Saturday, December 26, 2020

"Attorneys have been threatened NOT TO HELP PEOPLE"

Attorneys have been threatened NOT TO HELP PEOPLE?!?!?!?

If a company is private and is entitled to creating any policy it wants, then why are companies complying with CDC recommendations?  By deferring to a pseudo-government/private entity, the CDC, companies put more muscle behind their policies whether it’s a mask mandate, six-feet apart, or taking 2 Tylenol as a condition for entering their store.

Is this a way to give any policy they create more weight

33 mins. 

Why are they citing the CDC and the public health orders, that are not even laws, that they have to comply with?  You guys got to think this through, and I hope that the sheriff is listening and I hope the police are listening: you guys are part of the problem.  Think!  And I know you know what the truth is anyway.  I know you do, and you’re just afraid to lose your job and that is pathetic.  You should be fired!

You are practicing medicine without a license.

35 mins.

Is it fancy pants and lollipops?  Is it a bribe that you’ve received?  Is it a promise for a promotion?  Do they have something on you?  Have you compromised yourself?  Whether it’s sexual, whether it’s theft, I just don’t know.  What I do know is that each of you is . . . what I can’t reconcile in my mind is how you can sell out your own children and grandchildren, throw them right under the bus. 

38 mins.

How much money do you think they got in April from the disaster funds?  Palm Beach County with a 2020 population of 1,510,660 received $261 million.  Over a quarter of a billion dollars.  That’s just to start in April.  I don’t know what else they received.  Chapter 252: Disaster funds.  In Florida statutes.  You’ve got the Florida mutual aid plan.  You’ve got FEMA.  Emergency Management Systems Compact.  Emergency Use Authorization.  The CARES Act.  Other things, including insurance monies.  That’s what they’re doing.  They’re bailing themselves out. 

If these counties rescind any of the mandates, they need to return the federal relief funds. 

40  just file a complaint.  And submit it to whom?  They will try to head you off by sending you on a fool’s errand. 

49  The department heads are lying.  The judges are lying.  They’re all lying.  They’re overtly lying and they know it.  They know the law.  It’s no mystery. 

Start with an administrative agency, the Human Rights Commission.  You have something like this in every state.  The state agency is not going to help you at all.  They’re part of the problem; they’re perpetuating the problem.  But you still have to do that, because the court can’t hear it.  Because the court’s gonna say, “you still have to do something with the state agency; otherwise, I don’t have jurisdiction.

Don’t listen to these people; go ahead and make your complaint.

If your gov’t agency is acting outside of its mandate, that means that they’re not immune. 

52  The Uncle Odd Show’s “Notice of Liability.”  Notice of liability is conditional acceptance of their offer.  A mandate is an offer.  They have to prove, 1) that the virus exists, 2) that social distancing is medically effective, and 3) that masks work.  And they have 21 days to be able to do that.  When they don’t, which they won’t, then you send out a second notice, because that’s the honorable thing to do.  You give them another 14 days to comply.  The 14 days will pass and they will not have responded.  At that point, at the end of the 14 days, they will be in default.  So I’ll send a notice of default.  There are 8 or 9 steps to this process, but the end of that it will be their conditional acceptance of my notice of Liability.  Now they are liable.  Their office is liable.  And they are liable as a man or a woman, where I understand it, I can file liens against their office and against them personally.  



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