Tuesday, July 21, 2015


"Sugar doesn’t feed cancer or stimulate it to grow . . . Insulin does."

Excellent discussion on how to treat cancer, all kinds of cancer, by focusing on methionine restriction.  Apparently, animal protein, and protein of all kinds, is high in methionine.  So the goal, according to Mark Simon, is to restrict production of methionine in order to restrict the growth of tumors and to shrink them.  One diet that helps achieve this is an all-fruit diet for 6 weeks.  Fruit has very little methionine.  Fruits also contain protein, and therefore contain methionine, so you'll want to consume fruits with lower levels of methionine.  What this restriction does is create an oxidative condition inside the cancer cells.  Remember that cancer cells do not do well in an oxygenated environment.  A lot of people take anti-oxidant supplements to fight cancer cells.  Turns out that anti-oxidants have a protective effect on cancer cells by protecting the protein outer layer of the cancer cell.  What you want to achieve, according to Simon, is to pierce through and break that hard protein shell on the cancer cell and oxidize it.  What confuses me a little is that a lot of fruits naturally contain anti-oxidants, like Vitamin C, E, and others.  If one is supposed to avoid anti-oxidant supplements, how then or why would a diet rich in fruit be beneficial whereas anti-oxidant supplementation would not?

Next, one will have to deal with the problems with eliminating the cancer tissue.  As the cancer cell tissue breaks up it is still toxic.  Perhaps no longer cancerous but still poisonous to your digestive system and blood stream where it has to pass through during elimination.

One product that Simon recommended was Sodium Selenite.  Most brands cost under $20 with some costing as little as $6.  It sounds like a powerful cancer treatment.  WiseGeek has this to say about Sodium Selenite:
Chemical selenium from sodium selenite has both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that the supplement is antimicrobial. Another is that of all the inorganic forms of selenium, including monoselenodiacetic acid and selenomethionine, sodium selenite has proven the most successful in thwarting cancer in lab tests. A disadvantage, aside from the alleged toxicity, is that the sodium-selenium compound is not as bioavailable as natural selenium.
What Sodium Selenite does, according to Simon, is it provides the enzymes necessary to break up cancer.  As part of the all-fruit diet, he highlights the powers of pineapple and papaya.

Life Extension points out the benefits of taking all 3 forms of selenium:
Generally, we ingest selenium from a variety of plant and animal sources in several different forms, each of which has its own unique suite of activities. The three forms of selenium most important in cancer prevention are sodium selenite, L-selenomethionine, and selenium-methyl L-selenocysteine.
These three compounds differ in the way your body handles them, and in their impact on your risk for cancer.31 For example, the organic selenium compound L-selenomethionine is better absorbed than inorganic sodium selenite.32 But inorganicsodium selenite more effectively increases genetic expression of the main selenium-containing antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase.33In general, the three selenium compounds complement one another in the ways they affect your body's expression of important proteins involved in cancer prevention and suppression.34 In addition, all three selenium compounds induce cell death in various cancer types, but each compound is better at destroying some cancers than others.34,35Within the organic compounds, differences exist. L-selenomethionine increases cancer cell death by apoptosis, for example, only in cells with an intact "suicide" gene called p53.34 Selenium-methyl L-selenocysteine, on the other hand, induces apoptosis in mutated cancer cells that lack this vital control mechanism.34The totality of this data indicates why both the organic forms of selenium (L-selenomethionine and selenium-methyl L-selenocysteine), plus inorganic sodium selenite, are required to kill off all incipient cancer cells that might be developing in your body.

Chris points out, too, that it isn't the sugars that makes a tumor or cancer to grow; it is something else.  Insulin does.  Insulin is a tumor-growth promoter.

Here are the show notes to Chris' video:
Show Notes
– Mark discusses his background
– Mark discovers research on methionine restriction to starve cancer cells  [2:37]
– The two steps of methionine restriction to trigger cancer cell death [4:50]
– The food group lowest in methionine [6:37]
– The powerful anti-cancer enzymes in pineapples and papayas [9:21]
– How enzymes lower inflammation [11:00]
– When fruit can be a problem [13:01]
– Sugar doesn’t feed cancer or stimulate it to grow, something else does [13:36]
– Foods that are high in tumor growth hormone IGF-1 [14:21]
– Key anti-cancer supplements for this protocol [15:06]
– The best forms of selenium to take for prevention and therapeutically [17:00]
– How selenium affects cancer cell metabolism [18:36]
– The importance of Vitamin K3 in this protocol [20:14]
– Oxidative therapy vs anti-oxidant therapy [21:23]
– How certain supplements can cancel each other out  [22:16]
– The benefit of water fasting [23:45]
– How quickly does this protocol work? [24:43]
– The danger of rapid tumor die off [27:37]
– Important detoxification methods to include [28:01]
– Pain medications promote tumor growth [30:19]
– How constipation keeps your body toxic  [32:19]
– His advice for cancer patients [32:43]
If you are interested in finding out more about the NORI Protocol, visit the Nutritional Oncology Research Institute website www.noriprotocol.com
Candice-Marie Fox used the NORI protocol to heal her stage 4 thyroid cancer.
Watch our interview here.
Another survivor who reversed her brain cancer with a high fruit diet is teenager Megan Sherow. Watch our interview here.
Check out all the natural survivors I’ve interviewed here.
If you’re looking for survivors of specific types of cancer, use the search bar at the top right of my site.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Chris Vark Interviews Oncology Nurse, Valerie Warwick

Chris Vark of Chris Beat Cancer interviews retired oncology nurse, Valerie Warwick.  She says that cancer is a survival response.

Cancer manifests itself because it is trying to survive some serious ailment in your body.

"Don't patients get nutritional advice from their doctors?"

"Oh, yeah, right."

"Patients are nutritionally devastated."

What about Vitamin C? Low blood platelet caused one patient to bleed everywhere. He had cracked lips. He was depleted. The nurse suggested Vitamin C, because she thought his symptoms looked like scurvy.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that your body uses to combat free radicals.  If you've accepted chemo-therapy as a cancer treatment, it will for sure, 100% sure, deplete your body's Vitamin C stores and let the free radicals reign in your system.

"Chemotherapy drugs are bought at a discount from the mfg.  60% of oncologist revenue comes from chemotherapy drugs."  So there's that.

Chris:  "All of it seems like criminal negligence . . . to me."

Valerie:  "Yeah . . . it is."

They're not allowed to offer any other therapies.  they'll be shunned by their peers.  They'll get reported to the board.  They'll lose their license.  It's a very tight peer group thing.  "You're not one of those [who preaches Vitamin C], are you?"  

Nurses know what's up.  And are carefully trying to give good advice.  

Curaderm?  Made from eggplant.  

She got reported to the board of nursing for a product that was not FDA-approved.  

American people do not know that doctors are not allowed to prescribe anything other than surgery, chemo, or radiation for cancer treatment. Doctors are trapped in a system that pays them really well, to keep doing what they're doing despite miserable results.  

System has been hijacked by pharmaceutical companies.  There's a pill for every ill.  And they pooh-pooh the nutrition.  Can't say that nutrition cures or reverses disease.  And it's really all about diet.  

At the 32-minute mark, Chris asks Valerie about Ozone therapy.  Now remember, she is an oncology nurse so her realm is how cancer responds to certain treatments.  And ozone therapy works well on cancer for the main reason that ozone is concentrated oxygen and cancer does not thrive in oxygenated environments.  

Monday, July 6, 2015

Your Feet Help You Sleep

Keep your feet bare during sleep. Your feet and hands help reduce 
your body's temperature. The cooler your temperature the more readily will your body induce sleep.  
"Majority of cancers are not life-threatening and they’re not emergency situations.  Most people diagnosed with cancer feel fine."

Be sure to check out all of the resources on this site. For cancers of any kind, you'll want to take a look at Chris Wark's site.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Turmeric: The Spice

GreenMedInfo is really pushing the benefits of turmeric, touting that the spice has "600 experimentally confirmed health benefits."  Sayer Ji, the founder of GreenMedInfo, produced a video highlighting the archives on his site for all things turmeric.

In fact, he's got 1,800 per reviewed studies and abstracts at his site. Interesting.  

So how effective is turmeric in addressing specific conditions or diseases? Can't say for sure.  Everything I read says that turmeric is the number one spice for treating heart attacks to viral infections to brain injuries.  That's quite a scope of ailments.  I know that when I consume turmeric and combine it with ginger in my morning milk, turning it into a morning turmeric milkshake, my stomach feels better.  Or at least I think that is what is happening.  I'd like to think that my stomach is the center of my overall health and that as such if it feels stronger and well, all other organs in my body from feet to brain are doing better as well.  I can hope, can't I?

One recent article, thought it's not so recent, cites specific compounds within turmeric that are capable of increasing the number of neurons. That's what he says:
The study [conducted by researchers at the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine in Julich, Germany] found that when brain cells were exposed to ar-tumerone, neural stem cells increased in number through enhanced proliferation.  Moreover, these newly formed neural stem cells also increased the number of fully differentiated neuronal cells, indicating a healing effect was taking place. This effect was also observed in a live animal model, showing that rats injected with ar-tumerone into their brains experienced increases in neural stem cell proliferation and the creation of newly formed healthy brain cells.
That sounds hopeful.  But what does that mean and what was the percentage of increase, 1%, 5%, 25%, 50%?  And what parts of the brain did the study find is responsible for neural repair?  

Sayer Ji explains:

For instance, if you have colonic inflammation or polyps, and you are trying to use turmeric to reduce inflammation there or regress precancerous growths, then using the whole plant is best versus a highly bioavailable form of curcumin in capsule form (e.g. Meriva), for instance, which will likely be absorbed by the small intestine and mostly pass through the liver never getting adequate quantities to the large intestine. So, in this person's case taking a teaspoon of relatively difficult to absorb turmeric may result in painting the diseased surfaces of that person's intestinal or colonic lumen with exactly the form needed to reverse disease. 

Again, promising news on how turmeric can treat cancer.  But what about the brain?  

But what if you have someone who wants to experience a systemic effect, say, for arthritis or for brain cancer? In these instances, getting turmeric compounds such as curcumin through the glucuronidation barrier in the liver with a phospholipid-bound or black pepper (piperine) combination could be ideal.

Ultimately, the goal is not to wait to have such a serious health problem that you have to force yourself to take a 'heroic dose' of any herb or food extract. Better is to use small amounts in culinary doses in combination with ingredients that synergize on a physiochemical/informational and sensual basis (producing the all important vitamin P [pleasure] as well!). Recently we actually featured a study that showed culinary doses of rosemary helped improve memory whereas higher 'heroic' doses impaired it!
This is why exploring the use of turmeric in curries, or by adding a pinch in a smoothie, may be an ideal daily supplementation approach, versus capsules, whose questionably 'natural' capsules and excipients all can add up to cause some stress on the liver you are trying to protect with these natural interventions.  Just remember quality is everything and less is more!