Thursday, June 8, 2023

I feel sick.  

I feel sick because I was wrong about two FDA officials who purportedly resigned from the FDA in protest against the approval of the vaccines.  I was wrong.  I'll say it again, I was wrong.  And it only took me one full year to learn of my mistake and to correct it here. 

I made a post with the headline in bold lettering as a kind of breakthrough from institutional corruption, "MARION GRUBER & PHIL KRAUSE: ACTUAL HEROS AT THE FDA."  At that time, June 22, 2022, I was so eager to look for some good news coming out of government institutions that I posted that without critical research to assess and review it like a principled writer.  

The Federal government is made up of a bunch of Madeline Albrights, John McCains, and Lindsey Grahams.  

Okay, dates help to sort things out.  Pfizer applied for EUA on November 20, 2020.  FDA scientist, Marion Gruber, knew the lipid nanoparticles and their payloads were inflammatory in multiple organs, knew they were toxic, and STILL AUTHORIZED THIS FOR EMERGENCY USE ON DECEMBER 11, 2020.

The inflammatory lipid nanoparticles and their payloads collect in the ovaries and other key organs, are not rapidly cleared from the human body and are toxic.

Pfizer scientists knew this before seeking EUA approval from the FDA through the 11/20/2020 EUA application.

FDA scientists led by Marion Gruber knew this when authorizing the product for emergency use on 12/11/2020.

Pfizer, FDA and Gruber withheld this information from the public and knowingly lied each time they described the products as “safe and effective.”


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