Showing posts with label Phil Krause. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phil Krause. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2023

I feel sick.  

I feel sick because I was wrong about two FDA officials who purportedly resigned from the FDA in protest against the approval of the vaccines.  I was wrong.  I'll say it again, I was wrong.  And it only took me one full year to learn of my mistake and to correct it here. 

I made a post with the headline in bold lettering as a kind of breakthrough from institutional corruption, "MARION GRUBER & PHIL KRAUSE: ACTUAL HEROS AT THE FDA."  At that time, June 22, 2022, I was so eager to look for some good news coming out of government institutions that I posted that without critical research to assess and review it like a principled writer.  

The Federal government is made up of a bunch of Madeline Albrights, John McCains, and Lindsey Grahams.  

Okay, dates help to sort things out.  Pfizer applied for EUA on November 20, 2020.  FDA scientist, Marion Gruber, knew the lipid nanoparticles and their payloads were inflammatory in multiple organs, knew they were toxic, and STILL AUTHORIZED THIS FOR EMERGENCY USE ON DECEMBER 11, 2020.

The inflammatory lipid nanoparticles and their payloads collect in the ovaries and other key organs, are not rapidly cleared from the human body and are toxic.

Pfizer scientists knew this before seeking EUA approval from the FDA through the 11/20/2020 EUA application.

FDA scientists led by Marion Gruber knew this when authorizing the product for emergency use on 12/11/2020.

Pfizer, FDA and Gruber withheld this information from the public and knowingly lied each time they described the products as “safe and effective.”


Wednesday, June 22, 2022


Among the reasons Fauci is so popular with journalists is his delight in spreading fear, the bread and butter of America’s corporate media.

The two FDA officials that he mentions at the 1:25 mark are Marion Gruber, Director of the FDA's Office of Vaccines Research & Review and 32-year veteran of the agency, and her Deputy, Phil Krause, who both resigned due to undue political pressure from the Biden Administration and, you guessed it, Dr. Anthony Fauci. 

Starkmanapproved calls them "Unsung heroes,"

I mention this not to cast judgment on the CDC insiders, but rather to provide context in understanding the bravery and character of Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review and a 32-year veteran of the agency, and her deputy, Phil Krause. Gruber and Krause resigned three weeks ago reportedly because of undue political pressure from the Biden Administration and Dr. Fauci to approve Pfizer vaccine boosters for all Americans 16 and over. 

This shocks me.  First time I am hearing of it.  The FDA actually voted in favor of not authorizing the booster.  Wow. 

FDA’s vaccine advisory panel, comprised of the leading vaccine experts in the U.S., on Friday validated the positions of Gruber and Krause, voting overwhelmingly 16-2 not to authorize the boosters, except for people who are 65 and older or at risk of severe disease. 

Unfortunately, the kicker is that the FDA isn't bound by the independent panel's decision. 

The decisive vote gave me hope that doctors and scientists still have some measure of control and influence over America’s pandemic response, although the FDA isn’t bound by the independent panel’s decision. The agency is temporarily overseen by Janet Woodcock, under whose watch an Alzheimer’s drug was approved despite the recommendation of an independent advisory panel. Woodcock is a Biden Administration appointee.

had no idea that Zients was an Obama aide and that Woodcock was a Biden Administration appointee.  The democrats really are running the asylum.

It’s alarming that politics would figure into decisions impacting the health of Americans and others around the world, as the FDA’s decisions carry considerable weight with regulatory agencies of other countries. Biden’s closest advisor and vaccine czar is Jeffrey Zients, a former Obama aide whose only education credential is an undergraduate degree in political science. Zients made millions serving as a healthcare consultant, an industry rife with conflicts and ethically challenged behaviors. A company Zients oversaw owned a controversial anesthesia outsourcing firm that was involved in so-called surprise billing and other questionable practices. Zients isn’t remotely qualified to make scientific determinations. More on Zients can be found here

This is absolutely fascinating. 

Even more alarming is that by Dr. Fauci’s own admission, there’s little science backing up his aggressive advocacy for boosters. As recently as last week, Fauci admitted at a conference that U.S. data so far revealed only an “inkling” that Pfizer’s vaccine lost substantial efficacy after six months. Fauci was relying on Israeli data, which leading experts warn might not be representative of the U.S. experience.

Fauci admittedly is a physician-scientist and immunologist, but interpreting scientific data is a highly specialized function and requires an expertise that the National Institutes of Health, whose infectious disease unit Fauci oversees, doesn’t have.

“It’s no secret that FDA doesn’t have the disease experts in the way that the NIH does,” Diana Zuckerman, a former senior advisor to Hillary Clinton and president of the nonprofit National Center for Health Research in Washington, D.C., told Kaiser Health News. “And it’s no secret that the NIH doesn’t have the experts in analyzing industry data.”   

It has seemed pretty clear to me that Fauci, even when he gets technical on any specifics with the vaccines that, he is mostly about talking points designed to keep people in fear and coralled.  

KHN on Thursday posted a feature that revealed Fauci was scheming as early as January to promote boosters, even before Covid vaccines were widely available. In February, scientists working under Fauci organized an international group of epidemiologists, virologists and biostatisticians to track and sequence covid variants. In March, Fauci’s scientists were experimenting with monkeys and reviewing early data from humans showing that booster shots provided a rapid increase in protective antibodies — even against dangerous variants.

Fauci’s initial thesis was that boosters would be required and he was determined to stick with it regardless of whether real world data supported it. 

Does this say it all about who Anthony Fauci is?  It's not just money, folks, though that too.  It's about power as much as it is about the money.  Why do you think he hasn't retired or even been asked by anyone in authority to retire?  The guy loves power and will do anything, I mean anything, to seize it.  

Among the reasons Fauci is so popular with journalists is his delight in spreading fear, the bread and butter of America’s corporate media. It’s a skill Fauci honed from his AIDS crisis days. In May 1983, after a scientist published a paper in the medical journal JAMA that an infant had contracted AIDS, Fauci created panic with his speculation that the disease could be contracted through household contact, a theory the New York Times and others reported on.

The infant contracted AIDS through pregnancy, but Fauci’s reckless speculation resulted in gays being ostracized because of fears one could contract AIDS from routine contact. Phillip Magness, of the American Institute for Economic Research, has more insights on this. (Be forewarned: the corporate media dismisses the AIER as an irresponsible right-wing think tank. Magness provides links that confirm his allegations.) 

Please read the entire article.  It is a must-read.  

Here is the article he refers to at the 6:30 mark, titled, "BNT162b2 Protection Against the Omicron Variant in Children and Adolescents, . . ."