Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Who is the ghoul, you ask?  Professor Dennis Meadows. Note the universities where he's taught.  He's not just one of these woke professors, no, he's one of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum's lieutenants.

Wow. These World Economic Forum fetid f'cks, aka, eugenicists, depopulation a'holes are not happy until you comply with their wishes by offing yourself . . . for the greater good, of course.  It's a remarkable and monstrous exploitation of religious eschatology or end times, where they seduce you into adopting the identity of your God, the aloof but personal holy spirit, the forgiving and compassionate Lord, the suffering and sacrificial lamb who died on the cross until you are transposed and become one with God, a holy being worthy of God's love to qualify for a chosen seat at His right hand.  That is what the elites want from you, that's what their propaganda campaign across 2020 and 2021 called up in you.  It's what Jim Jones did to his people, the People's Temple, a religious movement of the 1970s, who called his people to a mass suicide pact in Guyana.  The parallels are unmistakable.  Except this time, it's not led by Jim Jones, it's led by Anthony Fauci.  And it's not the People's Temple, but a secular temple called the American body politic.  It's Anthony Fauci who has called people to drink the Kool-Aid, and when there's a rustling of resistance to it, Fauci threatens more lockdowns, doubles down with the Kool-Aid injections, calling them boosters.  It's the same thing.  Same dynamic.  Similar hierarchy.  First, Jim Jones got his members to agree that they shared the same enemy: a hostile, racist society.  For Fauci, the enemy were asymptomatic carriers of a "deadly" disease.  This construct set up the fear of an unknowable but ubiquitous threat that killed the American mind more than it did any people.  Then Jones presented the solution: paradise outside of the United States, in the lush jungles of exotic Guyana. Fauci, too, presented his solution: an untested, emergency authorized vaccine that promised unheard of protection, protection so good that he had to force it on you by proxy through your employer.  For those who took the jab, it was 1978 all over again.  Just as Jim Jones exploited his People's Temple with an exclusive paradise in the jungles of South America, Fauci offered his people a rare chance at exclusive protections that if you didn't understand the science of the mRNA, you at least understood the ethics, and mindfulness, of Catholic social teaching with slogans like, "We're all in this together" and "Wear a mask to protect others, and ask your neighbor to wear one to protect you," and "Your mask protects me, and my mask protects you."  And to serve the greater good, the virtuous became Fauci's footmen.  

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