Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Burglary suspects arrested after allegedly breaking into same Bradbury home 5 times in 10 days

Here is the story at ABC News

POWERFUL MESSAGE & WARNING from MILILANI TRASK, Hawaiʻi Island Trustee #HawaiianSovereignty Movement

@rebel.royale.designs POWER MESSAGE & WARNING by Mililani Trask, Hawaiʻi Island Trustee #HawaiianSovereignty Movement, #mauifire #mauifires #Hawaii It's time to #wakeup and FIGHT against #Evil #fyp #fypシ #foryoupage #foryou #hawaiian #soverignty #thismeanswar #maui #missingchildren ♬ original sound - PhoenixX

Thank you to Reinette Senum.  Go to the 23:49 mark to see the video that is now removed above.

Here she is on August 9, 2022.  "We have tolerated commercial science to the point that they have continued the desecration."  Remember her name, Mililani Trask.

Vivek is a Soros plant to stop Trump. He claims he will immediately stop the war in Ukraine once in the WH, but will flip and continue globalist wars. They have already done the same scheme with Italian Prime Minister Meloni.

Vivek Ramaswamy is the GOP candidate planted by the globalists in their attempt to prevent Trump from entering the presidential race He claims he will immediately stop the war in Ukraine once he enters the White House. The moment this guy gets into the white house, he will flip and continue to implement the globalist agenda of wars, arms sales, and massive profits for stockholders in US military companies. This guy has already been financed by Soros several times in the past. They have already done the same scheme with Italian Prime Minister Meloni. After realizing that the Italian population would elect an anti-globalist, right-wing president like Orbán in Hungary, they planted their own candidates with right-wing ideology in Italy. After being elected Prime Minister Meloni completely turned her politics around 180 degrees and became 100 percent liberal.

Let's hope that the Americans will not repeat the mistake of the Italians.

FDA's Curtis Wright: Sold out a nation of youth for $400,000 a year job from Purdue Pharma, manufacturers of Oxycontin

When we talk about a bureaucracy we are describing the structure of a system, the top-down structure.  Bureaucracies don't change that much.  They might increase or decrease in size, but the direction of power and control is usually the same.  So in that regard, they don't really change that much.  Systems don't change either, so even if you have these whistleblowers coming out and they out someone, know that the system doesn't change.  Curtis Wright, IV, won the lottery.  

OWEN BENJAMIN ON GLYPHOSATE: There is nobody that will vote this out. It's not even possible.

The system believes as an entity

The system believes it has to do these things in order to survive, LGBT, and all this stuff.  

It needs way less people because it can't sustain people. So they're trying to poison people, do factory farming,  

The only way through is you do it yourself, or you get local supply chains.  Remember, anytime you find yourself in under the gun or being hunted by the mob, the only way through is NOT OUT.  THE ONLY WAY OUT IS THROUGH.  

It's not only NOT despair.  The people involved in politics are all . . . they don't see the future.  They don't understand what they're doing.  There is nobody that will vote this out.  It's not even possible.  You get a local mayor and a local assembly, and guys get together, and then you debate, then you vote, then complain, and the state still says No, Glyphosate.  You don't have the power to do that.  So what's the answer?  The answer is that you grow it yourself without glyphosate.  Or you get somebody you know to do and buy their food.  You have to start from the ground up.  Solutions will not be from the top down.  And that is not a black pill.  

"Well, who do I vote for?  What do I do?"

You have to do it yourself.  Because the system is in retreat; it's not in a push.  Agenda 2021, Agenda 2030, "you will eat zee bugs," "you will own nothing and be happy.  These aren't offenses; these are defenses.  It's not like people are doing things to you.  It's just they're having a hard time keeping a sinking ship afloat.  And so stop looking at them for anything.  That's why I've been hammering that "Rich Men North of Richmond" song is because it's victim consciousness.  It's saying these men are doing something to me; they want to have control over me. They don't have control over you.  You want them to provide for you, and they're not doing a good enough job.  They're giving fat people fudge rounds and money ain't s***.  Well, then do something else. "Well, I can't."  

So if you want to survive what's coming, it's not going to be boots kicking in the door, it's not going to be war unless you want to go to war; that's a choice.  It's not going to be starvation the way you see in the movies, IMO, I've always said this, I've never been a doom and gloomer about starvation.  It's going to be your belly will be full but it'll be full of toxic chemicals and no nutrition.  Okay, that train is victim consciousness.  If you want to get off that train you have to say, "Okay, I WILL have a family.  I will grow my community.  I will grow my food I will do these things myself.  And you will be called names, and you will be mocked, and you will be ostracized by the slaves because the slaves hate when someone does what I do.  They hate it because it reveals her own cowardice why would people go so crazy on me just because I made fun of a song from an artist they've known for 2 weeks if you watch my old stand up I know notoriously make fun of pop music,  Timberland and Yellow Ledbetter.  Why would you care?  I'll tell you why they care. Because it reveals their status in life and they are on a train to oblivion.  Despair is the weapon. It's victim consciousness, and that's on a spiritual level.  The government isn't even aware of the stuff that I'm talking about.  They're just trying to survive.  They're just trying to keep the system intact.  It's a metaphysical spiritual battle.  It's about victim consciousness, resentment, and despair versus gratitude, empowerment, and productivity.  Be on the right side of this fight. Or else you're going to be decimated, and it's not going to be a sexy death, like in the movies.  You're just going to get, like colon cancer, or you'll commit suicide with fentanyl without admitting that you're committing suicide.  I'm right and if you look at the anger that people have towards me, it's not justified logically; it's only justified pathologically and emotionally and it's because I'm right.  It's not because I'm wrong.  You might disagree with me on stuff, but I'm right about this.  Hitting a little button to get someone else to do something for you is not going to work. 

And that doesn't mean to overthrow the government because the slaves need their master.  If you overthrow the government, this is what I disagree with a lot of those anarcho capitalist guys, if you don't have the right inner world, without a government it would be horrifying.  And most people are victims.  And most people want to be daddy's little baby as adults. That's why I am totally in favor of the government existing, the World Bank existing, the Federal Reserve existing, all of these systems because if a slave doesn't want to be a slave they need that or else you will have lose radicals that you can't even imagine they won't know how to feed themselves.  As a victim, they would steal; they would loot; burn, and would freak out.  The only way you could have a world without a government or the central banks is that you have people who don't want to be slaves.  Our country was founded by people who did not want to be slaves, and that's why America has a glorious tradition.  And it's got a really good culture that's being attacked right now with despair and victim consciousness.  And it's a spiritual battle, but unless people want that, they need the government.

Do you think slaves want people to get off the plantation?  Look at the venom aimed at Kanye West, who questioned his Jewish contracts.  It's because he didn't want to be a slave anymore.  When he's rapping about murdering people, and crank and crack, everybody loved it.  You didn't have a problem with JayZ like you have a problem with Kanye West.  You have a problem with Kanye West because he said slavery was a choice, and that drove you insane because he's f***ing right: that these ghettos are filled with people who want to be there.  They might pretend they don't.  They want to pretend that somebody is doing it to them, but it's all mental, man.