Monday, December 21, 2020

Dr. Carrie Madej on C-19 Vaccines Under Development: "One tiny little change can make a disastrous result."

Who is Dr. Carrie Madej? 
Dr. Madej is a DO, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, and Internal Medicine Specialist in McDonough, GA who has over 19 years of experience in the medical field.  She graduated from Kansas City Univ Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001.
Her Twitter page is @DrMadej.  

Here is my transcript of the first 6 minutes of this 29-minute interview.  She is excellent; the interview is excellent and time well spent if you're at all concerned about the short, but more importantly, the long-term effects of the C19 vaccines.  
We are skipping safety trials.  We are skipping animal trials.  And people need to know that this is not a safe vaccine; this has not been proven to be safe.  The reason why they're skipping the animal trials is that the previous attempts in the last 20 years, to try a very similar vaccine because this is a very different one, has been a failure to the animal studies.  For instance, with the animal studies in the past when they gave this kind of modified mRNA or modified mDNA, the animals looked very robust with their immune systems at first.  Wow!  It looked like a success.  Antibody levels went up in the blood cells as well as the T-Cells response improved.  Great.  But in animal studies, they do something called a challenge test; that's not ethical in human tests, only animal tests.  Meaning after they look good on the blood samples, they then give the animals the virus or the bacterial or they expose them to the virus or the bacteria, and that's when we saw a lot of problems happen.  Every time the animals actually had a cytokine response, an inflammatory response, meaning they had a worsened response when they were exposed to the virus or bacteria.  They were sicker.  They had more lung inflammation, more liver issues, and more deaths happened.  So if this happened almost every time with previous vaccines of this nature, we can expect this to happen with this one, this very one they're trying to introduce on us.  Let's say they do give this vaccine--everything looks fine on everybody, right?  And then what if they're exposed to the common cold or the common flu or the CV-20 or whatever?  I expect, as well as my colleagues, there will be more deaths, more morbidity, more issues, and I would suspect that they wouldn't blame it on the vaccine, because the vaccine manufacturers have no liability right now.  They would say "Well, that's the nature of the new viruses that's out."  They would blame it on that.  We need to be very careful because this vaccine is not safe based on previous data that we have.  Also, this vaccine is new on the human race.  Never before has it been unveiled.  They are messing with the DNA, the RNA, the genome, the genes--these are all the same kinds of words to be used on the very same thing.  Our genome is what makes us human.  It's the blueprint for us: what makes us grow, what makes us reproduce, what makes us evolve, what makes us heal.  It's everything the body needs to know what to do.  So when they are manipulating that in any way, one tiny little change can make a disastrous result.  It can result in cancers, mutagenesis, mutant genes, auto-immune disorders, so this could be later term effects from this.  This is brand new.  The studies aren't being done propertly. 
Thanks to Robert Wenzel's post "A Warning About COVID 19 Vaccines" at TargetLiberty.  

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