Wednesday, May 25, 2022

"I can't believe that you're a sick son-of-a-bitch that would come to deal like this and make a political issue"

Beto O'Rourke is running cover not only for the World Economic Forum by trying to make gun control the front issue immediately following the horrific tragedy of shooting children at Uvalde Elementary School in Texas.  He's also running cover for the Gladio forces that handled the kid who shot up the school.  I mean even by his own standards, the reckless crashing of the truck and sloppily leaving gear all around the school to track to the suspect is deliberately sloppy.   

By the way, none of the corporate press, or regime stenographers, have been able to identify the sheriff who shouted at O'Rourke to leave.  Oh, no.  Nothing specific from the regime at all.  Check out how they refer to the sherrif.  The PostMillennial describes him as "one man," 

"I can't believe you're a sick son of a b*tch who would come to a deal like this to make a political issue," one man is heard yelling at O'Rourke, shortly before he was escorted away by police.

The HuffPost is quite capable of identifying Governor Abbott or Lt. Governor, Dan Patrick, but finds themselves at a loss at identifying the most vocal sheriff on stage who shouts O'Rourke down.  HuffPost describes the sheriff as "One of them repeatedly shouted back, “Sir, you are out of line!”

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