Wednesday, May 18, 2022

3,000 Babies Born with Microencephalies Following DPTa Vaccine in Brazil. Thanks, Bill & Melinda Gates

I'm not appalled, I'm livid.  Bill Gates and his ghoulish ex-wife need to be removed from life on this planet.  They don't deserve life among normal, good-hearted people of the Americas.  

First, note that there is no date embedded in the above meme.  The event occurred in 2015.  This is odd because the BMGF 

Second, the microencephaly reported in the above meme says that it is caused by the DTP vaccine.  I have no doubt.  But is the cause indirect or direct?  That's a valid question.  Does the DPTa vaccine make children more susceptible to poisons engineered in the GMO mosquitos as they enter the bloodstream of a child with a DPT?  

This morning I learned that the DPTa vaccine given to prevent diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus has caused 3,000 babies in Brazil to be born with microencephaly, born with small brains.  Not easy to validate this from online sources since all the fact-checkers are owned by pharmaceutical companies.  This outlet concedes somewhat,

It has been suggested that DPT vaccines, a combination vaccine for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus, may be responsible for microcephaly. The widespread use of DPT vaccines given during pregnancy in the UK without a proportional rise in microcephaly directly refutes this claim. Another proposed cause is the release of genetically-modified mosquitoes in Brazil in 2015. It is feared that the modified genetic material may somehow make its way into humans. 

U.S. residents should know--make that Florida and California residents should know--that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation released GMO mosquitoes into your territory.  What could possibly go wrong?  Plenty.  Interminable douche bag, Bill Gates and ghoulish ex-wife, Melinda, have warehouses around the world ready to whack any disease with a vaccine, even though the disease states are fairly mild.  But throw a government vaccine into the mix--that's when you get the devastating destruction that tosses parents, family, and caregivers into a maelstrom of unending grief.  And so that is what happened in Brazil in 2015.  From Scientific American

The trouble is they are not sure exactly what is causing the phenomenon or how to address it. They do have one strong suspect—a mosquito-borne disease called Zika that usually causes short-term rashes and joint aches, and is plaguing the same areas in Brazil. There is already evidence the virus can cross the placental barrier: Zika has been detected in the amniotic fluid of two pregnant women with microcephalic fetuses in the state of Paraiba. What’s more, viruses from the same genus have the ability to replicate once they reach the central nervous system, providing some indication of how the viruses could potentially cause microcephaly in the first place.

Zika disease, however, has never been known to cause microcephaly before. (Microcephaly is typically caused by exposure to toxic substances during pregnancy, genetic abnormalities or diseases during pregnancy like rubella or herpes). Then again, scientists also know very little about Zika. In fact, until 2007 there were only sporadic cases of people infected with the virus (at least ones that were laboratory confirmed), with small outbreaks in Africa and Southeast Asia since being discovered in 1947 in Uganda.  

Just last month, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced that they were releasing genetically-modified mosquitoes in Florida and California.  The purported reason?  To kill off an excess of disease-carrying [primarily yellow fever carrying] mosquitoes called the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.  

All government programs, especially the ones backed and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are implemented to separate women from their babies.  All of these programs, start with school curricula.  Kids bring their homework home and the parent sees the new math or the common core curriculum, and asks, "What the f@*%?"  Forcing the parents to relearn a new method that distorts the application of the new method in the real world.  Tom Luongo said it best, 

Can’t imagine how stressful this is for a mother. Can you imagine?  And they did this after letting it be known that vaccinated mothers can transfer spike proteins to the babies through the mother’s breast milk to get women to not breastfeed.  Which was always . . . the goal to separate women from their bodies and then from their primary function as caregivers for children has been going on for 70 years, the whole post-World War II cycle, if not during WWII with the whole Rosy the Riveter propaganda.  They’ve been doing it on purpose because we need to get women to be something other than primary caregivers for children.  It’s why Roe v. Wade is so important for these people, we have to retain the right to murder babies for communism.  Like, this is their ideology. 

Apparently, the same company got permission from the state of Florida to release 1 billion GMO mosquitos in that state.  But with reports that the Zika virus is causing microencephaly, one has to wonder in all of my conspiracy theory glory if these GMO mosquitos aren't equipped with more lethal versions of the Zika virus.  Check out this headline, headlines that are designed to deliver an unfathomable experiment that is always sold as safe and effective.  Note the claims in this article, that the GMO product being dumped into the environment is always, I mean always safe for the environment without concern for people's short or long-term health, 

Oxitec claims this method is “safe” and “environmentally friendly.” It boasts a successful track record with field tests in the Cayman Islands, Panama, Malaysia, and Brazil.  It also notes that the project was approved by the EPA and Florida's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and also has support from the Center for Disease Control and a board of independent advisors. 

All the usual suspects putting their stamp of approval on mass toxicity.

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