Sunday, August 27, 2023


5:00. Remember that this was a behavior modification exercise in Covid 1.0.  If we go back and look at Anthrax 2.0, which was September of 2001, we see that we needed a couple rounds of the fear porn to get people to accept the Prep Act in 2005, which gave the legislative framework for the way in which the Biden Administration is currently planning for lockdown 2.0.  This is a very old playbook.  If we go back and look at how old the playbook is, what we needed was to get everybody addicted to penicillin.  We needed the HIV epidemic to get everybody addicted to AZT and very costly medications.  We needed to create hyper allergies and food allergies.  We needed to create all kinds of other things with environmental toxins so that we could get people addicted to epinephrine pens, which then mysteriously became $40,000 a dgutSeth  It's amazing how this works.  We have a pattern that goes back to 1904 when the Japanese figured out that bacillus thuringiensis (BT) was a gut toxin to vertebrates, to humans, and so, you know, not surprisingly, we decided to use bacillus thuringiensis to modify all of our seed crops: BT cotton, BT corn, BT soybeans, every single thing you put in your mouth that's not a GMO-free certified, every single thing you put in your mouth that has corn syrup in it, tofu, soy milk, soy sauces, and everything single thing you put in your mouth is actually containing inside of it a toxin that was known in 1904 to create gut problems.  Lo and behold, Seth, we have irritable bowel syndrome, dietary issues, heartburn, and gut issues.  We have to remember where we are.  This is behavior modification.  It's not about a pandemic.  There is no Health Emergency to be declared.  Allegedly the new variant, which was supposed to be told, is now 26% of the circulating population the air variant is actually not a variant.  It was actually not only planned, but if you look at the clinical trials for the multivalent injection that's currently being developed by Moderna, Biontech, and no vaccine what you'll see is that in all three of those existence before it was in the population before it was in the population

8:10. There never was a Covid pandemic.  There never was a SARS CoV2 novel Coronavirus.  There was never any of those things.  This was a behavior modification exercise to fulfill the objective of the financial interests that were being served.  And let's remember that the quote, and I keep saying this quote because no one is still admitting that, the criminals acknowledge their own crime

until a pandemic is at emergency threshold.  The public doesn't understand the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan Coronavirus or pan influenza vaccine.  We need the media to create the hype.  We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.  Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.   

That's a quote from Peter Daszak that's a quote that was made at the proceedings at the National Academy of Sciences published in 2015 and this is the admission of terrorism again.  And with the Biden Administration is engaging in domestic terrorism 2.0 and the reason why is because the Biden Administration could have never won an election in an open conversation no one would have elected him as president.  No one would have elected a Democratic ticket if people were not glued to their televisions under lockdowns.  The administration of Trump that allowed for those things to happen was administered by who else, Anthony Fauci and Alex Azar, Treasonous Individuals in Chief, whose sole purpose was to get people out of the public conversation, out of the debates, out of the random interactions of people talking about matters of State, getting people addicted to the TV, get them in front of MSNBC, a criminal co-conspirator; NBC, a criminal co-conspirator; CNN, a criminal co-conspirator, get them in front of the propaganda machine, and lo and behold, you can actually overthrow a government which is exactly what they want to do in Round 2.  It turns out that Democrats will win in a state-controlled faux election that has people masked, that has people at polls standing six feet apart and has the election process done on digital platforms, which will not and cannot be audited for any authentic performance.  So that's the game plan.  And remember, nobody's sick right now.  People are actually dying from the effects of the hyper-acceleration of cancers, from the pseudouridine that was in the shots.  People are dying of myocarditis but nobody's sick right now. 

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