Showing posts with label W.H.O.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label W.H.O.. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

LATYPOVA: CDC and HHS took off 3,100 people from these 2 ships [and quarantined] them into a military detention facility at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, CA under pretenses of "a deadly virus"

Further explaining the Grand Princess saga, which apparently marked a pivotal turn in "public health" policy, Latypova notes, "So [HHS] said, not only do we have jurisdiction to arrest these people [or] 'detain them'—they didn't say arrest, but what I'm describing is arrest without due process, so they're violating our constitutional rights—but they're saying, 'Well...we can, because it's a deadly disease.' And they took them into the military detention facility [Travis Air Force Base], held them there, of which 10 people died, and were promptly disposed of, because it's a 'deadly, deadly virus,' and it was labeled COVID."

My guess is that the 10 people who died died of fear and anxiety at being herded. 

If we think that you are in a pre-communicable stage of a communicable disease that has the potential for a pandemic . . . No evidence of this needs to be provided whatsoever.  No scientific evidence because as I said they do their own pseudoscience.  So they don't have to provide ANY evidence of this.  

They housed the passengers at Travis Air Force Base in the Bay area near Vacaville and Fairfield.  March 10, 2020.

Interesting to watch how the news media treats violation of civil rights as just another step in the fight against COVID.


from Ballotpedia News.

Texas and Oklahoma filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas on January 18, 2023, arguing that an Obama-era federal regulation issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) granting the World Health Organization (WHO) authority to define what constitutes a public health emergency infringes on national and state sovereignty.

Fifteen states in July 2022 filed a petition asking HHS to repeal the rule. The Biden administration denied the petition in October 2022. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R), joined by Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond (R), filed suit, arguing in part that the HHS rule infringes on U.S. and state sovereignty by unlawfully delegating power to a foreign entity. Paxton argued in a press release, “Absolutely no foreign power should have the ability to exert police powers over Texas or any other state, and that is especially true for a foreign entity with as troubled of a history as the WHO.”

HHS had not responded to the lawsuit as of January 25, 2023. The agency did not respond to the July 2022 petition but stated at the time that it “will continue to make its own independent decisions” and asserted that it is “important to include references to WHO in the definition of ‘public health emergency’ to inform the public of the circumstances that HHS/CDC may consider.”

The date for oral argument in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas had not been set as of January 25, 2023.

Sense Receptor reminds us that,

Latypova has previously brought to light the fact that ~48 states " which your government can declare you a potential carrier of [a] deadly pathogen...throw you into a quarantine camp, or imprison you in your home, or imprison you in a hospital..." 

Here is the full interview with Sasha Latypova, released on May 19, 2024.

Bobby Cox from New York is fighting the state of New York over unlimited quarantining of its citizens in that state.

Monday, March 25, 2024

LATYPOVA: even Florida has these quarantine laws on the books. Florida governor Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) had opportunities on "numerous occasions" to veto the laws in his state, but did not.

 ðŸš¨"I believe 48 states...have...quarantine camp which your government can declare you a potential carrier of [a] deadly pathogen...take away your property, throw you into a quarantine camp, or imprison you in your home, or imprison you in a hospital..."

Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova), a retired pharma R&D executive, describes for Mic Meow (@MicMeowed) how the U.S. is already "subservient" to the WHO's so-called "health regulations," regardless of what happens with its upcoming "pandemic treaty."

"[T]he World Health Organization is doing another deception [and] they split it off into two tracks: one is 'the treaty,' and the other one is [an] amendment to the International Health Regulations [IHR]," Latypova tells Meow. She notes that "the treaty is kind of the publicly paraded thing," but adds, "the actual implementation mechanism is the amendment to the International Health Regulations, which is considered [an] administrative process." 

Any IHR amendment, Latypova says, "doesn't require ratification...[nor] even require a vote. It's an opt-in/opt-out. If you haven't explicitly opted out... you've accepted these [amendments]..." 

Furthermore, the retired pharma R&D executive says "[the] U.S. has already signed up" for the IHR amendments, even before 2020. "We already have signed up to these same amendments—so we already signed up to be subservient to WHO's health regulations," she adds. 

Most alarmingly, Latypova says that 48 states, and perhaps all 50, "have the quarantine camp laws on the books." These laws, she says, allow state governments to "declare you a potential carrier of a deadly pathogen, fake PCR you, or fake PCR your sewage water, or fake PCR your background, and find a potential pandemic pathogen of animals, or plants, in your backyard, take away your property, throw you into a quarantine camp, or imprison you in your home, or imprison you in a hospital, and...deprive you of any due process." 

Apparently, even Florida has these quarantine laws on the books. Latypova notes that Florida governor Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) had opportunities on "numerous occasions" to veto the laws in his state, but did not.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Important update on the WHO with James Roguski | Noor Bin Ladin Calls


ROGUSKI, 7:00.  Pure old colonialism.  Most people working in a cobalt mine can't buy a Tesla.  If you exchange the raw materials of gold, or forest tree products, mining, and all these other things with genomic sequences and pathogens, one of the things that they are arguing for is tied to a 1992 conference for biological diversity, which sets up essentially access to Natural wisdom, like indigenous people who learned about a certain plant and then the pharmaceutical companies come in and they get the knowledge, they isolate a chemical, they tweak it a little bit so they can patent it and then they go and make billions.  The convention for biological diversity says no, no, no.  You've got to share the benefits.  So that idea is now being applied to pathogens.  What they are negotiating in this Accord, I'm not going to call it anything other than what it currently is, which is a framework convention, they want to set up a pathogen access and benefit sharing system where they feel that they are obligated, they're being forced to go seeking out pathogens all around the world and have to hand over any genomic information for the pathogen that they find.   They want to set up a central W.H.O. hub.  Do we really need more Wuhan Institutes of Virology?

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Remdesivir increases the risk of kidney failure at least 20-fold based on the World Health Organization data

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Remembering President Magufuli of Tanzania, he challenged the WHO and the WEF, expelled Gates and GMO crops, refused Covid-19 jab rollout and the fraudulent PCR test.

Bill Gates' W.H.O condemned him, which would make sense given that Magufuli kicked Gates out of his country, but didn't know that the Catholic Church condemned Magafuli.  The Catholic Church us deserving of its own condemnation, and not just for the young boys some of its priests abuse.