Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Vivek is a Soros plant to stop Trump. He claims he will immediately stop the war in Ukraine once in the WH, but will flip and continue globalist wars. They have already done the same scheme with Italian Prime Minister Meloni.

Vivek Ramaswamy is the GOP candidate planted by the globalists in their attempt to prevent Trump from entering the presidential race He claims he will immediately stop the war in Ukraine once he enters the White House. The moment this guy gets into the white house, he will flip and continue to implement the globalist agenda of wars, arms sales, and massive profits for stockholders in US military companies. This guy has already been financed by Soros several times in the past. They have already done the same scheme with Italian Prime Minister Meloni. After realizing that the Italian population would elect an anti-globalist, right-wing president like Orbán in Hungary, they planted their own candidates with right-wing ideology in Italy. After being elected Prime Minister Meloni completely turned her politics around 180 degrees and became 100 percent liberal.

Let's hope that the Americans will not repeat the mistake of the Italians.

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