Showing posts with label Tyson Foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyson Foods. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2024

NEW: Chick-fil-A Announcing They Are Going Back On Their Pledge Of ‘No Antibiotic In Chickens’ Tyson Foods & Chick-fil-A “Are reintroducing certain antibiotics to its chicken supply chain”

I stopped eating here too about 3 years ago.  Started getting rotgut from their sandwiches.  Stopped eating at Chipotle years ago.  Got sick each of the three times that I ate there.  And Wendy's got deathly ill from their French Fries.  Oy.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

DEMOCRATS: WE'RE A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS by replacing Americans at the factories

Friday, March 15, 2024

Tyson Foods is firing American workers and replacing them with illegal migrants. Adding insult to injury, Tyson Foods will also provide lawyers to help with "immigration hearings"

And the number of illegals that Big Chicken is hiring is no small number: 40,000 illegals.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Tyson Foods is evil.

Tyson Foods issued a vaccine mandate for its employees.  It originally tried to deny people religious accommodations, and originally told them that pro-life beliefs are not real religious beliefs.  They realized they were going to get sued over that and it was going to cause lots of political trouble, so they reversed course on that.  But their way of giving people religious, or medical accommodations, was to constructively terminate them.  Put them on unpaid leave for one year.  So I filed suit in Dyre County, Tennessee.  We served Tyson very quickly and gave them the courtesy of responding before we filed our request for an injunction.  Went through the process of scheduling it through the court.  The court took time out to make sure the schedule worked.  We met our part of the schedule, and we filed a motion for a preliminary injunction on Friday morning, and then Friday at the close of business, Tyson Foods sent notice that they have removed the case to Federal court, even though there's no grounds.  It's a patently frivolous motion to Notice of Removal.  Tyson knew that a federal court would take too long to rule on remanding it back to state court such that it will be past the timeline for employees to get vaccinated.  So they did this knowing that I had had a call with their counsel.  No surprise, a big Federalist Society, the lawyer that represents them, Greg Grisham,

And more.