Friday, May 6, 2022

Long COVID Caused by Prior Trauma?

Thanks to Magnesium Girl.

I guess this is in line with the "co-morbidities," a tortured phrase that nauseates the mind.  But if you'd had any life experiences at all, like giving birth, a work or sports injury, perhaps a surgery, a high-stressed job for many years and a Type A personality, then we're all vulnerable to "Long COVID." And given these broad, ever-changing definitions of COVID itself, it means that the constellation of symptoms are all over the map and could easily be diagnosed as something else.  How do we know what what COVID is?  PCR antibody tests have proven ineffective.  The SARS-CoV-2 virus itself has yet to be isolated or seen under a microscope  All we have is the medical community's description of it.  In fact, the entire concept of virology has come under question of whether or not viruses even exist.  The Terrain Theory folks hold that what the medical community asserts as viruses are really just cellular debris from your cells expelling toxins.  Meaning that the debris is not so much a causative agent as much as it is the result of a natural metabolic process in your body.  And that the medical community's testing procedures have even come under not just scrutiny but discredited.  And depending on who you are, your vaccination status, "Long COVID" for you means one thing, while for someone unvaccinated it could mean something else.  And given that the vaccines--all of them--have proven not only to be ineffective at protecting or boosting immunity, it has proven to crush your immunity.  And for what, for a virus that one, may not exist, or two, that is as innocuous as a cold virus?  What is it then that actually causes Long COVID?  

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