Showing posts with label Sound of Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sound of Freedom. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Carlos Slim, the richest Mexican gangster, made Sound of Freedom.

Carlos Slim, the richest Mexican gangster, made Sound of Freedom.  And Tim Ballard.  Jim Caviezel doesn't blink.  He has a speech impediment 

I completely agree with Owen here.  All of these different movements, and their narratives that we're supposed to hold as holy, are so poorly constructed.  They're initially shock and awe.  Global Warming.  Not seasons, not local weather conditions, not even regional weather conditions, but Global, meaning beyond our reach, both physically and conceptually.  With all of the different changes in pressure, in wind, altitude, etc. the world is too varied to reduce it down to a single problem of excess CO2 production BY MAN.  So we're impressed with the dramatics, but that's not going to make us care.  For the average working man and woman, it is going to overwhelm us even if we give it 5 seconds worth of thought.  We just don't care, because we can't care.  So we the audience receive the concepts like a governor's engine on a golf cart.  It'll never get up to speed.  We see it as ridiculous.  Look at all the memes of Joe Biden's presidency or Greta Thurnberg's angry face shaming not anyone, or company, or industry in particular, but she is shaming the world.  It's so far out there in terms of an argument because they have no argument, and never is there any substantive defense.  The only documentary that I've seen on Global Warming, the only one worth its salt in terms of production and in terms of learning about the specifics of global warming or manmade CO2 and its "hazards" was the 2007 British documentary, Great Global Warming Swindle.  And I can't help but wonder how Greta's name is used as a subtle tag or brand on Global Warming.  Her name is a near rhyme for Global.  Then they changed it to climate change to reduce heightened awareness of it.  Climate Change is more in line with seasons, something we're all familiar with.  

The environmental movement has evolved into the strongest force there is for preventing development in the developing countries.  Patrick Moore, Co-Founder, Greenpeace [5:18]