Showing posts with label Curaderm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Curaderm. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Chris Vark Interviews Oncology Nurse, Valerie Warwick

Chris Vark of Chris Beat Cancer interviews retired oncology nurse, Valerie Warwick.  She says that cancer is a survival response.

Cancer manifests itself because it is trying to survive some serious ailment in your body.

"Don't patients get nutritional advice from their doctors?"

"Oh, yeah, right."

"Patients are nutritionally devastated."

What about Vitamin C? Low blood platelet caused one patient to bleed everywhere. He had cracked lips. He was depleted. The nurse suggested Vitamin C, because she thought his symptoms looked like scurvy.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that your body uses to combat free radicals.  If you've accepted chemo-therapy as a cancer treatment, it will for sure, 100% sure, deplete your body's Vitamin C stores and let the free radicals reign in your system.

"Chemotherapy drugs are bought at a discount from the mfg.  60% of oncologist revenue comes from chemotherapy drugs."  So there's that.

Chris:  "All of it seems like criminal negligence . . . to me."

Valerie:  "Yeah . . . it is."

They're not allowed to offer any other therapies.  they'll be shunned by their peers.  They'll get reported to the board.  They'll lose their license.  It's a very tight peer group thing.  "You're not one of those [who preaches Vitamin C], are you?"  

Nurses know what's up.  And are carefully trying to give good advice.  

Curaderm?  Made from eggplant.  

She got reported to the board of nursing for a product that was not FDA-approved.  

American people do not know that doctors are not allowed to prescribe anything other than surgery, chemo, or radiation for cancer treatment. Doctors are trapped in a system that pays them really well, to keep doing what they're doing despite miserable results.  

System has been hijacked by pharmaceutical companies.  There's a pill for every ill.  And they pooh-pooh the nutrition.  Can't say that nutrition cures or reverses disease.  And it's really all about diet.  

At the 32-minute mark, Chris asks Valerie about Ozone therapy.  Now remember, she is an oncology nurse so her realm is how cancer responds to certain treatments.  And ozone therapy works well on cancer for the main reason that ozone is concentrated oxygen and cancer does not thrive in oxygenated environments.