Thursday, November 30, 2023

“[W]hen all these influencers on... [the] health freedom side... say, ‘Oh, we found contaminants, the DNA plasmids, [etc.]… well, in the US law its clearly spelled out that this EUA countermeasure shall not be deemed an adulterated or misbranded product no matter what.”

Here is the law to which Latypova refers.  

“A lot of cases were filed litigating and complaining about things like, ‘Oh, we were forced to take experimental products… and then they get thrown out and the judge writes, ‘These are not experimental products.’ Well, guess what? The judge is correct,” Latypova says. “And that’s how they do it. They create this pseudo-legal structure so you don’t have to bribe the judge.”

The retired pharma executive adds, “So when people are saying, well judges are… bought by pharma, or politicians are bought by pharma, [that’s wrong]. They make the structure such that you don’t have to bribe the judge for them to issue this decision that is actually solidifying the whole structure and making the case law that [the C19 injections] are not experimental, you shouldn’t complain, everything is fine.”

Down 50 lbs from high to low. This is why I believe in it, not because I like to sell meat.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

CHARLIE MUNGER: In 1953, Munger was 29 years old. Recently divorced. Lost the house. Huge social stigma of divorce back then.

My favorite Charlie Munger story: 

In 1953, Munger was 29 years old. 

Recently divorced. Lost the house. Huge social stigma of divorce back then. 

His 8-year-old son, Teddy, was diagnosed with cancer. 

The leukemia was incurable. 

No medical insurance - Munger paid for all his medical care.

Charlie would visit Teddy in the hospital every day -- and then walk the streets crying. 

Teddy died at the age of 9. Charlie was broke, divorced and just lost his child. 

99.9% of people would've turned to alcohol, drugs, or suicide. (And you'd understand why)

Munger never did. 

Fast forward to 52 years old, a failed surgery left him blind in one eye with the potential of going fully blind one day. 

Charlie was an obsessive learner who read every book he could get his hands on. 

When confronted with the possibility of going blind and no longer being able to read he said: 

"It's time for me to learn braille!" 

The only thing that might be more impressive than his intellect was his actions.  


BREAKING: Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger dead at 100

I wasn't raised in the Soviet Union, but this event feels almost equal to that of Stalin's passing in 1953. 

Kissinger was the author of the 1974 NSSM 200, National Security Study Memorandum, Implication of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests, December 10, 1974.


The D4 lecture series, Democratic Defense Against Disinformation and Democracy, 2017.  

When they started plotting how to exploit platforms' reliance on advertiser income to get them to censor political movements, to get platforms to censor opposition political movements to basically Washington Uniparty political parties around the world.  This was again after they lost the Philippines election, the Brexit Referendum, and the Trump election.  And they're sitting there . . . this is why I use the term "censorship industry," it was supposed to be the inverse of what they refer to as the fake news industry or the . . . they came up with this idea that if you want to kill opposition political parties who oppose the foreign policy establishment, it's too late to try to censor them at the story level; you have to censor them at the institution level and the way to do that is to bankrupt them, and the way to bankrupt them is to kill their ability to monetize eyeballs.  Because the whole thing was they were afraid that MSM, which is backdoors with intelligence and the Defense sector was getting overtaken by new media, social media, and they were able to have this business model to compete with them because they were getting all these eyeballs, and eyeballs can be advertised through ads.  So they came up with a plan to kill the ads.  From the early, early outset of the censorship industry, it was all custom-made to kill ads.  And here we are in 2023, I talk a lot about "the great man theory of history" and how I used to think that history was about systems and incentives, the complex tapestry of how a whole society is organized.  Frankly, at the end of the day, a lot of it is just one great man doing a great thing that another person wouldn't have done, and it upsets the whole apple cart of all your incentives, all your pretty little incentives, carrots, and sticks and structures they go all out the window because one person had balls of steel.  I'm looking at this quote from Elon as like everything they've lined up over the past years, the whole society, the censorship industry model, government agencies, the private sector mercenaries firms, the civil society ad-killing institutions, the pumped-up media allies, the fact-checking orgs, all of them, the confederacy of dunces, all in alignment, that's when you know that a genius has appeared, right?  To have all that pressure and for him to just say "Go f*** yourself," frankly, if I was an ad-boycotting advertising company and the boot heel was off my neck from Media Matters or the ADL, or the Pentagon or the State Dept. and I could come up for air to think clearly for a second, I would respect the hell out of someone who told me, "Go f*** yourself" in that situation because it's really the most honest form of saying, "this is the value that we provide."  Take it or leave it.  And the challenge now is for X to build itself into a state of independence, which is why I propose that freedom-loving state governments actually be providing premium state government services for government agencies.  I think that the X marketplace once the e-commerce is linked up to help people buy and sell goods over the internet but to do it over the X platform and take their little cut; anything that can be done to wean off ads because the ads are attached to the whole chamber of commerce set which is attached to the foreign policy blob.  It feels like a historic day just to have Elon's statement on record.  You can't blackmail; it's not going to work.  This one instance on this one day, principle triumphs over profit.