Saturday, December 26, 2020

Japan, like Sweden, is a crucial control country with no lockdown. Japan got almost no impact.

Ivor Cummins.  Who is he?  

Find him on Twitter at @FatEmperor

Japan and other Asian countries had incredible low death rates.  And they matched New Zealand, but nobody wants to talk about them.  

Tom reviewed some of the headlines in April at the time that the death rates were falling off in Asia, explaining that all of the mainstream media had grim predictions for Japan and absolutely none of them occurred.  

Did we get an apology, a re-think of this?  No, they're onto the next country.  Or if they have to talk about Japan, they'll stumble around and say they wore masks or something.  They don't even know what happened.  

"Japan's Coronavirus Is Too Little, Too Late," William Pesek, WaPo, April 10, 2020.

"Did Japan Miss Its Chance to Keep the Coronavirus In Check?" Dennis Normile, Science Magazine, April 22, 2020.  

Japan, like Sweden, is a crucial control country with no lockdown.  So Japan, in a brief summary, Japan got almost no impact.  Wow!  So if you look at the graphs in Europe for the deaths per million, the big curves, and you plot Japan, you can't see it.  It's that low.  And even the most dedicated mask-o-path, whose pushing the mask, will acknowledge that it will reduce some forms of transmission . . . maybe.  So it's not masks in Japan, because look at the mortality curves.  It's basically huge humps (in Europe) versus nothing (in Japan).  So it's not masks.  

I really liked this quote of his: 

Then there was this on December 7th, 2020.  

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