Showing posts with label Oksana Boyko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oksana Boyko. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2023

ROBERT BARNES: Trump has to be one of the highest integrity people on the planet because to be a New York real estate tycoon, titan, and all they can find on you [are] some affairs?

I call it confession through projection, so if you look at all the crimes they accuse Trump of and it's pretty much what the Biden family HAS DONE.  --Robert Barnes


2:20. Americans are witnessing in live time how disparate and discriminatory unfortunately our American legal system has become.

7:35. How many american power players continued meeting with convicted sex offender, Jeffry Epstein, and pedophile after his conviction, including people like the CIA Director William Burns, who at that time was serving as Deputy Secretary of State.  And he had meetings scheduled with Epstein in his own private mansion.  And the same goes for Obama's presidential advisor, or for a college president.  What does it say for you about the informal ways of power and influence in America?  

8:15. In the post WWII era, the American deep state as it came to be known, some people call it the National Security establishment, or the Military Industrial Complex, really entrenched its power across the media, across the university spectrum, across our corporate institutions, across our global institutions.  As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., recently said that he attributes to the CIA and those bad actors the assassination of both his father and his uncle, President John F. Kennedy.  And part of all that is always having honey traps, sex trafficking operations being involved, illicit operations around the world to extort, targeted individuals, and Jeffrey Epstein, not coincidentally, was connected to Robert Maxwell, the British publisher, who had connections to intelligence operations all over the globe.  He came from the Dalton School, where Epstein got his first break.  Secretary of State Anthony Blinken went to that  same school.  William Barr, the former Attorney General's father, was the Headmaster right before Epstein was hired at the Dalton School.  So you have an elite prep school tied to, had tie-ins.  You go deeper, you had Blinkin's father and Epstein.  So it's not a surprise that you had Epstein as the centerpiece for a honey-trap extortion operation, blackmail operation for intelligence agencies around the world.  He had ties to Robert Mueller . . . .  The reason he got a sweetheart deal is most likely he was a secret informant for the Fed, meaning the FBI, under Robert Mueller.  This goes back . . . Robert Mueller has ties to people who did operations similar to that out of San Francisco.  So it's not a surprise.  It's just American and global institutional power we don't get to see in live term, and I think this is what is coming out. 

10:10. Do i understand you correctly that all these parties that Epstein was involved in organizing involving teenage girls, or very young women, you believe it was not only for the sexual gratification of the participants, but possibly a scheme, a means for coopting for further control 

10:35. Oh, no doubt.  Classic blackmail extortion ring.  It's not only about providing illicit sexual services to an elite group of people who otherwise can't find that easily the access to that illicit activity but it's also to blackmail and extort them.  I don't think it's a coincidence . . . I think some of the efforts failed, like the effort to get . . . the material on Alan Dershowitz didn't ultimately work out because he didn't take the bait but, nor do I think Noam Chomsky who apparently met multiple times with him, I don't think he took the bait on any of that.  But most likely it was also because he was involved in eugenics and a lot of other weird science that Epstein . . . but I think the long-term goal and object in each one of these cases was to entrap and ensnare these people in a world that could then be used against them. According to media reports, there were lots of video cameras all over Epstein's Island.  We just don't know what happened to all of that material.  But all of it has the forensics fingerprints of a blackmail operation involving western intelligence agencies. 

11:35. I don't know if its accurate, but Trump's resort in Mar-a-Lago was absolutely off limits for Epstein's parties, and that raises a very interesting question about morality because it's one thing to pursue adult women, even as an extramarital affair but it's quite a different to buy the bodies and ravage the souls of teenage girls.  What do you think about that?  

12:03. Oh, yeah, so early on Epstein was reported as harassing some young women at Mar-a-Lago, so Trump banned him from Mar-a-Lago.  And you can find some articles where he kept hinting at Epstein issues.  I think there's the Vanity Fair piece that was very favorable to Epstein where Trump kept saying "Well, he has a reputation for very young girls," where he's trying to put out there what's going on.  So . . . they tried to connect Trump to Epstein. Ultimately, it was unsuccessful because Trump was one of the people who kept his distance from Epstein over many years once he found out what he was about.  So it reflect the sad nature of our intel system but the . . . Trump has to be one of the highest integrity people on the planet because to be a New York real estate tycoon, titan, and all they can find on you [are] some affairs?  

12:53. This is not just fascinating but it's totally . . . it's hard for somebody like myself to understand how the Democrats would be waxing poetic about all the crimes and moral character of Trump while seemingly knowing about what's going on in their own camp.  It's beyond comprehension. 

13:25. I call it confession through projection, so if you look at all the crimes they accuse Trump of and it's pretty much what the Biden family HAS DONE. So they accuse Trump of being engaged with various foreign corruption scams and now it's coming out that the Biden family was raking money from almost anybody around the world to line their pickets.  The Democrats accuse Trump of various sexual misconduct.  There's all kinds if allegations circulating Biden concerning that and concerning far worse conduct.  And so I think what you see is confession through projection.