Showing posts with label — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd). Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd). Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

FDA's Curtis Wright: Sold out a nation of youth for $400,000 a year job from Purdue Pharma, manufacturers of Oxycontin

When we talk about a bureaucracy we are describing the structure of a system, the top-down structure.  Bureaucracies don't change that much.  They might increase or decrease in size, but the direction of power and control is usually the same.  So in that regard, they don't really change that much.  Systems don't change either, so even if you have these whistleblowers coming out and they out someone, know that the system doesn't change.  Curtis Wright, IV, won the lottery.  

Sunday, August 13, 2023

New Peer-Reviewed Study Finds a 74% Reduction in Excess Deaths Among Peruvian Populations Taking Ivermectin in 2020

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Bonus take from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at the end acknowledging the effectiveness of punitive mandates.

Funny he should say this.  Look at what Dr. Brian Hewitt, Head of Regulatory Sciences, Pfizer Australia, said,

Be sure to review other features of Australia's pro-democracy, anti-coercion task force and how it helped its citizens appreciate the finer points of democracy

What then does informed consent for clinical trials look like?  Those who took the jab as well as recipients if shedding are all part of the largest clinical trial in human history.  

Here is informed consent for clinical trials.  Thanks to Sabine Hazan

. . . few were given informed consent during the biggest clinical trial in history. Informed consent is a 4-step process in clinical trials…

1. Signing the informed consent by the patient after reading the whole document that includes possible side effects of the product. 2. Dr needs to document the informed consent process. 3. Documentation that questions were allowed in the chart. 4. Copy of the informed consent was given to the patient. If you were not given a copy, demand a copy from whoever gave you the shots. If informed consent is not given, this is a HUGE deviation from the practice of clinical research.

How many people were given informed consent?