Showing posts with label lifetime of chronic illness & disability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifetime of chronic illness & disability. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

TOPY ROGERS: The CDC Child & Adolescent Vaccine Schedule causes a lifetime of chronic illness & disability.

This is not the same for adults.  Adults absorb the vaccines better than children who don't really have a developed immune system.  As Dr. Andrew Wakefield reminded us recently

the age of exposure is important.  We know this because with the natural infection, the younger you get measles the greater the risk of a more severe reaction.  If you get it under age 1, for example, does the same pertain to the vaccine?  If you get the vaccine younger, are you at greater risk?  And they went away to their credit and tested that hypothesis, and they found that it was exactly true.  And they spent the next 14 years destroying the documents, putting them in a dumpster, and covering up and publishing a paper that exonerated the vaccine until one of the whistleblowers, William Thompson, the head scientist in that study, came forward and said, "I can't live with this any longer.  I kept the documents.  Here they are."  It showed fraud, the most appalling violation of medical and scientific ethics on behalf of the CDC.

Pretty much.  Shots, any shots, are designed to bleed bank accounts on therapies for ailments never defined by doctors who are absolutely baffled.

The CDC Child & Adolescent Vaccine Schedule causes a lifetime of chronic illness & disability. This creates a permanent underclass that is factory farmed to generate payments to the Pharma/Hospital Industrial Complex. It's the most extreme form of ruling class oppression in history.