Sunday, June 18, 2023

LARKSPUR, CA: My contact that sent this video is local military and says it is NOT a drill.

Okay, after posting everything below, I was thinking that NATO's exercise in Ukraine is a dry rehearsal for a military operation against the US.  Wild, I know, but so the different schizophrenic narratives have also been wild from the Dodgers, an American MLB team with a storied history, flips its values right un the face of Catholics.  With the Archbishops and nuns defending the dDodgers' decision, people who have no children of their own.  And if anybody wanted to get out of Southern California, they only have I15 up iver the Cajon Pass and is regularly choked to a standstill.  If you can make it over that pass in 2 hours, you're lucky, and that's without traffic in the high desert.  The other exit is the 10 to Phoenix.  Good luck.

Can anyone confirm?  

In Larkspur, CA in Marin County, the same county that launched the COVID lockdowns before it went nationwide.

In Michigan. Behold A Pale Horse, Milton William Cooper, 1991.

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