Monday, December 28, 2020

Will the Karens stop socializing personal responsibility? Physician, heal thyself.

The fact that Americans are following the mask mandate is the best example of an American psychosis.  Notice how the store clerk offers her a mask AFTER she's already told the clerk that she's not going to wear one.  This is a clear example of these Karens presuming that they know more about disease, health, and immunity than you do.  

At the 00:12 second mark, the masked woman says, 

Whenever there's a flu, there are only two or three patients in the ICU at a time.  Literally, the entire hospital is a COVID unit and this has never happened.  

The trouble with remarks like these is that they lack context and authority.  Everyone is trying to grasp some authority in their efforts to police and force others to comply with their desired aversion to any risk.  They've been given just enough information to turn them into street epidemiologists, but that just ain't working.  

I was in a grocery store last summer that required masks.  I wore a mask because there was something in the store I wanted.  But I wore the mask off my nose.  The clerk who knows me and has been friendly with me says, "You know, the masks only work if you wear them properly."  I looked at her with her mask covering her face and said, "Well, you're wearing a mask, aren't you."  That absolutely crushed her.  She replied, "That's not how it works," as though wearing the mask was a charade and the game in which "we're all in this together" comes with a set of prescribed rules.  Suddenly, the health benefits of the mask were reduced to a charade.  So the wearing a mask was a game, and wearing them properly meant following certain rules set by SOME unknown authority.  This is American psychosis.  

The lead up to this current medical psychosis began the day that Donald Trump was elected.  The barrage of attacks against him have been unremittant--from the Russian collusion to the Russian hoax to Stormy Daniels to his dodging impeachment, his attackers have been legion and unrelenting.  The four years since his election consisted of a psychosis that only primed Americans for further derangement during the 2020 COVID.   

Asymptomatic spread has been shown to be a myth.

Correct.  Asymptomatic means you're healthy.  Period.  Dot.


Fewer deaths overall in 2019 than there were in 2018.  

I think she misspoke.  I think she wanted to compare 2020 deaths to 2019 deaths, meaning that there were fewer deaths in 2020 than in 2019.  To the point, she's asking, "Where is the pandemic?"  

All they've done is recategorize all the deaths.  This is not what they're telling us what it is.  It's a lie. 

Then at the 00:53 second mark, in walks, a mummified American or zombie, holding out a mask, her voice muffled by her virtue-signaling deviant narrative and deadened by her following orders given to her by the media.  The masked woman has adopted an uncritical narrative that she feels compelled to force on others FOR THEIR OWN GOOD.  When will these Karens stop socializing personal responsibility?  the woman offering a mask is wearing both a plastic visor AND a mask.  Oh, God.  What a frightened kitten.  Has she ever heard of zinc, vitamin D or vitamin C? 


For everyone to put all this stuff on their face when they're healthy is insanity.  

And then the real idiocy erupts with the statement, "You're willing to risk people's lives?"  That is the most evil statements I've heard surrounding this cold virus.  

I'm not risking anyone's life.  I'm healthy!  


How do we know that you're healthy? 

What a monster.  That masked monster is only baiting the young gal and forcing her to defend herself, while not crediting a single point that she's making.  Truly mummified women in masks.

Look at me.  Asymptomatic spread is not a thing. They've already shown there is not asymptomatic spread.  I don't have symptoms.  I'm fine.  I'm not a carrier of a disease.  This is what I am saying--they're treating us like we're diseased.  You just said, "How is this treating you like you're diseased, but you're   It's not just the mask.  It's the social distancing.  It's the lockdowns.  It's everything.  I'm not doing it anymore.  I'm not doing it anymore.  I'm done. 

And here is the coup de grace by the masked Karen, 

You're not in a position to be careful with other people's health.  

That masked mummy is psychotic, either that or a criminal  She would do well in the old Soviet Union.  

And then the nastiest of the nasties, 

You're moving tomorrow, right? 

I guess that the masked moron is giddy with destroying civilization.  

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