Thursday, June 29, 2023

Viktor Orbán: First, we want to know what the huge amount of money we have given so far has been spent on

They want to [take] 50 billion euros from the member states to give to the Ukraine while they cannot even account for the money we have given them so far.  They want more money from the member states so that they can pay the interest on the EU loans previously taken out; these are the loans from which Poland and Hungary have not seen a single cent so far.  Frivolous to say the least.  They want even more money from us for migration but not for border protection but to bring in migrants, and, of course, they didn't forget about their own pockets.  They are asking for billions of euros to raise the salaries of Brussels bureaucrats.  The Hungarian position is clear.  First, we want to know what the huge amount of money we have given so far has been spent on.  Afterwards, we want to know who is responsible for bringing the European Union to the brink of bankruptcy?

Orban…. Badass!

— Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) June 29, 2023

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