Showing posts with label Mike Benz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Benz. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


The D4 lecture series, Democratic Defense Against Disinformation and Democracy, 2017.  

When they started plotting how to exploit platforms' reliance on advertiser income to get them to censor political movements, to get platforms to censor opposition political movements to basically Washington Uniparty political parties around the world.  This was again after they lost the Philippines election, the Brexit Referendum, and the Trump election.  And they're sitting there . . . this is why I use the term "censorship industry," it was supposed to be the inverse of what they refer to as the fake news industry or the . . . they came up with this idea that if you want to kill opposition political parties who oppose the foreign policy establishment, it's too late to try to censor them at the story level; you have to censor them at the institution level and the way to do that is to bankrupt them, and the way to bankrupt them is to kill their ability to monetize eyeballs.  Because the whole thing was they were afraid that MSM, which is backdoors with intelligence and the Defense sector was getting overtaken by new media, social media, and they were able to have this business model to compete with them because they were getting all these eyeballs, and eyeballs can be advertised through ads.  So they came up with a plan to kill the ads.  From the early, early outset of the censorship industry, it was all custom-made to kill ads.  And here we are in 2023, I talk a lot about "the great man theory of history" and how I used to think that history was about systems and incentives, the complex tapestry of how a whole society is organized.  Frankly, at the end of the day, a lot of it is just one great man doing a great thing that another person wouldn't have done, and it upsets the whole apple cart of all your incentives, all your pretty little incentives, carrots, and sticks and structures they go all out the window because one person had balls of steel.  I'm looking at this quote from Elon as like everything they've lined up over the past years, the whole society, the censorship industry model, government agencies, the private sector mercenaries firms, the civil society ad-killing institutions, the pumped-up media allies, the fact-checking orgs, all of them, the confederacy of dunces, all in alignment, that's when you know that a genius has appeared, right?  To have all that pressure and for him to just say "Go f*** yourself," frankly, if I was an ad-boycotting advertising company and the boot heel was off my neck from Media Matters or the ADL, or the Pentagon or the State Dept. and I could come up for air to think clearly for a second, I would respect the hell out of someone who told me, "Go f*** yourself" in that situation because it's really the most honest form of saying, "this is the value that we provide."  Take it or leave it.  And the challenge now is for X to build itself into a state of independence, which is why I propose that freedom-loving state governments actually be providing premium state government services for government agencies.  I think that the X marketplace once the e-commerce is linked up to help people buy and sell goods over the internet but to do it over the X platform and take their little cut; anything that can be done to wean off ads because the ads are attached to the whole chamber of commerce set which is attached to the foreign policy blob.  It feels like a historic day just to have Elon's statement on record.  You can't blackmail; it's not going to work.  This one instance on this one day, principle triumphs over profit. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

". . . both the Yankee Democrat New York left-wing world in the foreign policy establishment and the Houston Cowboy Republican right-wing world in the foreign policy establishment who now have an economic incentive to destabilize the present government in the country of Israel."

So our own military is oriented towards this Iranian Energy play, something to consider when you think about this reveal about the Iranian spy network within the US Military.  --Mike Benz

Iran signed a $400 billion dollar trade deal in which Iran would export energy to China, which can't produce enough energy on its own. 

5:30. If China is getting revenue from the Iranian energy market, and the Biden faction is partnering with the Chinese energy firms in doing so, the Biden family and its stakeholders around this NATO Atlantic Council Network have a huge vested interest in basically destabilizing the Likud Party government, putting in a party like the Blue and White in Israel and then cleaning up on profits by cracking open the 2nd largest natural gas reserves in the entire world for them to profit off of.  That's a lens through which you might want to look at the current conflict and when you look at the $6 billion dollars recently released to Iran and the neutrality on this and even the positive framing of some of these attacks by the New York Times and other institutions, you may want to consider the money picture. Some critical additional context: I mentioned that Iran sits on the world's #2 largest supply of natural gas.  Do you know who sits on the #1 supply?  Russia.  6:35. So this is part of this whole play of, do you maximum pressure Russia and partner with Iran? Or do you maximum pressure Iran and partner with Russia?  This is the crux of the foreign policy struggle between Trump World in NATO. When the JCPOA, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, i.e., the Iran Nuclear Deal was getting negotiated and ultimately finalized in 2014, eight years before a hot war broke out in Eastern Ukraine. The plan was to kill Gazprom and then find other sources of natural gas to fit the extensive Transit pipeline architecture that Ukraine had as the Gateway into Central and Eastern Europe because of all of Europe was basically dependent in large part on Russian gas.  So what you had there was a plan that maybe Iran, if it could be popped open and there could be Western energy stakeholders on the transits, that Iranian gas could replace Russian gas.  And one of the ways that it would do so would be transit through Azerbaijan.  Azerbaijan is the home of the Darth Cheney Death Star if you will.  If you look at the US Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce, a few years ago like 2008, it was Dick Cheney, Richard Armitage, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, who's actually the named Center for the main Atlantic Council geopolitics folks.  It was a who's who of Houston energy mafia folks.  In fact, Iran and Azerbaijan, just two years ago in 2020, signed this big gas-swap agreement.  And some you have a threat to the security and stability of Israel that is really never happened in this country before because you have both the Yankee Democrat New York left-wing world in the foreign policy establishment and the Houston Cowboy Republican right-wing world in the foreign policy establishment who now have an economic incentive to destabilize the present government in the country of Israel.  Now how that plays out and what's ultimately done in response is going to set the stage for the next two decades of geopolitics.

9:07. Another thing to connect this to is the reveal of the massive Iranian spy ring within the US Military that was recently unearthed.  Lee Smith from Tablet has this spectacular piece on this there is also a big scandal going on right now with a high-ranking DOD official who turned out to have this huge interface with Iranian intelligence a lot of people were surprised by that news not me because the biggest pusher of the JCPOA, signed in 2015, the Iran nuclear deal was the Atlantic Council, which again had a cooperation agreement to kick energy deal to Burisma; that is, they were financially sponsored by Burisma to kick them energy deals.  They actually signed it one day before Trump took office in 2017.

9:52.  So the Atlantic Council has been the biggest pusher of this Iran nuclear deal, and you know who funds the Atlantic Council?  The US Department of Defense; in fact, every branch of it: the Marines, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Army, all make separate individual contributions to the Atlantic Council.  So our own military is oriented towards this Iranian Energy play, something to consider when you think about this reveal about the Iranian spy network within the US Military.

10:28. One last thing, I'm not weighing in on the substance of the foreign policy; that's not my main focus.  My main focus is internet censorship, so what does all of this have to do with internet censorship? Internet censorship is often the leading indicator of how the foreign policy establishment is skating to where the puck is going.  So, for example, for a long time, there have been prohibitions by Google and Facebook on paramilitary violence rhetoric networks on those social media platforms to contain their ability to proliferate just as there was for a long time on the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.  But as the Azov Battalion became a famously Neo-Nazi adjacent network, as it became geopolitically useful as a battering ram against Russia, Facebook actually de-hate-speeched them, allowing them to be on Facebook and Google.  You could talk about them you could promote them in soft terms.  They were unleashed, so to speak, in terms of their freedom on social media because they became geopolitically useful.  We will see now, if you see, for example, Google and Facebook and long-arm proxies for the National Security State and the foreign policy establishment lead some of this by basically soft promoting or removing certain censorship capacities that will be an indicator in many respects of what a state department official may have said to those tech companies to allow that to happen.  This is why internet censorship is such a fascinating space because in a way it's a leading indicator of what is about to happen on the world stage.

Monday, September 4, 2023

MIKE BENZ: "why are they censoring video games? Why do the Pentagon, the State Dept, the DHS & the CIA care? The video game industry is bigger than the movie industry + the music industry combined"

Music industry worth in total:  $40 billion

Movie industry worth in total:  $100 billion

Video game industry worth in total:  $245 billion.

Dave Anthony.

2:47. Video games eclipsed the movie and music market during the Trump presidency.  It was the gamer populist pipeline that drew massive attention from the Dept. of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense in particular, which is where Dave Anthony and Call of Duty come in, as well as the Department of State, because you had all of these populous kids and influencers such as Twitch and YouTube types, like PewDiePie, and all the other video games streamers started to become the new celebrities.  The focus on cultural influence that used to be a big part of the National Security State soft power projection during the Cold War shifted to video games, especially because uncensored discord chats, and uncensored telegram channels, and uncensored in-game chatB, and real time chat was a meeting place for people who backed candidates like Trump or Marie Le Pen in France old or Bolsonaro in Brazil.  It was a place where they could have free and uncensored speech even on controversial topics.  And so the National Security State lept in and said "they are a pipeline incubator for political movements that we want to squash in the bud."  And so they brought in Dave Anthony and the COD guys, the Call of Duty guy, for advisory on AI censorship techniques to add toxicity scores and the like to the chat area . . . .

Thursday, July 13, 2023


Foundation for Freedom Online, Mike Benz.

What do you make of the Weaponization Committee Report on the actions of the FBI to censor Americans even globally?

The foreign policy establishment destroyed and censored the 1st Amendment rights of domestic U.S. citizens.  They targeted not just ordinary American citizens, they targeted American journalists.  Now, the same thing was done with respect to the Indian election in 2019.  That is you had the Atlantic Council DFR Lab [Digital Forensics Research Lab] working with the Dept of Homeland Security to censor voices around elections in India and Brazil.  My foundation, Foundation for Freedom Online, is how millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money went to censoring the Brazilian elections.  Now we are censoring now just foreign discourse in Ukraine, but domestic discourse because that domestic discourse impacts the money flows.  If people stop supporting the Ukraine in their hearts and minds, they will stop supporting the Pentagon, the State Dept., the CIA, USAID, and the National Endowment for Democracy's money flows to support that war.  So it's important for them to rig the public debate so that people stay misinformed, and that appears to be exactly what the FBI is doing here.

I have been told by several producers and corporate media outlets that they had been told verbally but not in writing that they had been told to not question the conflict in Ukraine or the U.S. role in it or what the White House and the State Department.  In particular, don't question the motives of Vladimir Zelenskyy or his integrity.  Is that coming from the same people? 

Yeah, so this is also part of the consensus preservation apparatus, the censorship industry loves.  When there is something that requires the whole of society unified consensus to carry out, such as a pandemic response, or a response to a climate emergency, or a response to a war, there is this inter-agency consensus process between the DoD, the State Department, the Intelligence community and the global economic stakeholders around the Council on Foreign Relations, the Atlantic Council, and the corporations who donate to them and who draft off of the activities of the National Security State, so, yes, absolutely, this is coming from that same crowd.

Renee Diresta [and her work in The Atlantic] comes up over and over from people in different industries, from different disciplines, talking about how key she is in managing the narrative by a whistleblower nurse with regard to childhood vaccines.  She's been one of those people spending time on social media for years trying to downplay any questions about childhood vaccines.  And, of course, when the Covid pandemic came along and the jab there, the same thing.  Who is she exactly, Mike?

Well, it's kind of extraordinary because my foundation, Foundation for Freedom Online, actually busted the fact that she was formerly at the CIA.  We found the inaugural video of the place where she now works, the Standford Internet Observatory, where her boss, Alex Stamos, is bragging that they've recruited this CIA recruit.  Now, this blew my mind, for anyone who knows Renee DiResta knows that she is essentially a Forrest Gump figure in the censorship industry.  She is everywhere at every pivotal

She's formerly worked with NATO Stratcom