Showing posts with label CA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CA. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2024

Breaking News: The Alaska Airline plane who's door blew off at 16,000 feet was under a special flight restriction where it wasn't allowed to fly over water because officials knew about the problem.

Wendy Patterson explains that,

The FAA knew about this problem and didn't ground the planes until they were repaired; [it] limited their travel distance instead.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Burglary suspects arrested after allegedly breaking into same Bradbury home 5 times in 10 days

Here is the story at ABC News

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The far left city of Burbank, California, where Biden beat Trump by 40-60 points, banned “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” “Of Mice and Men” and other books because they said they were racist

All governments, left, right, and center, are always trying to ban history, overwhelm you to try to distract you from your own history, and make it easier to steer you away from your traditions, religion, culture, language, food, or otherwise.  It's been claimed that The Odyssey by Homer was passed down through history by oral recitation.  And certainly, speech among friends, colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances helps keep memories of the past alive.  But in politics, in that spiritual battle of good versus evil, speech is weaponized.  Weaponized speech is often used by people with no power.  People use it to go after, to hunt their neighbors. because their own lives are so petty.  It's like they're masters of the universe of Yelp.  With COVID, the government was telling you how to maintain hygiene during a fake outbreak by washing your hand.  You knew that.  You didn't need to be told.  You knew that if you were sick, you wash your hands.  But in the absence of being sick, the government had to become its full nanny and tell you to wash your hands even though you weren't dirty or sick.  Stay 6' apart they said.  Wear a mask, they said.  They tried to convince you that you had no proper functioning immune system, and instead rely on these external "immune suppressors," like a mask, like 6' apart, like a vaccine.  Ah, last time I checked, health does not come from a needle.  The government worked to make you forget about what works for you.  And they created mass formation to put that added pressure on your thinking that made their messages more persuasive and throw your good sense into question.  This is what they do in war.  This is war.  

Sunday, November 6, 2022

FEBRUARY 2022: The People’s Convoy singing AMAZING GRACE and chanting USA! USA! USA! in Aledanto, CA.

I never saw much related to this convoy.  Seemed censored to me.   

Saturday, January 15, 2022


It's estimated at about $100,000 per patient is what the hospitals get.  --Dr. Peterson Pierre, M.D.

High mortality rate in the hospital AND your family is kept in the dark as to what is happening.  

The CARES Act is providing bonus payments to hospitals whenever you hav a diagnosis of COVID.  

The Center for Medicaid/Medicare Services is waiving patient rights.  Meaning that the hospital, which is following CDC protocol, can by law deny you your rights if you're hospitalized with COVID.  I know of a few people whose loved ones were kept from their families for this reason.  

This is a deadly combination.  So here's what happens.  

#1  You, meaning the hospitals, get a payment because you offer a free COVID test in the Emergency Room.  

#2  You get a boost payment if you have a diagnosis of COVID.  

#3  You get another bonus payment if the patient is admitted with COVID. 

#4  You get another bonus payment if you're put on Remdesivir.

#5  Another bonus payment if you're put on a mechanical ventilator.   

#6  Another 20% bonus if the diagnosis on your death certificate says COVID even though you may not have died from COVID.  

#7  There are bonus payments to coroners.  

Do you understand the gravity of what's happening right now?  The Biden Administration is literally paying hospitals to kill you.  That's what's happening.  This is terrible.  We need to stop that.  These are real human lives we're talking about.  They are priceless.  It's estimated at about $100,000 per patient is what the hospitals get.  Think about that.  Ladies and gentlemen, the real news of RightNow continues.

His name is Dr. Peterson Pierre, and he runs the Pierre Skin Institute out in Thousand Oaks, CA.