Showing posts with label Sulfhydril groups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sulfhydril groups. Show all posts

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Mercury is the cause of Alzheimer's Disease. But Glutathione is a potent mercury chelator

Here's the Facebook page to discuss NBMI.

EDTA doesn't get into the cells very effectively either.  It doesn't pull mercury off a protein.  It just doesn't have that much affinity for mercury.  Good to know.  Instead it does have a strong affinity for lead and cadmium.  

DMPS and DMSA.  What are these compounds?  These compounds take the mercury out of the blood, not out of the brain tissue or out of the bone marrow.  

In this video, he gets more into chelating mercury from the body.  He says that EDTA is not a great mercury chelator.  The chelating method of his product, his approach, is for it to attach to the mercury inside the cell.  So his method doesn't actually remove the mercury from the cell but it renders it inert, meaning nontoxic to the cell.  Still there just nontoxic to the cell

His chelating product saw readings at 90 to 140 and after 3 tries he got the mercury down to 14.  Interesting.  His product is a good antioxidant that raises the glutathione levels, and the glutathione levels.  Glutathione gets into all of your cells.  So it's glutathione that is a potent mercury chelator.  Good to know.  

 Thank you to Dr. Mark Sircus.

Mercury can also be bound to sulfhydryl groups in garlic or to sulfur in the form of organic sulfur (MSM).  

Mortality from cancer was reduced 90% during an 18-year follow-up of 59 patients treated with calcium-EDTA. Only one of 59 treated patients (1.7% ) died of cancer while 30 of 172 non-treated control subjects (17.6%) died of cancer (P=0.002).[6]   Dr. Walter Blumer

The mercury is there, but there's no sign of toxicity from the mercury.  That's what you want.