Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Europe Destroying Europe

14:26  Because the Biden Administration shut down the biggest production of baby formula with Abbott Labs on a spurious report of a couple kids dying that they couldn’t prove . . . from a bacteria at Abbott.  They couldn’t find the bacteria at Abbott, they couldn’t find the bacteria in Abbott’s baby formula, but because 3 babies died while being on that formula must mean that they died from the Abbott baby formula.  They tested the batches and they couldn’t find any lethal bacteria.  So they shut this down for no reason to create this, and now they’re asking for $40 billion dollars to keep Ukraine running after the $13.6 billion dollars they already spent: $53 billion dollars!  And as Rand Paul reminded us, that’s more money than we take in from gas taxes to fix the roads.  So it’s clear that they’re in the process of burning everything to the ground.  And they’re just accelerating the process by which you can do when you push back.  And you were right to push back to remind everybody what their agenda actually is.  Perfectly reasonable.  They’re not going to pull it off.  Do you think this is going to play with American voters in November?  Even Democrats, who are now paying $6/gallon for gasoline.  And there’s going to be diesel rationing on the east coast.  Food shortages . . . are going to be localized.  But now you’re seeing baby formula is in short supply.  We’re going to have to starve babies for communism.  Can’t imagine how stressful this is for a mother. 

Can you imagine?  And they did this after letting it be known that vaccinated mothers can transfer spike proteins to the babies through the mother’s breast milk to get women to not breastfeed.  Which was always . . . the goal to separate women from their bodies and then from their primary function as caregivers for children has been going on for 70 years, the whole post-World War II cycle, if not during WWII with the whole Rosy the Riveter propaganda.  They’ve been doing it on purpose because we need to get women to be something other than primary caregivers for children.  It’s why Roe v. Wade is so important for these people, we have to retain the right to murder babies for communism.  Like, this is their ideology.  You have the right to murder your child, and I have the right to say I don’t want to associate with you.  The state should not be involved in any way.  Roe v. Wade was bad law.  It was a bad case.  You want to murder your child, you go right ahead and do so.  You live with the consequences of it.  18:25 

Now importantly to understand that this is all part of the same process.  They now have pushed this anti-female agenda to radicalize it for a midterm election.  Normally, they only bring this up during a presidential election.  They’re so desperate that they’re bringing it up during a midterm election.   This is not about winning an election.  This is about radicalizing the left to start burning the frigging buildings.  They’re going on a burning spree this summer.  They’re going to be killing abortion doctors, they’re going to go after judges, they’re going to go after governors they don’t like, they’re going to go after Supreme Court justices, they’re going to go after everybody.  19:28 

This is your Leninist nightmare writ large. 

This summer will be the equivalent of Antifa and BLM, but a female version.  They’re trying to gin up the outrage of women and try to keep them in that hyper state of insanity to get them to show up to the polls or at least have the excuse that they all showed up to the polls to cover their massive voter fraud campaign that you know they have in place.  20:10

Here is one example of what the Left will do to get votes.

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