Saturday, May 14, 2022

Benfotiamine Helps with Nerves, Eyes, Kidney, & Heart Tissue, and Can Penetrate 3-5x Deeper into the Tissues

too many refined carbohydrates, like pastas and refined flour deplete B1, also taking alcohol, dextrose [which is in a lot of products], chemotherapy, HIV, kidney disease, refined carbohydrates, fructose [as in high fructose corn syrup], Dr. Berg


Bill Sardi explained years ago that Benfotiamine is the anti-Alzheimer's nutritional compound. And as good as Benfotiamine is it requires sufficient magnesium in your blood to do its job.  Ann Louise Gittelman reminds us that Benfotiamine works, in part, 

by helping to dissolve amyloid-beta build up in the brain. 

So if you're concerned about amyloid-beta build-up in the brain that can lead to all sorts of age-related cognitive disabilities, like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Mad-Cow Disease, or any other caused by amyloid plaque, you should be taking Benfotiamine on a regular basis. Bill Sardi says that it is THE nutritional compound to prevent macular degeneration.  So there's that.  

Interesting is his point that the human body is designed to rely on thiamine/vitamin B1, writing, 

it has also been documented that as a total oxygen-less state develops in tissues (ischemia/hypoxia), molecular transporters of thiamine are increased on hemoglobin, evidence the body is designed and relies upon thiamine naturally for dynamic defense against oxygen-deprivation.  Like I said, interesting.  When was the last time that your doctor pointed this out to you? 

At the end of this video, he says that what you want is an unfortified nutritional yeast to correct a B1 deficiency.  See above. 

1. Raynaud’s Syndrome

2. Morning Sickness & Hypersensitivity to Odors

3. Increased heart rate.  A lot of folks who got the vaccine have been experiencing this.  One woman on Twitter said that she woke up every morning with a racing heart, an experience that lasted for 3 months.  Benfotiamine would have helped with that. 

4. Edema.  Most of us associate this with excessive sodium intake, but it could be a Benfotiamine deficiency.  Interesting distinction here: wet beriberi is a cardiovascular problem, while dry beriberi is a nervous system problem.  

5. Psychosis.  Yep.  This could be brought on by sleep deprivation, excessive coffee consumption, or working in an environment where there is no one you can trust.  Peter Breggin made that latter point. 

6. Shortness of breath.  Air hunger, especially at night, is a B1 deficiency.  

7. Dizzy when going from a sitting to a standing position.  I endured this periodically over several years.  Even as a kid, if I were playing outside in the yard and twisted my body or jerked my head too fast, I’d see stars.  That sounds like a B1 deficiency.  B1 deficiency is failure to adapt to stress, gravity, you name it.  

Be sure to take a look at another video by Dr. Berg, titled, "12 Ways You Can Get Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency," Dr. Eric Berg, May 7, 2019. 

What I find fascinating about B1 deficiency is that it manifests itself in a variety of ways.  I liked what he said about diuretics that will deplete vitamin B1 plus all of the water-soluble vitamins, like vitamin C and potassium.  Not good.  Coffee drinkers be forewarned.  One of the side effects of taking metformin is lactic acidosis., which also is a function of a B1 deficiency.  You can get rid of lactic acidosis in 24 hours just by taking Thiamine.  Hello.  

There's a condition that involves a B1 deficiency that targets the mammillary bodies in the brain, where the mammillary bodies start shrinking and there's a connection between that brain structure and producing new memories.  Taking an unfortified nutritional yeast is a good source, and what you'll notice is that your stress goes down and your energy comes up.  

"Subclinical Vitamin B1 Deficiency: Causes and Symptoms," Dr. Eric Berg, November 26, 2017.  In this video, he reminds us that too many refined carbohydrates, like pastas and refined flour, now get this, deplete B1.  This video has a good title, too, "Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency: The Great Imitator of Other Illnesses," Dr. Eric Berg, October 14, 2018.  

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