Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The people of Germany are lining the streets to cheer on the farmers

Germans rejecting Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum?

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Cologne Cathedral is a stunning Gothic church and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Germany, and it took over 600 years to finish

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Germany to Burn Almost 800 Million Unused COVID Masks

$6 billion dollars in mask purchases?  I wished I could have gotten in on that action.  

Germany spent €6 billion ($5.9 billion) on face covers at the start of the pandemic, according to Spiegel. Former Health Minister Jens Spahn was criticized at the time for excessive procurement and for using personal connections to buy masks, steps he defended by citing major supply shortages and a desperation to obtain protective coverings swiftly. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

"Biden was put in power by Davos to liquidate the US."

As to who destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines, it doesn't hurt to ask Cui bono?

And this.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Fossil fuels purchased from Russia since the invasion of Ukraine . . . Who are the biggest hypocrites?

Thanks to EU and Davos energy policies, the German people will pay the biggest price for high-priced energy shortages.  

Friday, November 19, 2021

"They are using this COVID to prevent a civil uprising for they will move to a digital currency ASAP, cancel paper currency, and in 2022 they are looking to default on all debt."

"I have been warning that Schwab is in control of Europe."

Klaus Schwab, his wife, Hilde Schwab, and Markus Soeder.

Martin Armstrong writes

Sources in Germany are all warning that the government intends to impose mandatory vaccines following the ruthless actions of  Austra. The Governor of Bavaria, Germany, Markus Soeder, is also for mandatory vaccinations. I have been warning that Schwab is in control of Europe. The central bank is trapped and cannot escape its negative interest rates and the government really can no longer function because its borrowing capacity has been destroyed. They are using this COVID to prevent a civil uprising for they will move to a digital currency ASAP, cancel paper currency, and in 2022 they are looking to default on all debt. The EU is up against the wall and that is why they have even listened to Schwab and his Marxist Wonderland.