Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts

Monday, June 12, 2023

60 military officials in leadership roles, at least 4 generals, involved in the leadership of Operation Warp Speed

Operation Warp Speed Organizational Chart.  Note at the top of the organizational chart, or to the right, the Chief Operating Officer is The Department of Defense, and the HHS were designated only as advisors.  Had you known that would that have made a difference in your decision to get a shot, or would you have thought, "No, I don't want to get the same treatment as a soldier, where the Army gives them experimental shots."  

"Operation Warp Speed: More Army Than Science," STAT, Damian Garde, September 28, 2020.

60 military officials in leadership roles, at least 4 generals, involved in the leadership of Operation Warp Speed.  Here is a short list.  

Diagnostics: Major General Lee Payne, Assistant Director for Combat Support at the Defense Health Agency (DHA).

Therapeutics: Sean Biggerstaff, Ph.D., Acting Director for Research and Development at DHA.

Vaccines: Matt Hepburn, M.D., Joint Project Lead CBRN Defense Enabling Biotechnologies.

Production and Distribution: Stacy Cummings, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Enablers.

Security and Assistance: Andrew Kilianski, Chief Intelligence Officer for CBRN Defense.

Found the chart from Steve Falconer.

Who is really developing and manufacturing these injections? Operation Warp Speed is more like Army than Science.  Trump said that in one of his speeches, that Americans would line up and the military would get the shot in the arm.  Well, couldn't find the video for that, but here is Reuters, May 13, 2020.

“You know it’s a massive job to give this vaccine,” Trump said in an interview broadcast Thursday on Fox Business Network. “Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.”

He said he believes there will be a vaccine by the end of the year and the United States is mobilizing “our military and other forces” on that assumption. 

Turns out that Deborah Birx was not an HHS employee.  Turns out she was from National Security.  NSA? 

COVID injections are not subject to any normal pharmaceutical regulatory rules. This is what prevents the gov't, or the FDA, from starting any investigations of them despite signals of harm

This was interesting. When the FDA made comments on TV, newspapers, online, etc, they talked about the vaccines as though they had authoritative approval but they did not by the very definition set by HHS.  So when they talked about the vaccines, they lied, because they don't have that authority.  

"So when [the] FDA... says 'Oh, you know, we reviewed COVID-19 vaccines rigorously and they're safe and effective, they're lying in many, many ways here and the first way that they're lying is that they're actually talking about them [the injections] as if they have regulatory authority over this matter. They don't," Latypova says.

Because the supposed "clinical trials" for the injections were not in the Scope of Work (SoW) described in the contracts signed between the DOD and pharma companies like Pfizer,****** they have been irrelevant to the injections actually going into people's bodies. The "vaccine development and approval could be named for a movie or a theater production or a show," Latypova says. She adds, "There is no vaccine development and approval because these products are not pharmaceuticals, they're not vaccines, they're countermeasures under EUA under public health emergency, they're not subject to any regulation. Especially not pharmaceutical regulation." Latypova notes that "Legally, there are no clinical trial subjects or investigators and therefore there has never been informed consent for these things. And what FDA is really doing is they're impersonating the regulators and lying to the public." She adds, "not... all 15,000 employees of the FDA are aware of this, but I know that a few at the top... have been briefed and they know what they're doing. So they're impersonating regulators and they're lying to their own employees..."

Saturday, June 10, 2023

When a philanthropist gifts you a toilet, run. Bill Gates is a major private interest behind . . . "covid and future pandemics".

Video clip courtesy of Sense Receptor News.  

The masterminds behind this are private... they think of themselves as the owners of the world and they think that we're occupying their space, their resources, and there should be fewer of us.

Steve asked me whether Bill Gates was one of these “owners” and why would I think that he is a bad guy when a Netflix documentary shows him as a do-gooder bringing toilets to poor Africans. I forgot to mention that both Hitler and Stalin were admired on Times Magazine cover, so it’s not news that rich and powerful international terrorists employ PR agencies and buy media to manufacture a do-gooder "brilliant guy” image.

Some very good comments on this were posted by readers, I am going to quote a couple of them here:

in reality, he [Bill Gates] does good things for a few while simultaneously killing millions of other people.

I have lived in a third-world country. For example, Mexico has drug cartels. To control the local people's image of themselves, they build schools, give money to poor people to win their loyalty, and kill others who are not subservient to their demands on the same day. They are the worst kind of humans imaginable. They are murderers, rapists, and, worse, only using people for profit. The seemingly good things they do are just a deception, cloaking their true identity just like Bill Gates does.

This comment (and the perfect example of the cartels) is extremely important because it cuts to the heart of evil. The Mexican cartels are death cults, and create Potemkin villages, as death cults always do. As Gates and his toilets do. People who cannot grasp the nature of evil cannot grasp what is happening with the jabs.

The only way to fight a predator or any danger is first, you must be able to see it, especially when it camouflages. I was on a hiking trip in the Andes some years ago in a large group (30+ people). Two first hikers stepped over this, and the third one noticed it. This is a particularly poisonous viper that could have killed or at least severely injured one of us (it was startled and pissed off).

(You'll need to enlarge it to see it, and even then you won't be able to see any distinctive markings to identify it properly.)

The person who noticed the viper, a police officer, told us that he was afraid of snakes and that his older brother used to throw snakes at him. Knowledge and experience with the subject are important.

Note - I am not comparing Bill Gates to snakes because that is disparaging to snakes. They are not evil.

I believe that Bill Gates is one of the main financiers and masterminds behind the global unrestricted biochemical and psychological warfare, along with WEF and UN backers. Bill Gates controls the policies of mass murder camouflaged as “public health” via the control of the financing of the international policy-setting bodies.

Today, member-states contributions to WHO are capped and account for only 16% of the budget. The 84% of the money comes from private entities (i.e. cartels of rich unelected assholes who want to rule the world), the main ones being Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI (also Bill Gates controlled), which together contribute ~$1.2 billion to the budget, making them the second largest financier of the WHO. In addition, Bill Gates invests in other entities that give money to the WHO, such as the Covid-19 Solidarity fund listed on this page, which received ~$55M from BMGF and GAVI. The slide below courtesy of Philipp Kruse, a Swiss attorney:

As we can see, one of the main owners and controllers of the WHO and likely its single largest financier is a PRIVATE PERSON. His name is Bill Gates. As was also discussed later in our interview, Bill Gates's “philanthropy” comes with dictating policies which, if not implemented precisely as Bill Gates wants, end the funding and further result in the sabotage of the refuseniks and worse. We have already established that the policies Bill funds and pushes via WHO are anti-human and contain the removal of national sovereignty, and unrestricted acts of terrorism camouflaged as public health that have unfolded during the past 3 years.

The information on the sources of funding of the WHO has never been secret. Why is it then, when Bill Gates is brought up as the bad guy behind the covid atrocities, we must pretend he is just a geeky, super smart guy who does the philanthropy thing? And that it is a crazy conspiracy theory to connect him with the global genocide?

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funded both BioNTech and Moderna and profited tremendously from these companies, as their poisonous products were forced, via WHO policies, on billions of people worldwide.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also funded the main fraudulent studies Solidarity and Recovery which intentionally overdosed the patients with lethal doses of hydroxychloroquine. The worldwide narrative that covid is not treatable by repurposed drugs and gave the US Government-Pharma cartel the cover they needed to push the EUA countermeasures was established based on these “studies”.

These public facts about the money flows already easily establish Bill Gates as one of the main masterminds of the globally orchestrated “pandemic” atrocity. Of course, he is not the only one, but clearly, he is very important in the area of weaponizing global public health. As another example, Soros’s main push is the destruction of the rule of law through the hijacking of law enforcement - he buys all the “progressive” district attorneys in the US.  But back to Bill - he is in the policy makers class and he implements his cherished eugenics policies for population control through WHO and other “health” policy distributors that he funds. This chart was made by Iain Davis and I find it helpful to see the layers of the international mafia cartel. However, as I keep reminding myself, these are organizations only, there are individuals behind them who own, fund and control them, and Bill Gates is one of the main owners:

This answers the “Who-Is-Doing-This?” question and further clarifies the picture of the global crime in progress that I previously discussed here.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Colonel Ashley Oughterson, MD, on the radiation effects in Hiroshima: “It is . . . difficult to explain the complete absence of radiation effects in a number of people who were theoretically exposed to lethal dosages of radiation.”

This was a fascinating review of the evidence and testimony and eyewitness accounting of scientists and military officials following the bomb blast over Nagasaki and Hiroshima.  It's been argued that Tokyo was bombed far more devasting than either of the twin cities.  

WATCH THE 28-MINUTE VIDEO.  IT IS DEVASTATING TO THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE.  The author is Michael Palmer, a German physician by training.  He claims that the bombs that exploded at and over Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not plutonium radiation bombs.  The illnesses that victims of the explosion were the result of napalm [see Section 8.1 on this page] and mustard gas.  

American Colonel Ashley Oughterson, MD, on the radiation effects in Hiroshima, see Section 6.5 on this page

“It is … difficult to explain the complete absence of radiation effects in a number of people who were theoretically exposed to lethal dosages of radiation.”

Oughterson headed the medical “Joint Commission” that investigated the aftermath of the bombings. A short time after writing down these words, he died in a plane crash in Colombia. Three of the other six American MDs who served on the commission also died before their time.


Eyewitness reports which suggest the use of mustard gas are not in short supply. The possibility that some kind of poison gas had been released at Hiroshima was brought up early on by Dr. Masao Tsuzuki, the leading Japanese member on the U.S.-Japanese “Joint Commission” of medical scientists convened to investigate the aftermath of the bombing. The historian Sey Nishimura [6] quotes from a 1945 article by Tsuzuki:

Immediately after the explosion of the atomic bomb, some gas permeated, which appeared like white smoke with stimulating odor. Many reported that when inhaled, it caused acute sore throat or suffocating pain.

The first Western journalist to report from Hiroshima, the Australian Wilfred Burchett [7],1 also brings up poison gas:

My nose detected a peculiar odour unlike anything I have ever smelled before. It is something like sulphur, but not quite. I could smell it when I passed a fire that was still smouldering, or at a spot where they were still recovering bodies from the wreckage. But I could also smell it where everything was still deserted.

According to Burchett, the Japanese he spoke to believed that the smell

is given off by the poisonous gas still issuing from the earth soaked with radioactivity released by the split uranium atom,

and he reports that the Japanese then engaged in clearing the debris from the city center were wearing gauze masks over their faces to protect themselves from the gas.

Among 105 witnesses who experienced the Hiroshima bombing as school-age children, and whose memories were collected and published by the Japanese teacher Arata [8], 13 explicitly mention poisonous gas or fumes. One of them, Hisato Itoh, died of leukemia shortly after writing his account, which contains this statement:

Both my mother and I had been through a great deal of strain during this time … and then we also started to feel listless and began to lose our hair because we had breathed the gases when the atom bomb fell.

From Sasha Latypova:

Fakery in weapons is a broader topic than “scary scary genetically modified viruses”. Fake does not mean harmless, but we must try to uncover the truth to understand how evil is being perpetrated, to fight it effectively, and to care for the injured.

You can buy or download the book Michael has written about this topic on his website.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Jimmy Dore on the Ukraine Kill List and others. American tax dollars being used to target American journalists . . . Yeah, just ignore this . . . .

Uh-oh, being critical of war is a no-no in Ukraine. You could be put on Ukraine's NATO'S kill list.  But really, who is NATO?  
Probably means nothing.  

They're going after more American journalists than ever before.  

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Rebrand war as a “public health emergency”, rebrand weapons as “countermeasures”, rebrand killing as “saving lives”. It is that simple...

Thank you to Katherine Watt

Sasha Latypova:

“Using Proper Mental Frameworks:

It begins to make more sense if mentally, one stops thinking about Covid and Marburg as names of microbes, and start thinking of them as brand names of weapons systems (like Predator drone, Hellfire missiles or F-22 jet) ...

Rebrand war as a “public health emergency”, rebrand weapons as “countermeasures”, rebrand killing as “saving lives”. It is that simple...

They need those PREP Act declarations in order to provide the same liability coverage to civilians deploying weapons on their fellow countrymen/women/children, and in many cases on themselves, as military would get in a combat zone destroying some brown people in a 3rd world country...” 

Friday, May 26, 2023

"The oligarchs first targeted over 11 million Americans for sterilization or elimination, aiming for 10% of the population at a time. Heady days for the pre-Hitler days."

McBean claimed that the influenza wasn't a flu started in Spain, as the racist eugenics folks pushed, but actually, a reaction to the vast amounts of vaccine the Rockefeller Institute used to experiment on millions of American and European soldiers. 
Thank you to Sasha Latypova.  

First, watch this documentary, Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics.  It is an excellent review of excerpts from Edwick Black's award-winning book, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, 2003.

The 1917 movie, The Black Stork, is referenced early.

It just keeps getting more and more ghoulish.  

Harry Laughlin, head of Eugenics office, whose college alma mater, "The Normal School," real name, met his wife, Pansy there, real name.  Once on a sibling dare, Harry swung an axe at his younger brother, Earl's hand, and one of Earl's fingers was nearly severed but reattached later.  Nice fella, that Harry Laughlin.  The oligarchs gave Harry "Hand Chopper" a job with Chucky Davenport as the head of Eugenics, where his salary was more than that of the President of Florida University.  

They found the Amish as "too peaceful."  

And also tagged poverty as "genetic" . . . as well as epilepsy, deafness, blindness, criminality, stuttering, poor English, and sexual perversions.  They targeted people of color and ethnic backgrounds.  The Carnegies, Harrimans, Rockefellers, and Morgans detailed 10 groups to do away with: 1) the feeble-minded, 2) the pauper class, 3) alcoholics and other addicts, 4) criminals, 5) epileptics, 6) the insane, 7) the weak, 8) those predisposed to diseases, 9) the deformed, and 10) the blind, deaf, and mute.

7:00  The oligarchs first targeted over 11 million Americans for sterilization or elimination, aiming for 10% of the population at any time.  Heady days for the pre-Hitler days.  Chicago Tribune syndicated columnist, Edwin Black, has won many awards, including "Best Book of the Year" from the American Society of Journalists and Authors.  Also won the International Human Rights Award from The World Affairs Council for War Against the Weak.  

8:15  War was an easy new means of eugenics in that the looked-down-upon poor could be sent off to fight and die for the rich under the pretense of patriotism.  By 1915, some crusading journalists exposed America's eugenics as a war of the plutocrats against the poor.  The Hearst newspaper syndicated a 1915 series of editorials typified by the San Francisco Daily News commentary on how railroad promoter, Harriman, Carnegie, and Rockefeller were "devoted to sterilization of hundred thousands of American defectives annually as a matter of eugenics."

8:56  "A boy is born to millions.  He either doesn't work, isn't useful, doesn't contribute to human happiness, is altogether a parasite, or else he works to add to his millions, with the brutal insane greed for more and more that caused the accumulation of the inherited millions.  Why isn't such THE MOST DANGEROUS DEFECT OF ALL?"

Talk about inheriting criminal tendencies.  Is there a ranker case of such than in the inheritance of Standard Oil criminality as evidenced in the slaughter of mothers and their babies at Ludlow?  Sterilization of hundreds of thousands of the masses by the Harrimans and the Rockefellers?  LET'S FIRST TRY OUT THE DEFECTIVENESS OF THE SONS OF BILLIONAIRES."

10:15  Leading eugenicists had already taken control of medicine by this time.  Around 1900, the Rockefellers, Carnegies, [Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America, E. Richard Brown, 1979.] and Morgan families, led particularly by John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, had poured loads of money into the allopathic aligned American Medical Association, AMA.  Homeopathy-based healers had organized the American Institute of Homeopathy in 1844.  And allopathic practitioners formed an opposition to them, starting the AMA in 1846.  As the older form of medicine, homeopathy relied on herbs and other natural substances for healing, while allopathic medicine relied more on surgery, mostly with saws but also medicinal maggots and bloodsucking leeches.  Call anything medicinal and it sounds A-okay.   This study says, let's bring them back.  Allopathic doctors further used strong doses of medicines often made out of neurotoxins, mercury, lead, and arsenic.  Allopathic medicine never gave up on the use of mercury as it's an ingredient in thimerosal, a preservative in flu shots and some vaccines.  

11:29  Back around 1900, the oligarch's family's financial takeover at first appeared profit motivated.  The Rockefeller family business was in oil and other petrochemicals.  And the new allopathic medicine put a huge emphasis on petrochemical-based pharmaceutical drugs.  Certainly, advances by both groups of medicine have been helpful over the decades, but allopathic doctors also immediately start using radium and radiation in their medical intervention until radium was condemned despite the Rockefeller Institute's own studies giving glowing reports on the use of radium.  The doctors then sold expensive pain pills.  In contrast, homeopathic medicines cost very little.  In the 2012 film, The War on Health: The FDA's Cult of Tyranny, Dr. Nancy Banks recounts some of this history.  

About 100 years ago, things were really beginning to change in the United States.  We were changing from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy.  Titans of industry [Morgan, Carnegie, Astor, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller], really wanted to be able to control the world financial system as a whole.  When the Rockefellers took over the allopathic medicine there were many types of medical education in the United States.  There were homeopathic doctors and there were naturopathic doctors who were using natural medicines to heal and they were having very good outcomes.  Once the Rockefellers took over the system, they closed down those other schools and only promoted the sale of their drugs, they promoted surgery, and they promoted radiation. 

13:00  As Dr. Christiane Northrup explains here, 

By 1920, Rockefeller funded reports and media started using the term "quacks" for homeopathic doctors in trying to demonize them, while also reviewing the attack on homeopathic medicine.  Dr. Northrup is a multiple New York Times best selling author of many books.  An OBGYN professor of Obstetrics at the University of Vermont Medical School, and has been on many of the major talkshows including NBC Nightly News, and Oprah ten times.

Everything that I thought was a good idea, like IV vitamin C, has been demonized.  You cannot patent a naturally substance.  And so for my entire career, many of the things that I thought were a really good idea, and that I saw were very highly effective, various herbs, homeopathic medicine, this sort of thing, that was very actively downplayed.  And a lot of that is from 1920's The Flexner Report, funded by John D. Rockefeller, where he invented the word "quack" and went after all the naturopathic medical schools, the homeopathic medical schools, and so on. 

14:25  Still, the oligarchs began to accumulate other motives by World War I.  After buying out the major newspapers, the eugenics folks put out much propaganda and put much pressure on President Woodrow Wilson's Administration to enter the First World War in 1917.  When the government entered the war and implemented the draft that year, the eugenics-minded oligarchs used the opportunity to test one to two dozen vaccines on the soldiers.  These vaccines were created by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.  A one-time reporter, who lived through the 1918 Pandemic, [The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination, Eleanor McBean, 1956] Eleanor McBean, Ph.D. wrote about it in several books.  McBean claimed that the influenza wasn't a flu started in Spain, as the racist eugenics folks pushed, but actually, a reaction to the vast amounts of vaccine the Rockefeller Institute used to experiment on millions of American and European soldiers.  Dr. McBean presented how, 

The report of the Surgeon General of the Army, 1919, Volume One, page 37 gives the number of adminissions to hospitals during the year 1918, on account of vaccinia, vaccination disease, as 10,830.  The Report of 1918 gave the number as 19,608 during 1917.  This does not take into account the thousands who were seriously ill, but not crtitically enough to be hospitalized. 

In another book, Swine Flu Expose, 1976, McBean cited how the Army report stated 

"Seven men dropped dead in a doctor's office after being vaccinated and 28,585 came down with cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the Yellow Fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war.  That was only 1 of the 14 to 25 shots given to the soldiers." 

16:25  Claus Kohnlein, an M.D. and specialist, and Torsten Engelbrecht wrote Virus Mania, which covered the 1918 epidemic with contributions from preventative medicine expert, Joachim Mutter, M.D., and Environmental lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  Kohnlein quoted McBean as saying that,

A soldier told her, the Army hospitals were filled with cases of infantile paralysis from polio and he wondered why grown men should have an infant disease. Now we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine poisoning.

As a one-time reporter turned investigating scientist Dr. McBean also said,

As far as I could find out the flu hit only the vaccinated those who had refused the shots escaped the flu my family had refused of vaccination so we remained well all the time.  Places that didn't use vaccines including non-medical hospitals we're getting almost 100% healings. 

And she added that 

one doctor who avoided the use of any problematic drugs or vaccines didn't lose a patient in 8 years from 1918 to 1926. 

After World War I ended the Rockefeller Institute and Rockefeller-owned vaccine makers had stockpiles of vaccines, so they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history, using the fear that these soldiers brought the flu from Spain. Eleanor McBean claimed that those not vaccinated didn't die. The Rockefellers and their compatriot oligarchs had banks in at least several European countries and pushed their propaganda for vaccines in that continent, stating that the sickness was due to a flu the soldiers must have picked up from Spain.  In another book, Vaccination The Silent Killer: A Clear and Present Danger, 1977, Dr. McBean and three fellow authors including Pacifica radio host Ida Honorof counter the oligarch's propaganda with one final example 

the doctors didn't want this massive vaccine disease to reflect on them so the agreed among themselves to call it Spanish influenza.  Spaniards knew the flu didn't originate in their country.  20 million died of that flu epidemic worldwide, and it seemed to be almost universal, or as far as the vaccination reached. Greece and a few other countries which did not accept the vaccines were the only ones which were not hit by the flu.

Other sources backed Dr. Eleanor McBean's claims.  Gary Kohles, MD, a doctor and weekly columnist with the Duluth Reader, wrote an article with former Federal Attorney Kevin Berry, who had written a book about Rockefeller Medical Institute vaccines, titled Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, 2015 they cited this Journal article on an Australian study finding the effects of the virus in and of themselves did not cause most or even many of the deaths during the pandemic.  The study said medical experts and published data from the 1918 period. Suggest that most deaths were caused by secondary bacterial pneumonia Dr. Kohl's and Barry said that by 1919 the US Army ballooned to 6 million men with 2 million men being sent overseas. They cited a National Institute of Health Report stating "bacterial pneumonia killed at least 92.7% of the pandemic victims." These authors further cited this NIH archived article, stating that the military used experimental vaccines on the soldiers as a prevention measure and stated these were the Rockefeller Institute's experimental bacterial meningococcal vaccine made in horses that were also sent to England, England, France, Belgium, Italy, and other countries that were the real killer of tens of millions. As further evidence, they decided the example of a 1918 doctor's report on the planned 3 doses of the bacterial meningitis vaccines injected in over 4,700 men between January and June of 2018. But over 1,000 men were not there for the third dose.  They referenced PBS's "American Experience" also citing Fort Riley Kansas as a starting place for the first wave of the 1918 influenza. PBS even referred to it as the so-called "Spanish influenza."  Kohl's cited PBS as saying that 100 men a day were entering the infirmary at Fort Riley during that vaccination period with Fort Riley duplicated at army bases across the US and in European countries. By July, the influence of 1918 have left its mark globally as tens of thousands had died.

21:25. Historian Edwin Black said that "By 1924, the wealthiest oligarchs helped the Eugenics movement gain enough positive publicity that the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of sterilizations," and at least 27 states sanctioned it other states included elimination techniques. Illinois authorities shipped many immigrants and others into institutions of the feeble-minded called "slaughterhouses," when they got low scores on Army IQ tests. These tests asked questions about tennis and bowling alleys that poor immigrants wouldn't know about.  As previously mentioned, these institutions of the feeble-minded fed residents milk from their own tubercular cows, killing 40% of the residents."

22:20. The Eugenics office workers were even merrier than Mary Harriman, with over 35,000 sterilizations in castrations lined up, they just had to sing.  The Eugenics record office staff held pep rallies chanting lyrics to the popular tune "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay."  

We are Eu-gen-ists so gay,  

And we have no time to play

Serious we have to be

Working for posterity

It was a pre-Nazi glee club.  

22:52. While British eugenics wouldn't gain anywhere near the power of American eugenics, it did its best to equal its Keen insightfulness David Starr Jordan led the Eugenics Society with writer and Liverpool surgeon Robert Reid Rentoul was a distinguished member of the Royal College of Surgeons made even more distinguished by his three names.  Rentoul published many Eugenics books with particular insights on American black males,

the negro is seldom content with sexual intercourse with the white woman, but culminates his sexual furor by killing the woman sometimes taking out her womb and eating it.


We're so happy, we're so gay,

We've been working all the day, 

That's the way Eugenicists play

23:48. Meanwhile, the Eugenics Office made Harry "Hand-Chopper" Laughlin, a special agent assigned to push eugenics in Europe. Special agent Laughlin left his wife, Pansy, at home and made inroads in Germany. Germans were left financially devastated after World War I. Germany's Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene blossomed under Rockefeller's and other oligarchs' largesse. As late as 1938, Harvard Medical School researcher Clyde Keeler visited the Institute's swastika-be-speckled buildings, saw its anti-Jewish program, and its devotion to Aryan purity and he came back with a glowing report. In 1939, a Stanford researcher also applauded the Institute and its director, Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer.  Historians dubbed Verschuer's assistant, Josef Mengele, "the angel of death." Mengele had a special obsession with scientific research on twins, through which he hoped to find the answer to the master race.  Mengele also had a knack for interior design. In 1943, he gathered one particular body part for Verschuer at a Romani concentration camp.  Inmate and twin study survivor, Vera Kriegel, said she came into Mengele's office and said,

I saw a wall of eyeballs pinned up like butterflies I thought I was dead and already living in hell.

For decades, Harry "Hand-chopper" Laughlin had said that people with epilepsy were feeble-minded and should be exterminated. As it turns out maybe he just based his theories on self-study; he died early of epilepsy in 1943.

Troops we have in plenty too,

Where no merriment is due, 

We inspect with might and main.  

Habitats of the insane. 

Statisticians too are we,          

In the house of Carnegie,  

If to future good you list,      

You must be a Eu-ge-nist. 

25:56. One of the oligarchs' companies, Brown Brothers Harriman, BBH, worked with Nazi industrialists such as Fritz Thyssen to aid Hitler's rise. The Brown part of the name came from the Baltimore-based Alexander Brown, who founded the oldest American investment company.  His sons started Brown Brothers, one of America's largest private banks.  George Bush Senior's dad, Prescott Bush, was made director of BBH, and Prescott's father-in-law, George Herbert Walker had a large investment in the company.  Just after the war, the government seized Brown Brothers Harriman's assets under the "Trading With the Enemy Act" due to their work with German steel industrialist, Fritz Thyssen and Hitler. Fritz Thyssen wrote a book, titled I Paid Hitler.  Everyone wants credit for funding Hitler. 

27:00. Professor Antony Sutton who was a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institute exposed how the top American financial oligarchs had their companies invest heavily in Nazi Germany.  For example, Sutton showed a Moody's Manual of Investments Table from 1930 stating the Ford Motor Company and Rockefeller's Standard Oil, and National City Bank shared directors with giant chemical company IG Farben.  Adolf Hitler bestowed IG Farben with its own concentration camp, Auschwitz, a reported 40 camps in one, after IG Farben gave massive funds for his election that included huge amounts of propaganda. Antony Sutton titled the third chapter of his book, "General Electric Funds Hitler" due to German General Electric sharing directors with IG Farben, Thyssen, and other German companies as well as funding 40% of the Nazis' electrical production.  

GE, we bring new things to killing, 

We bring new things to death.

28:06. Edwin Black's best-selling book, IBM and the Holocaust, documented how Rockefeller Standard Oil got admonished during the war for many issues around giving cutting-edge technology only to the Nazis. For example, in 1942 a congressional committee castigated Standard Oil in New Jersey for turning over synthetic rubber processes to the German Navy while withholding the same technical information from the United States and British militaries. 

28:48. The Bayer Aspirin folk were part of the IG Farben conglomerate.  Bayer had developed Zyklon B, a chemical used in the gas chambers of the IG Farben-run Auschwitz concentration camp, where they also got slave labor.  So the Aspirin folks helped kill millions. While IG Farben was the only German company to operate its own concentration camp, Ford got a skeleton crew from Buchenwald.  Not to be outdone, General Motors manufactured the Opel Blitz trucks for the Nazis' Blitzkrieg, lightning war attacks.  In the battlefield, these trucks came up faster on the enemy, Americans, Brits, and Soviets, killing more of them.  

"GM--Killing more Americans faster"

29:43. This British documentary discusses how much GM's Opel Blitz helped furor Adolf Hitler's war.  

So it was this uber blitz, the backbone of the Wehrmacht, produced by Opel, and this is quite clear, with American money.    --Gunter Neliba, Author, History of Opel

30:00. IBM also joined in on the fun.  They used their elaborate machinery with Hollerith punch cards, the first versions of computers and discs.  IBM Founder, Thomas Watson, seen here with Hitler, sent people to help the Germans canvas neighborhoods to find and document all the Jews, communists, homosexuals, Roma, and other subversives for roundup.  All these people would later receive tattooed numbers on their arms that corresponded with their punch card identification. 

30:47. After WWII, America's Office of Strategic Services, OSS, turned into the CIA and ran operations such as Sunshine to get the Nazis down to South America and other continents to bring joy to the world it ran Operation Paperclip to gain Nazi scientists Safe Haven such as helping Dr. Joseph Mengele's boss, Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, attain a position at the University of Munsters Institute of Human Genetics. Verschuer later became Dean of Munster University.  PBS NewsHour discussed a book on Operation Paperclip, titled, Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America, 2015, and interviewed its author, Annie Jacobson.

the good Germans, but they were dedicated Nazis . . . the ones you write about. We  should say that there are many, a 1,600 in all, right?

31:35. Nazi Aviation Medicine Director, Dr. Hubertus Strughold, had people held down in ice water to see how they reacted to shock before they died.  The CIA made him the leader of US Air Force Medicine after the war.  One man's war crime is another man's resume builder. 

32:05. Archival records cite how the CIA precursor, OSS, directed by Rockefeller Morgan lawyer, Allen Dulles, falsely claimed that Nazis such as Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele, and Klaus Barbie had died in the 1940s.  In fact, Israelis kidnapped Eichmann from Argentina and put him on trial in Israel in 1961.  Klaus "The Butcher of Lyon" Barbie went to Argentina and then to Bolivia. Joseph Mengele had fled to Brazil.  Here's former US attorney General's Office Lawyer, John Loftus, who President Carter assigned to investigate Nazis in the United States.  Loftus stated his findings regarding Allen Dulles, Nazi financier Fritz Tyson, and American oligarchs such as the Bush family. 

And I discovered much to my embarrassment that many of the Nazis that I had been assigned to prosecute we're already on the government payroll.

Loftus further explain how Alan Dulles led us intelligences investigations in Germany while also working as the lawyer for Fritz Thysson and Prescott Bush.

Now Allen Dulles was in charge of us intelligence investigations in Germany after the war it was very convenient because Alan Dallas was also the lawyer for the Tysons and also the lawyer for the bushes

33:27. A top CIA whistleblower Victor Marchetti and a British editor then documented how the American oligarchs founded the CIA in 1947 and made its director overseer of the other 14-plus intelligence agencies.  Allen Dulles, a lawyer for the Rockefellers and JP Morgan interests, spent 10 years as a leader of the CIA from 1951 to 1961.

34:00. We were beginning to take care of the limited number of strategic targets in North Korea.  In 1950, during the start of the Korean War, the Eugenics- minded oligarchs appeared to continue their Perpetual war and other military operations agenda.  The US Air Force flew over North Korea and dropped 800 tons of bombs a day, starting in late August much of it napalm-burning jellied gasoline.  In 1951, the Pentagon started "Project Baseless," whose goal was to achieve an Air Force-wide combat capability in biological and chemical warfare.  An international Commission of investigating scientists confirm[ed] that the US dropped biological weapons on Korea.

34:54   After the previously cited reports from the Surgeon General of the Army of massive vaccine poisoning of soldiers during World War I, the question remains as to whether the Eugenics-minded oligarchs ever gave up the use of corrupted vaccines to diminish the population.  And while the polio vaccine of 1955 was hailed as a great Public Health breakthrough "10 million lives saved by 1962 breakthrough," study says, many scientific studies would also make reports, such as this one, stating cancer risk associated with Simian virus SV40 contaminated polio vaccine.  And decades later, these studies revealing this corruption pushed the US Immunization Review Committee to admit that the polio vaccine administered from 1955 to 1963 was contaminated with a virus, called Simeon virus SV-40. The Committee reported an inadequate conclusion despite also admitting evidence supporting that SV-40 contamination of polio vaccines can contribute to human cancers.  In 1961, Dr. Bernice E. Eddy tried to stop people from receiving injections with these contaminated polio vaccines.  

Dr. Eddy was an award-winning virologist and one of the highest-ranking female scientists in NIH history.  She discovered that this cancer-causing monkey virus SV-40 had contaminated 98 million Salk polio vaccines.  Merck and Park Davis recalled their polio vaccines, but NIH officials refused to pursue a Total Recall of the rest of the supply.  [Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science, Mikovits, 2020.]  Authorities were more concerned with stopping Eddy than the shots.  The NIH forbade Bernice Eddy from speaking publicly.

In August of 1964, the first shots were fired that officially led the US into the Vietnam War.  The event later known as the Gulf of Tonkin incident was eventually stated as a fabrication.  This US Naval Institute report confirmed how once classified documents and tapes make clear that high government officials distorted fact and deceived the American public about events that led to full U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.  Some of the same American companies that helped the Nazis in World War II helped Americans kill Vietnamese at a much higher rate.  For example, General Electric created the fastest machine gun in history, M134 Minigun.  It was fitted on helicopters and planes and could shoot 2,000 to 6,000 bullets per minute. 

38:25.  In 1974, President Nixon instructed his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to work with the National Security Council on a classified report, National Security Memorandum, NSSM 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests, called THE KISSINGER REPORT. The report included the policy recommendation of pushing functional Assistance programs to create conditions for fertility decline.  While women's Reproductive Rights alone would appear a worthy cause, such as different forms of contraception, this report never explicitly mentions them.  Instead, it sticks with the euphemistic "population program" talk, stating that the agency for International Development had an annual program which spent $137.5 million dollars in 1975 alone.  The report stated that some estimates noted that $2.5 billion dollars annually would be required by 1985. 

39:48.  By 1975 Richard Nixon had resigned after the Watergate scandal and his Vice President Gerald Ford had assumed the presidency oligarch Nelson Rocky Rockefeller wormed his way into the White House without all the honorous campaigning getting himself picked as vice president with his wife happy in tow by 1976 the oligarch appeared to push polluted vaccine shots again while creating laws for a boon over scientific property for the next decade.  First they influenced President Gerald Ford to announce the Swine Flu epidemic, and show himself getting a shot for it.  It was the new incentive to corruption already existing at the CDC and NIH. 60 Minutes was doing more independent journalism in the late 1970s when they covered the corruption at the CDC around the 1976 Swine Flu, and the government push for all Americans to take a vaccine for it.  60 Minutes' Mike Wallace interviewed CDC whistleblower, Dr. Michael Hatwick about running the program and the CDC director, Dr. David Sencer, who tried to cover up Hatwick's information on neurologic disorders caused by the vaccine in hundreds of people. 

41:45. Nelson "Rocky" Rockefeller ended on a high note if not happy his wife that is.  Happy's marriage appeared rocky the last few years since her husband had been housing his 25-year-old mistress assistant, Megan Marshack in an apartment several doors down from them for those last years.  "Rocky" seemed plenty happy moments before he died of a heart attack at 70 years old in 1979, partially clothed in Marshack's apartment. 

42:40. Authorities announced a 1977 Russian flu pandemic found in November 1977 in the Soviet Union, however, it was later reported as having first occurred in northeastern China in May of that year.  It caused epidemic disease in children and young adults.  By January 1978, the virus had spread around the world resulting in a widespread epidemic of mild influenza. Author Nicholson Baker reported on government documents he obtained for his book on the US government's, "Project Baseless," 1950, Project Baseless: My Search for Secrets in the Ruins of the Freedom of Information Act, 2020, starting in 1950.  In this New Yorker magazine article, Baker stated that this 1977 epidemic of influenza began in Russia and China was eventually traced to a sample of an American strain of flu preserved in a laboratory freezer since 1950.  In this New Yorker magazine article, Baker stated that this 1977 epidemic of influenza A, that began in Russia and China, was eventually traced to a sample of an American strain of flu preserved in a laboratory freezer since 1950.  In 1980 Congress passed the Bayh-Dole Act that allowed Federal researchers and contractors to own their inventions and patents it allowed universities and small businesses to own the intellectual property that they created, patentable intellectual property specifically, that they created using federal dollars.  In 1986, the pharmaceutical companies, many of which the Rockefellers and other oligarchs started or had investments in from the start of the century, influenced Congress to pass, and President Reagan to sign, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. President Reagan reported serious reservations about what was then called the Vaccine Compensation Program heavy lobbying by drug companies, Vice President Bush, and others led Reagan to sign it.   This article, "Reagan Signs Bill on Drug Exports and Payment for Vaccine Injuries," stated that one of the purposes of this Act was to lessen the number of lawsuits against manufacturers.  The Supreme Court would later say that this Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 preempts all designed effect claims brought by plaintiffs against vaccine manufacturers.  People who study the corrupt history of pharmaceutical companies, the CDC, and vaccines say it's not a coincidence that after the legal liability was lifted, vaccine recommendations skyrocketed as seen here this schedule shows that Hepatitis B has to be given to all babies at birth and at 2 months and 6 months.  The CDC explains that people get Hepatitis B through sexual contact and sharing needles.  Well, this is a no-brainer.  We all know what that little man can get into if someone uses just one dirty needle for those tattoos.  

45:40  Major films such as Dark Waters, 2019, starring Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway, and Tim Robbins covered the true story of an activist winning nearly a billion dollars in settlements from DuPont for polluting rivers in deadly ways.  Environmental Lawyer Robert F Kennedy, Jr. played a major part in this suit and it was one of his many environmental cleanup successes.  In 2007, mothers of autistic kids talked Kennedy into looking at vaccines.  In this interview, Kennedy explains that after the 1980s law change that gave vaccine manufacturers virtual legal immunity, the [number] of vaccines scheduled skyrocketed due to the profits to be made.  He also details the CDC corruption here, including the massive promotion and very little testing.

46:33  Congress passed a law giving blanket immunity from liability to vaccine manufacturers.  So suddenly vaccines became pay dirt.  There was a gold rush to put new vaccines on the schedule.  I got three vaccines when I was a kid and I was fully compliant.  My children got 69 vaccines.  Today's children get 74, 74 shots of 16 vaccines.  The CDC has been characterized by at least 4 federal studies as a 'cesspool of corruption' because of its pervasive interactions, entanglements I would say with the vaccine industry. 

47:22  Eugenics laws stayed on the books in some states who kept practicing sterilizations until the 1970s.  NBC News covered how some states kept practicing eugenics as late as the 1970s in a special episode of Rock Center with Brian Williams. "State of Shame: North Carolina Woman One of Thousands Sterilized," NBC News, November 7, 2011.  

7,600 men, women, and children determined by social workers to be feeble-minded, or promiscuous were sterilized.  31 states had legal eugenics programs [Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin].  And by the late 1960s, tens of thousands of Americans had been sterilized.  

31 states practiced eugenics for decades with some continuing into the 1970s. 

48:24  The notion that eugenics may have continued through mass murder and perpetual war continued throughout the 1900s and well into the new millennium.  "How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology," James Joyner, May 11, 2011.  By 1991, President George H. W. Bush led America into a war against Iraq.  By 2002, President George W. Bush started the invasion of Afghanistan and then Iraq.  Not to be outdone, Nobel Peace Prize-winning President, Barrack Obama bombed Syria, Iraq, and all the other countries [Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, etc.] listed here by CNN.  Despite this list, CNN never seemed to have a problem with any of these presidents' invasions or bombings. 

49:18  Author Nicholson Baker uncovered many hidden government documents in his book, Baseless.  Baker also detailed how in 2003, American scientists "learned how to trick viruses, coronaviruses in particular, into moving quickly from one species of animal to another."  Baker said, "They've made machines that mix and mingle the viral code for bat diseases with the human code for diseases, diseases like SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, for example, which arose in China in 2003."  

50:05  The eugenics and Nazi-funding oligarchs led by the J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller families Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and Morgan] used their immense wealth and power to gain vast control over Americans' information in various ways.  Besides having bought the top newspapers and magazines in 1917, as previously mentioned, in the 1970s more information came out about their media control.  Watergate muckraker, Carl Bernstein, published the findings of the U.S. Senate Church Committee in 1977.  [The CIA and the Media, Carl Bernstein, October 20, 1977.] That showed over 400 members of the media, mostly the ownership and management, lived dual lives.

50:38. Among the executives who lent their cooperation to the agency were William Paley of the Columbia Broadcasting System, CBS, Henry Luce of Time Inc., Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times Barry Bingham senior of the Louisville Courier-Journal and James Copley of the Copley News Service.  Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA included the American Broadcasting Company, ABC, the National Broadcasting Company, NBC, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters Hearst Newspapers, Scripps- Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald, and the old Saturday Evening Post.


In their work for the CIA in the 1980s professors Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman documented how the Pentagon published over 1200 magazines by that decade it should be remembered that top researchers and whistleblowers such as Francis Stoner Saunders and Victor Marchetti said the wealthiest families have Representatives that dominate U.S. intelligence's hierarchy.

Keep watching the documentary.