Friday, August 11, 2023

This struck me as funny.  Dr. Barbara O'Neill is all over Facebook and TikTok offering wise and extremely helpful medical insights, insights based on decades if not hundreds of years of practice, testing, and wisdom.  But CIA-controlled Wikipedia uses diction to make her out to be a subversive or terrorist.  Yeah, I will wager that the Rockefeller medical industrial military complex is quite uneasy with her healing prescriptions because it cuts, of course, into a tiny fraction of the bioweapon complex, but even worse is that it sets a narrative against that enemy.  That's the real threat: the narrative. 

Barbara O'Neill is an Australian alternative medicine personality, known for promoting dangerous and unsupported alternative medicine.[1][2][3] She previously presented these treatments at alternative medicine schools, wellness retreats, and Seventh-day Adventist Churches despite not having any recognised qualifications and failing nursing training.[4][5] She is married to Michael O'Neill, the founder of the Informed Medical Options Party, an anti-vaccination and anti-fluoride political group.[5]

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