100 times what we're giving to approach the LDC what we are giving to approach the LD50. And I researched deaths, either accidental or intentional overdose of Ivermectin, and could find nothing.  No case reports.  So, the people who are dismissing Ivermectin are just being lazy.  

And the Texas Medical Board is being lazy because they're not taking you to task over the science of your claims.  They're taking you to task because you didn't tow the government controlled line during the pandemic.

They're making accusations that are not true.  They're making it sound like I just marched into the hospital and started writing orders for a patient that wasn't mine without having privileges, which is not how it happened at all.  Everything I did was part of a lawsuit that the patient's wife was bringing against the hospital, and I was the expert witness.  I was the one they granted me privileges and then I would be writing the prescriptions.  But they're making it sound like if I had gone in there and written orders without permission; that would be a bad thing but that's not what happened.  

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