Showing posts with label Stephen Paddock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephen Paddock. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2024

GREG REESE: Alwaleed bin Talal is co-owner, with Bill Gates, of the Four Seasons, which resides on floors 35-39 of the Mandalay Bay Hotel.

This airport is referenced in the story of Brian Malinowski.  

The Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas adjacent to the Mandalay Bay Hotel, the site of the October 1, 2017 mass shooting of young men and women attending the concert was owned by Bill Gates and Saudi Prince, Alwaleed bin Talal through a deal made in 2007.  

Despite that police officers claimed that they saw Paddock shoot himself, the recorded time of his demise wasn't until noon the following day.  Go figure.

Hotel security guard, Jose Campos, was supposedly shot in the leg 6 minutes BEFORE he began his attack, and yet it took law enforcement 72 minutes to get into Paddock's hotel room.  Body cam footage shows a hotel security guard directing police to the 32nd floor.  And less than 10 minutes later, directing other officers to the 29th floor.  When the police finally get to Paddock's floor, hotel security seems strangely casual.  One strolls down the hallway with his back to Paddock's room and points behind him to Room 135.  And they then stand calmly in the hallway with their attention fixed on the police.  Hotel Security Manager, George Umstott, was later found hiding in a hotel room and detained by police.  And several key officers were never even questioned.

Campos claimed he went to UMC Quick Care for treatment, but the facility stated they had no record of this.  He then fled the country and returned only to appear on the Ellen Degeneres Show owned by MGM.  MGM was granted a restraining order, an RO, weeks after the shooting to prevent them from destroying evidence. 

5:50  Dan Bogino.  Two possible scenarios here.  One, completely implausible.  That the Mandalay was a co-conspirator in this, which is nonsense.  Or two, there's some kind of hostility or trust gap developing between law enforcement and Mandalay.  Nothing else makes sense.  

6:08  Greg Reese.  One theory suggests it was Saudi Arabia.  Just 3 months before the Las Vegas massacre, moderate Muhammad bin Salaman, known as MBS, was made the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and was met that same day with President Trump's personal show of support.  This created a civil war between MBS and his hardliner cousin, Alwaleed bin Talal, co-owner of the Four Seasons, which resides on floors 35-39 of the Mandalay Bay Hotel.  The theory suggests that there was a failed assassination attempt against MBS at the Tropicana Hotel that night and that the massacre at the Route 91 Harvest Festival was a savage message of warning to President Trump.  [Why Trump?  What did he do to Alwaleed bin Talal?  So just showing support to MBS was enough to cause Alwaleed bin Talal to send a violent message?  Whoa.]  Stephen Paddock was a pilot, and according to this theory was a gun runner for Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.  This would explain Paddock's wealth and access to the Service Elevators at the Mandalay Bay.  And when the assassination attempt failed, Paddock became Talal's sacrificial lamb rather than his getaway pilot.  The Prince had Saudi military helicopters in the area at the time.  Four weeks after the Las Vegas shooting, MBS, had his cousin, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, and 10 other princes arrested on corruption and money-laundering charges.  We don't know if this theory is correct.  But a year later, the case was closed.  And we are told that there's nothing to the story but the 64-year-old lone gunman with no motive, Stephen Paddock.

8:00  Sheriff Joseph Lombardo.  There's no conspiracy between the FBI, between LVPD, and the MGM.  Nobody is attempting to hide anything.