Saturday, May 21, 2022


Interesting that smoking causes pancreatic cancer. We tend to think of smoking causing lung cancer, which it does, but it also causes pancreatic cancer. Dr. Berg says that the pancreas is one of the organs harmed by smoking. Alcohol consumption also puts you at risk.  


When it comes to fish oils, the key ingredient is cleanliness.  The oils have to be cleaned to purge as many of toxins, like mercy, and others as much as possible.  The first time I ever tried fish oils was a brand called Norweigan Oils.  It was a liquid that came with a minty flavor.  It was okay.  I didn't detect any nauseous or toxic smell or taste.  But after a week on the product, I noticed a growth on my leg!  Whoa!  Way too fast for something like that to happen.  Could also be that the fish oils stay in your body, perhaps your liver, long after its consumption, and so the growth didn't manifest until after a couple of weeks.  That was interesting.  I had read that you want to purchase oils that are cleaned.  So then I ordered Barry Sears Omega 3s, and he has a page on his website somewhere where he talks about its top refinement process from the University of Guelph.  

·       Freshness: Our proprietary antioxidant blend provides greater stability to protect OmegaRx 2 from oxidation. The TOTOX value, one measure of “freshness”, of each batch of OmegaRx 2 shows we have some of the freshest oil on the market to date.

·         Transparency: We think it’s important that you know the purity, potency, and freshness of OmegaRx 2 which is why we post the values of every lot of OmegaRx 2 post-production on our website. 

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