Showing posts with label Ketogenic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ketogenic. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Psychiatric Diseases Are Metabolic Diseases?

Chris Palmer, Harvard

Chris Palmer from Harvard, he's a professor of Psychiatry at Harvard.  Very interesting guy, but he is reversing schizophrenia, depression, OCD, bipolar, ADHD, and autism by putting people on ketogenic diet.  He found that these psychiatric diseases were actually metabolic diseases.  Major depression, anxiety, ADHD, and autism, if you catch it in time, can be significantly improved in their symptoms and the functioning of their brain and body.  But in kids, it's even more dramatic.  You can actually reverse the damage.

6 Things Palmer Does to Stay Sharp:

1.  I never load up on high-carb foods.
2.  I never take more than 2 days off from exercising.
3.  I never get less than 7 hours sleep. 
4.  I never drink alcohol. 
5.  I'm never done with self-growth.
6.  I never lose sight of my purpose in life. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Heidi Moretti: How to Heal Gut Issues and Improve Your Gut Health

from "Heidi Moretti: How to Heal Gut Issues and Improve Your Gut Health,"

I have to say that the first 30 minutes of this interview was laborious because it didn't offer any specifics beyond what I already knew, but at the 19-minute mark, things started to pick up.  

Here is Heidi's website.

19:09  Meats really important to her health right now are, of course, the bone and marrow, liver, and grass-fed intestines are "game changers," her words, every single day.  She nods to Michael Kummer about his product that's got intestines in it too, and kidney, and things that . . . .  

19:39  Healing in a traditional sense.  We had talked before about how in nature, animals eat the organs first.  I actually witnessed this, Michael, I give this to my cat, I always give my cats and dogs some organ meats, too, and they will eat around, they will eat it first.  We are hardwired to need the nutritional and the components that we can't even fully understand, and these organ meats are beyond . . . we know there are lots of antioxidants, but there are essential biodirectors in organ meats that are healing.  [Biodirectors? A new word, and no explanation.]

20:25  Like certain omnivores . . . we have chickens.  So the other day we had liver pate that was already too long in the freezer and we didn't want to eat it anymore plus my recipe wasn't really that great for that batch, so we fed it to the chickens and they would go nuts.  I mean they have free choice between corn and soy-free organic grains and the best chicken feet we can buy but anytime there is animal protein then look at anything else look at anything else. Chickens are opportunistic omnivores.  They are like insect-leaning omnivores but nevertheless, they will eat whatever plants me and they gravitate to organ and animal protein in general.  Humans are meat-leaning omnivores just look at nature unfortunately many of us have lost the taste and desire to eat organ meats.

22:10. Eating only meats and removing everything else from your diet might lead to the quickest success in healing your gut.  

24:14. There are just so many anti-nutrients in vegetables and fruit and that's Nature's design is to make plants inhospitable to whoever eats them because they also want to survive it's their natural defense to predators so they cause issues for carnate predators.  Most vegans I've met do not stay vegans. 

24:40. 80% or so return to eating meat because of health issues.

24:45. Right they get sick or they have no energy or their gut is wrecked or both they have to come to that on their own. 

25:48. Actually there is research to show that high-quality protein foods actually promote a healthy gut microbiota and that's fairly new.  I talk a lot about that in my book.  No, it's not fiber but high-quality protein that really heals the gut.  Now, that is an about-face for a lot of people.  Not many have read that research.  

26:30. Even animal-based compounds, like colostrum is really beneficial for the gut lining, the gut microbiome, which is definitely an animal-based product.  So at minimum, you can do that.  That helps heal the gut lining.  So my approach tends to be more like pointing out that "these proteins are absorbed really well."  White rice is not as fermentable as onions and garlic.  

27:45. Brown rice has more of the anti-nutrients but plain white rice which is stripped of all the stuff that you don't want.  If you think about it, these carbs aren't really a source of nutrients; you eat them because you like to taste.  We don't need them because there are so many good B vitamins in them; there isn't.  

What's your take on raw milk? 

29:00.  I'm not a milk Drinker I like milk products

29:14. Raw milk is sold as pet food here in Georgia.  But yes we do consume quite a bit of raw milk here I've been making key for out of it.

30:00. Pasteurization makes the milk dead.

31:15. Okay to recap you make sure that your patients get enough high quality protein like organ meats.

32:00. Peppermint is one of the easiest and quickest remedies for IBS.

33:00. Ozone capsules in olive oil?

33:10. Mine was a magnesium ozone compound.  What did you notice? 

33:15. Since we have animals the kids don't wash their hands they grab the chickens, they cuddle with them and occasionally the. get something in their stomach and feel funky for a couple of hours.  And we've noticed that with ozone ozone oil and I don't know the exact mechanism I know how it works against bacterial over growth ozonites reacts immediately to whatever it comes in contact with, so it's not a stable molecule.  Those ozonides that are formed when the ozone gets suspended in olive oil, those seem to be inflammatory in that up regulates your immune system  temporarily.  Ozone destroys bacteria and viruses on contact, which is one of the reasons why it's used in swimming pools as a disinfectant even in dental practices.  The ozone caps are really convenient and effective for acute gut issues.  You just popped two of those and issues go away relatively quickly.  It's a Band-Aid at the end of the day, it's not going to address the root cause.  

35:00. Activated charcoal is a similar concept to just binds everything together

36:00. Alcohol is incredibly toxic for the gut. 

36:45. Yes the effects of alcohol last for a few days especially where the gut is concerned. The gut is an organ that can heal relatively quickly, regenerate cells incredibly quickly, but if there's a shift in your bacterial composition getting it back to baseline can take several days.  Even if you say that "I only drink three times a week," that's enough to keep it perpetually in a bad state. 

38:10. Almost every nutrient is blocked by alcohol

38:15. With a half glass of red wine you only get about half of the nutrients from the steak that you would otherwise.