Sunday, May 15, 2022

Mushrooms Slow Down Premature Aging Effect

Vitamin E removes the build-up of hydrogen peroxide overload in the body.  Fights against premature wrinkles.  It improves the skin.  The pituitary is storage for a lot of vitamin E, so when you go into menopause and you lose the function of the ovaries because you're not going to have babies anymore, guess what happens?  Your vitamin E drops dramatically.  Premenopausal women have much lower vitamin E levels than they did before that change.  

Maybe deficient in B vitamins because the microbiome of your gut isn't recycling these B vitamins.  I supplement with Biotin which makes my hair thicker, which is nice, but it doesn't do a thing for hair color.  Biotin is a good antidote for alopecia that many experienced from COVID or from the injection.  

The goal here then is to increase the good bacteria in the gut, but how does one do that?  Dr. Berg ends with saying, "Take a really good probiotic."  Well, which one?  

Okay, still no answer as of yet on which is the best probiotic.  In the meantime, he does offer some nutritional compounds that help to prevent graying.  Imagine my surprise when PABA, or B5, was not mentioned.  He lists: 

1.  Catalase, an enzyme that helps breakdown hydrogen peroxide.
2.  Glutathione, the master antioxidant that helps reduce hydrogen peroxide.
3.  Selenium, an antioxidant.
4.  Coconut Oil.  Put this on your scalp, get it into the pours.

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