Showing posts with label Vitamin C. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitamin C. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Vitmain C and Your Teeth

Check out the roots of your teeth!

"Tooth health is dependent on gum health, and gum health is . . . related to vitamin C . . ."

I've written previously on how Vitamin C is a kind of anti-plaque, anti-cavity fighter.  See here: 

Dr. Emmanuel Cheraskin presents evidence that serum vitamin C levels are just as important as brushing for the prevention of tooth decay.
Now I read over at Andrew Saul's site,, how one's Vitamin C load is a direct link to oral health, questioning even the daily health habit of brushing and flossing.  I would not forego that latter two, for we need to remove the excess debris following a meal, but it looks as though when it comes to tooth health Vitamin C is indispensable.  A bit like an invisible toothbrush.  Keep your teeth healthy.  Dr. Andrew Saul tells you how:

1.  Eat less sugar. All nutritionists and dentists agree that sugar promotes tooth decay, yet Americans consume over 120 POUNDS of sugar per person annually. Sugar contains no vitamins, no minerals and no fiber. Decay-promoting bacteria love sugar, so starve them. 
 2.  Clean between your teeth. Use dental floss or those wonderful, easy-to-use, plaque-removing, inter-dental cleaning sticks. 
 3.  Take extra vitamin C. Tooth health is dependent on gum health, and gum health is more closely related to vitamin C than to any other nutrient.  The first symptom of scurvy is easily bleeding gums.   
 4.  Finish meals the way people did in past centuries: with cheese. Cheese inhibits bacterial growth in the mouth. Mozzarella, Monterey Jack, Swiss, and Aged Cheddar cheeses are all good for this purpose. 
 5.  Rethink fluoride. Fluoride is so toxic that only one milligram constitutes a prescription dose. In spite of this, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allows up to this amount in a single glass of drinking water. Virtually every country in Europe has stopped fluoridation.  Studies have shown that fluoride confers little, if any, real benefit. Persons who have grown up with fluoridated water have, on the average, only 1/2 of one filling less than people who did not drink fluoridated water (Chemical and Engineering News, May 8, 1989).
6.  Eat organically-grown foods, preferably from your own organic garden. Hereford, Texas became famous during the 1940's as "The Town Without a Toothache." Why was there practically no dental disease in this town? Lots of organic minerals in the soil and the foods grown in it. So, any teeth grown there were also better fed and stronger. The local dentist practically went broke. (A. W. Erickson, "Deaf Smith's Secret," Field Notes Crop Reporting Service, 1945) 
 7.  Pregnant women especially need calcium and multiple-mineral supplements to enable their developing baby to form strong teeth before birth.  These same mineral supplements help her to make milk for the baby's continued tooth and bone development after delivery. 
 8.  A baby's tooth enamel is constructed in the womb. Ameloblasts adequately form the enamel in the fetus only if Mom gets enough vitamin A.  Carotene is best because too much fish oil vitamin A (over 25,000 IU daily for many weeks) can be harmful during pregnancy. All green and orange vegetables and, of course, carrot juice are ideal. You cannot easily harm Mother or child with produce. 
 9.  A good multiple vitamin is a good idea for everyone. Prenatal for Mom, liquid for baby, chewable for little kids, and don't forget teenagers, Dad, and the Grandparents. Research continues to show, decade after decade, that Americans continue to eat meals that are deficient in SEVERAL vitamins, not just one. 
 10.  Read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price, D.D.S. (Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, La Mesa, CA, 1970). This may be the best book on dental health ever written.
Copyright C 2004 and prior years Andrew W. Saul.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

" . . . 95% of all tooth extractions result in a pathologic [bone] cavitation."

So, one, don't have your wisdom teeth extracted.  And two, don't get braces: orthodontists extract perfectly good teeth!!  Don't let them.  You need them for overall health. 

from Dr. Paul Genung's Holistic Dentistry in Seattle.

A cavitation is an unhealed hole in the jawbone caused by an extracted tooth. Since wisdom teeth are the most commonly extracted teeth, cavitations are most frequently found in the wisdom tooth sites. Please see the graphic and photo at the right to get a glimpse of what may be in your mouth and the effects it is having. The photo and diagram demonstrate the destructive and pathologic consequence of a routine tooth extraction. Dentists are taught in dental school that once they pull a tooth, the patient’s body heals the resulting hole in the jawbone. However, approximately 95% of all tooth extractions result in a pathologic defect called a cavitation. The tooth is attached to the jawbone by a periodontal ligament which is comprised of “jillions” of microscopic fibers. One end of each fiber is attached to the jawbone and the other end of the fiber is attached to the tooth root. When a tooth is extracted, the fibers break midway between the root and the bone. This leaves the socket (the area where the root was anchored in the bone) coated with periodontal ligament fibers. There are specialized cells in the bone called osteoblasts. Osteoblasts make new bone. The word “osteoblast” means bone former. They are active during growth, repair and maintenance. However, the periodontal ligament prevents the osteoblasts from filling in the tooth socket with bone since the periodontal ligament fibers lining the socket act as a barrier beyond which the osteoblasts cannot form bone. In other words, an osteoblast “sees” a tooth when it “sees” periodontal ligament fibers. Since there are billions of bacteria in the mouth, they easily get into the open tooth socket. Since the bone is unable to fill in the defect of the socket, the newly formed “cavitation” is now infected. Since there is no blood supply to the “cavitation” it is called “ischemic” or “avascular” (without a blood supply). This results in necrosis (tissue death). Hence we call a cavitation an unhealed, chronically infected, avascular, necrotic hole in the bone. The defect acts to an acupuncture meridian the same way a dead tooth (or root canal tooth) acts. It causes an interference field on the meridian which can impair the function and health of other tissues, organs and structures on the meridian. Significantly, the bacteria in the cavitation also produce the same deadly toxins that are produced by the bacteria in root canals (see Root Canals). These toxins are thio-ethers (most toxic organic substance known to man), thio-ethanols, and mercaptans. They have been found in the tumors in women with breast cancer.

Dr. Emmanuel Cheraskin presents evidence that serum vitamin C levels are just as important as brushing for the prevention of tooth decay.

This is remarkable:
It is common these days to use the terms vitamin C interchangeably with ascorbic acid. In fact, there are numerous differences between these two very distinct biological entities. Vitamin C, found in numerous plant and animal foods, is a necessary nutrient for humans in that we make none of our own vitamin C. Natural vitamin C is a complex mixture of at least 9 or 10 distinct molecular entities. These include ascorbic acid (the preservative part of the complex), tyrosinase (an enzyme), rutin, bioflavenoids, copper, manganese, and other enzymes and minerals. Each of these compounds has a synergistic effect with the other substances, the end result being a potent and complicated compound that has far-reaching biological effects. Some of these effects include reducing capillary fragility (thus reducing the tendency to bruising or bleeding), improving the integrity of the collagen fibers, binding and thereby neutralizing histamine (lessening allergies), and many other vital functions. Ascorbic acid has only one effect, that is anti-oxidation. While many nutritionists and physicians sing the praises of anti-oxidants in our diet, the fact is that excessive anti-oxidation inhibits our cellular mechanisms from digesting and disposing of unwanted tissue. This is perhaps why the latest studies on excessive use of ascorbic acid show that it may contribute to the development of coronary artery disease. This situation would never arise from the use of the whole vitamin C complex as found in natural foods.  
 You might find this list fascinating.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


H1N1 and the Damage It Can Cause

The respiratory tract.  H1N1 attacks the lungs, which form the major organs of your lower respiratory system.  You may not know that you have the H1N1, which is a particularly pernicious attack on lung tissue. A coworker/friend who had H1N1 said she had a case of bronchitis.  I am sure that is how it was registered.  She said that it was a particularly bad case of bronchitis and that she could not get rid of it.  She said this as she coughed.  

from thehealtsite.
The alarming rate at which swine flu is claiming lives, recovering from the flu is definitely akin to getting a new lease of life. However, most patients who develop the flu and are discharged from the hospital after proper treatment and care, often fear if – life would be the same even after recovery. Read to know if swine flu is completely curable.

On the surface, there might not be a lot of changes that one needs to deal with after recovery. ‘A normal healthy individual can recover from the symptoms of swine flu within 48 to 75 hours, if proper treatment is given on time, which means soon after developing the symptoms. Even with supportive therapy, like proper ventilation to improve oxygenation of blood, one can recover from the flu within five to seven days. Although, general fatigue, weakness and tiredness can be persistent for about a fortnight, it subsides with rest and proper diet,’ informs Dr Prakash Jiandani, Director of Critical Care Unit, Wockhardt Hospital, South Mumbai. Here is the proper treatment and medicine guide for a swine flu patient.

However, people who suffer from moderate to severe symptoms of swine flu, end up with a suppressed lung function or problems related to the respiratory tract. ‘This is because the progression of swine flu attacks lung function and most deaths or critical cases of swine flu are the ones with respiratory infection or failure. That’s a reason why oxygen therapy, with proper ventilation, becomes a necessity for patients suffering from swine flu in advanced stage,’ says Dr Jiandani.

In most severe cases of swine flu, one develops acute respiratory distress syndrome or ARDS, a life-threatening condition and prime reason for so many lives being lost to the flu. In this condition, the lungs of the patient are damaged to such an extent that there is low level of oxygen in the blood, which interferes with the functioning of other organs. For people with a suppressed immune system, like the ones suffering from diabetes, hypertension, elderly generation, etc., recovery from ARDS is very rare. Here is a complete food guide for people suffering from swine flu.
At its severity, the H1N1 virus, causing the seasonal flu, disrupts the functioning of the lungs to a great extent. If one develops ARDS, it could mean that the air sacs or the alveoli of the lungs are filled with fluid and hence, unable to pump requisite oxygen for proper functioning of the entire body. The symptoms of ARDS include: Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and low blood pressure.
This detail--that the alveoli could be filled with fluid and "unable to pump requisite oxygen" should be a very serious cause for concern with this particular flu.  Do not mess around with toughing it out or going mild on treatment.  You want to aggressively consume large amounts of Vitamin C, eat whole lemons or drink the juice from them perhaps, but whatever you do be sure to get massive amounts of Vitamin C.  Look, if you've already got a chronic condition or you've got injuries somewhere or you've got arthritis, getting the H1N1 could be life-threatening, so don't play around with this.  Other folks I know, a few years older than me, who contracted H1N1 did not do so well in recovery and probably have been working out of a chronic condition since then [two years ago] and may very well end up fighting that chronic condition for the rest of their lives. It is awful.  And very serious.  A friend of mine in the medical field said that the H1N1 is no more serious than any other flu, joking that there is no flu season, that the flu does not take a vacation the rest of the year and then in the winter it comes back with a vengeance.  

Bill Sardi wrote about the swine flu in the winter of 2014. Lots of people died.  He pointed to the collective depressed immunity brought on by vaccines as the culprit.  Regardless, you need to fight for your life.
However, if recovery takes place with all the requisite treatment modalities, ‘it might end up with a scar formation in the lungs which could lead to a radical sequel of the same in the future. There is quite a bit of chance of recurrence of respiratory problems even after recovering from the flu,’ says Dr Jiandani. Prevent the spread of swine flu following these 10 dos and don’ts.

Although ARDS is a life-threatening condition, if one recovers from it, one might have to live with:
Scarring in the lungs: For most people suffering from ARDS, there develops scar in the lungs and the air sacs thickens, which remain unaltered even after recovery. This stiffening of the lung tissues can make it difficult for proper oxygen dissemination in the bloodstream.
Being prone to infections: ‘With a suppressed immunity and scarring in the lungs, a person might also be prone to bacterial infections and other respiratory tract infections in the future,’ says Dr Jiandani.
Abnormal lung functions: Most people with ARDS recover with their lungs functioning normally. However, in some rare cases, the lungs might need supportive oxygen supplementation for few hours a day or few times in a month to help one breathe to the optimum.
Emotional disturbance: Low levels of oxygen in the blood stream due to an impaired lung function can also lead to memory or cognitive impairment and could lead to depression and emotional imbalances in some survivors.  

Vitamin C, Vitamin C, Vitamin C.  One way not to have to live with ARDS is to treat the flu, any flu you contract, immediately with Vitamin C.  Not sugary Cranberry juice or orange juice or even an orange, though the flavonoids of an orange actually would help.  But instead get a blast of Vitamin C by way of ascorbic acid or buffered capsules with a full panel of bioflavonoids or try one of the synthetic Vitamin Cs that bypass your digestive tract.  You want lots of Vitamin C, for according to this report, anti-oxidants [like Vitamin C] destroy the virus, protect and repair lung tissue.  ". . . this discovery is another reason to drink red wine to your health. Antioxidants may be a weakness of the H1N1 flu virus."




WHITE FOODS (I am not being racist, I swear)

Radishes, mushrooms, Asian pear, and white fish.  Sounds good.  I am thinking of halibut and perhaps a fish chowder with a buttery cream sauce, not one of those made with a heavy cornstarch.

One food that is hard for me to avoid is dairy.  I love raw milk, cheeses, yogurt, and butter.  I would still recommend some butter during your bout with and recovery from H1N1.  Maybe even yogurt too.  Probiotics help with immunity.  

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Chris Vark Interviews Oncology Nurse, Valerie Warwick

Chris Vark of Chris Beat Cancer interviews retired oncology nurse, Valerie Warwick.  She says that cancer is a survival response.

Cancer manifests itself because it is trying to survive some serious ailment in your body.

"Don't patients get nutritional advice from their doctors?"

"Oh, yeah, right."

"Patients are nutritionally devastated."

What about Vitamin C? Low blood platelet caused one patient to bleed everywhere. He had cracked lips. He was depleted. The nurse suggested Vitamin C, because she thought his symptoms looked like scurvy.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that your body uses to combat free radicals.  If you've accepted chemo-therapy as a cancer treatment, it will for sure, 100% sure, deplete your body's Vitamin C stores and let the free radicals reign in your system.

"Chemotherapy drugs are bought at a discount from the mfg.  60% of oncologist revenue comes from chemotherapy drugs."  So there's that.

Chris:  "All of it seems like criminal negligence . . . to me."

Valerie:  "Yeah . . . it is."

They're not allowed to offer any other therapies.  they'll be shunned by their peers.  They'll get reported to the board.  They'll lose their license.  It's a very tight peer group thing.  "You're not one of those [who preaches Vitamin C], are you?"  

Nurses know what's up.  And are carefully trying to give good advice.  

Curaderm?  Made from eggplant.  

She got reported to the board of nursing for a product that was not FDA-approved.  

American people do not know that doctors are not allowed to prescribe anything other than surgery, chemo, or radiation for cancer treatment. Doctors are trapped in a system that pays them really well, to keep doing what they're doing despite miserable results.  

System has been hijacked by pharmaceutical companies.  There's a pill for every ill.  And they pooh-pooh the nutrition.  Can't say that nutrition cures or reverses disease.  And it's really all about diet.  

At the 32-minute mark, Chris asks Valerie about Ozone therapy.  Now remember, she is an oncology nurse so her realm is how cancer responds to certain treatments.  And ozone therapy works well on cancer for the main reason that ozone is concentrated oxygen and cancer does not thrive in oxygenated environments.