Saturday, August 19, 2023

Holy obedience does not involve becoming a zombie!

Thank you to Lew Rockwell.

Writes Chris Munier:

Hello Again Fellow Catholics,

At the risk of too many emails in one week, I can’t help but share this update on the Texas Carmelite nuns. 

After ongoing harassment from the diocesan bishop, the nuns have forbidden Bishop Olson entry onto their property.

Read the full announcement, but here’s the best part: 
. . . we hereby state that, in conscience, we no longer recognize the authority of, and can have no further relations with, the current Bishop of Fort Worth or his officials, and forbid him or any of his officials or representatives to enter our monastery property or to have any contact or relations with the monastery or any of its nuns or novices. No one who abuses us as has the current Bishop of Fort Worth, has any right to our cooperation or obedience.
This has also gotten the support of Archbishop Vigano.

“But . . . but . . . my obedience? my Romans 13?”

That’s how it’s done, folks. This is something to remember if any other bishops try to expel or cancel clergy, including the SSPX from their dioceses.

You simply respond: “No, you’re a hireling. Get the hell out of here! Get off my property! Holy obedience does not involve becoming a zombie!”

Congratulations to the Carmelite nuns in Texas, who have followed in the heroic footsteps of those magnificent Carmelite martyrs of the French Revolution.

Ave Maria,

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