Showing posts with label — Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) March 25. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) March 25. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2024

NEW: Chick-fil-A Announcing They Are Going Back On Their Pledge Of ‘No Antibiotic In Chickens’ Tyson Foods & Chick-fil-A “Are reintroducing certain antibiotics to its chicken supply chain”

I stopped eating here too about 3 years ago.  Started getting rotgut from their sandwiches.  Stopped eating at Chipotle years ago.  Got sick each of the three times that I ate there.  And Wendy's got deathly ill from their French Fries.  Oy.

WORDING IN NEW WASHINGTON STATE BILL: “This state wants to give commercial and professional business licenses to people that are here who have already broke the law to be here.”

Here We Go 🚨 Washington State Inching Closer To Justifying Illegal Immigrants Voting In Our Elections By Qualifying Them For Professional Level Jobs Washington residents without permanent legal immigration status will soon be able to get commercial/ professional licenses “The state can no longer deny a commercial or professional license due to the person's Illegal status in the US” “This state wants to give commercial and professional business licenses to people that are here who have already broken the law to be here.” 

“This bill will open doors for careers in teaching, health care, accounting and many other professions to those who are ready to join the Washington workforce” FOR ILLEGALS

“90% of the cheese sold in the U.S. does not use animal rennet and instead uses a genetically modified organism (GMO) version made by Pfizer”

It's the vegetable rennet that you have to look out for.  Look for a rennet made from animals.