Saturday, May 7, 2022

ALL HEALTH [& ILLNESS] STARTS IN THE GUT. You Are What You Eat: Gut Microbiota Linked to Distinct Personality Types

The study, which was published recently in the journal Nutrients, suggests there are distinct bacteria and metabolomes associated with each personality trait.  

The team that conducted the study was interdisciplinary,

This study is a strong example of team science with a multidisciplinary collection of scholars,” Smith said. “The team represents physical therapy, biology, physiology, chemistry, microbiology and public health. This gives multiple perspectives that can work collectively to interpret and report scientific findings.”

. . . one of the researchers on the study [observed], “Gut microbiome may be influencing the way you are, not just the way you are today. These findings are more suggestive than definitive, but they have contributed to our understanding of what gut health can do and how it makes people feel.”

The research team studied the correlation between mental energy (ME), mental fatigue (MF), physical energy (PE), physical fatigue (PF) and the gut microbiome. It found that bacteria and metabolome associated with metabolism were associated with either mental or physical energy, while bacteria associated with inflammation were associated with mental or physical fatigue.

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