Showing posts with label Unemployment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unemployment. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2024

ARMSTRONG: In Las Vegas, you have a 1 in 28 chance of becoming a victim of crime. Violent crime in Vegas has reached 40.9%, which is far beyond the national rate of 22.7%

“We’re not bringing in the best and the brightest in many cases to the state of Illinois; we’re actually pushing them out of the state with horrible policies and we’re backfilling it with folks that want services,” State Sen. Andrew Chesney, R-Freeport reported, as 177,000 new incomers entered the state while 264,000 abandoned it during the same period of 2021 to 2022.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong's "The Cities with the Highest Unemployment Rate in America," @ Armstrong Economics.


Kamala Harris?….Nah She’s Ross Geller With That PIVOT!!!

♬ original sound - Titus Ellis Smith
The Democratic National Convention occurring in Chicago is touting the importance of defeating Trump, climate change, gun control, and abortion. These are the ONLY talking points that the Democrats harp on while ignoring the REAL issues plaguing the nation. It was revealed earlier this week that the Biden-Harris Administration completely failed to create new jobs outside of the public sector. As the elite sit behind armored walls, the people of Chicago are suffering under blue policies. In fact, Chicago now ties with Las Vegas for the highest unemployment rate in the nation.

Both Las Vegas and Chicago have an unemployment rate of 6.2%, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Detroit comes in third with a rate of 5.2%, far above the national unemployment rate or 4.3% posted in July.

Chicago has fewer workers and more unemployed residents than before Mayor Brandon Johnson took office in May 2023,” the Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) noted in a report. “Johnson ran on the idea, and has continuously proclaimed, that his administration is ‘making Chicago the most pro-worker city in the country.’ There’s just one problem with that – today, nearly 100,000 Chicagoans are out of work.”

Businesses and individuals have fled Chicago and Las Vegas in droves. Crime in Chicago rose an astounding 82% in two yearsIn Las Vegas, you have a 1 in 28 chance of becoming a victim of crime. Violent crime in Vegas has reached 40.9%, which is far beyond the national rate of 22.7%. Businesses cannot stay open in these conditions where theft and violence is permitted. Chicago considered implementing city-run grocery stores after businesses fleeing led to a food desert.

Both cities are deemed sanctuary cities. They cannot handle their own population but have opened the floodgates to countless individuals who are solely living on government assistance. Their budgets have imploded and those in charge lost control of the situation long ago.

Over 87,000 left Illinois last year, as did the $10 billion they were providing the state in income. The IRS believes the state has lost $47.5 billion in adjusted gross income over the last six years due to the blue state exodus. This trend has only accelerated due to recent policies. “We’re not bringing in the best and the brightest in many cases to the state of Illinois; we’re actually pushing them out of the state with horrible policies and we’re backfilling it with folks that want services,” State Sen. Andrew Chesney, R-Freeport reported, as 177,000 new incomers entered the state while 264,000 abandoned it during the same period of 2021 to 2022.

Businesses will flee when crime rises to the point where it is no longer profitable to operate. Crime reached such an unprecedented level that these companies were willing to take a loss simply to leave. Naturally, they took jobs with them and those with the means to move have done so already. These once-great cities are now ravaged by poverty and crime.

Corporations have already fled to move to states that are business-friendly. Who would want to live in such a place other than those receiving government aid who are already part of the problem? It is an insult to the people of Chicago for the DNC to cheer on their only talking points (guns, climate change, Trump, and abortion) while ignoring the American citizens struggling around them.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

CALIFORNIA has the highest unemployment in the country at 5.3%

California just slapped a $20 minimum wage on fast food joints.  Just days later, they are already announcing mass layoffs.  That's in the state with the highest unemployment in the country [at 5.3% in February].  The bill, which The Wall Street Journal characterized as "crazy" in an op-ed by a labor economist, raises California's already high minimum wage from $16 an hour to $20 an hour.  That would make it the highest minimum wage in the country.  The bill also sets up a so-called Fast Food Council, authorized to raise that minimum wage by another 3.5% every year forever. So it could be $30/hour in a decade.  In response, California food companies have frozen hiring and some are already announcing mass layoffs starting with delivery drivers now being outsourced to DoorDash and Uber Eats at least until they are gutted by a separate little California gem called AB40 that aims to destroy those jobs as well.  

It's worth noting that there are currently half a million fast-food workers in California who are now on the chopping block.  Those workers serve roughly 70% of Californians who get to face higher prices and abandoned locations.  Already approximately 1100 Pizza Hut drivers are set to lose their jobs with more already announced at the pizza chain, Round Table.  Of course, the drivers are just as startled at $20 bucks.  Every employee is on the menu.  Jack in the Box and Mexican chicken restaurant El Pollo Loco announced they'll be using robotics to automate cooking and cashier functions, including fry stations and making salsa. McDonald's has already put millions into designing fully automated stores opening their first fully robot store last year in response to the minimum wage hikes so there is no worker in the store at all.  Because machines don't have a minimum wage, activists claim the companies are just playing games, and that there will be no layoffs, which is partly because they've never run a business, but mostly because the minimum wage is a reliable vote winner and throws workers under the bus.  But by gum, it sounds good and it does get the votes.

2:10. So why does a minimum wage destroy jobs?  In short, another way to phrase a minimum wage is a ban on low-skill work.  In this case, any work that is worth less than $20 an hour.  Unfortunately, there are many low-skilled workers in America.  Thank a public school teacher who simply is not worth $20/hour.  For example, a low-margin broom factory might make money at $14 an hour but it goes bust at $20.  So if they cannot pay $14, there is no job at all.  Of course, it's not just that the job is gone; it becomes literally illegal for those people to have any job if they're not worth $20 an hour.  They'll either have to make do with cash under the table, perhaps hanging out at Home Depot waiting for day work or they will have to fall back on soup kitchens begging and welfare.

2:58. California is the leading edge of something that's happening all across the country, indeed all across the West, sacrificing low-income workers for socialist vote-buying gimmicks.  There are 4 million fast food workers in America.  There are over 50 million people who make under $20 an hour.  All of those workers are now on the chopping block.  

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Does the Economy Need Migrants?

Monday, January 22, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: Meanwhile, the economy lost 1.5 million full-time jobs -- in a single month. Replaced by gig work, Doordash, and government jobs.

This week, Washington hatched yet another job report that looks fantastic on the outside and it's pretty nasty under the hood.  According to the Labor Department, employers added 216,000 jobs in December, outpacing forecasts the New York Times reported with glee and leaving the unemployment rate unchanged at a respectable 3.7%.  The Associated Press could barely hold on to their adjectives, telling readers it was a robust number reflecting continued economic strength in a healthy economy indeed that it was evidence that the FED may be able to achieve a notoriously difficult soft landing that would be notorious as in the FED has never pulled it off in 110 years and literally dozens of attempts alas if you've been paying attention you won't be surprised that under the hood it was a brutal report my friend went through the numbers for starters the economy actually lost 1.5 million full-time jobs in a single month replaced by part-time gigs so second jobs and doordash which have now hit nearly 9 million gigs that are counted as Jobs next the Department of Labor quietly revised down almost every single job report in 2023 slashing it all $430,000 imaginary jobs that's $40,000 per month in other words those jobs never existed they were figments of the imagination of well-paid government statisticians now getting 10 out of 11 wrong all in the same direction is pretty impressive after all true mistakes should break about 50/50 of course it's different when you are paid to make mistakes and have these so called birth death statistical model to Black Box your way to whatever number the narrative requiresAnd suddenly those imaginary jobs were all private sector so government jobs actually grew more than reported 23 million parasites or government workers as burdens on the rest of the economy now keep in mind every one of those government jobs is paid for by multiple real jobs in fact last month that ratio was just three private sector jobs holding up every government job so you can look at it as you have a hand you have to hand a government worker a third of your salaryTo cover his bills on top of the rest of what government spends on Wars climate vote buying and so on now in case you wondered how they blow through so many trillions so fast there you go the final mystery is if all those jobs are fake why is official unemployment still so low and that's easy because 700,000 Americans dropped out of the labor force in a single month adding to the millions who have dropped out since covid where did they all go some gave up all togetherSo called discouraged workers others went on government benefits likely for life neither are counted as unemployed.  They may as well be retired and sprawled on a sofa on a San Francisco corner telling up those missing workers we would have about not 6 million unemployed at 3.7% in reality would be closer to 11 to 13 million unemployed.  With a jobless rate closer to 7%. 

So what's next?  In recent videos, I've characterized our job market as government jobs Door Dash and motivated government statisticians this report keeps it up.  The media does everything to hide it, but going by polling, Americans are choosing to believe their eyes.  Now the question is, will they vote what they see?