Showing posts with label Promolife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Promolife. Show all posts

Sunday, March 24, 2024

DR. FRANK SHALLENBERGER: Using ozone therapy for 40 years to fix everything

The Holy Grail is to figure out how to optimize mitochondrial function.  --Dr. Frank Shallenberger

Ozone therapy.  What is it good for?  Absolutely everything.  

4:25  Like most any other therapy, whether it's natural or pharmaceutical, usually these other therapies have kind of a limited spectrum of what they do.  It didn't take me long to figure out that ozone is good in almost every case you see.  

It's good for heart problems.  
It's good for toxicity problems.  
It's good for low metabolic problems.  
It's good for stress.  
It's good for sleep.  

And you ask yourself, how can one thing be responsible for improving so many different conditions?  

5:00  So you've got to look at the core.  What's core?  So I'm giving oxygen, that's what ozone is, everybody's getting better, ergo, the problem probably has something to do with oxygen, specifically how the body is using oxygen.  and that's how I got into the whole metabolic thing.  I started looking around, saying, "Okay, we've got to start measuring people's metabolism, because I'll be you a nickel that after I give them a course of ozone therapy, their metabolism is going up.  So I developed this technique that you referred to on how to measure mitochondrial function, and that indeed is what happens.  You get the ozone and the mitochondrial function improves, and at that point, I decided that's the Holy Grail.  The Holy Grail is to figure out how to optimize mitochondrial function.  And to do that you've got to measure it first.  You measure it; if it's great already, fine, there's not much that you need to do.