Showing posts with label Nick Hudson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nick Hudson. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2024

It was "for the greater good."

This is a Nazi idea, not a Catholic social ethic.   

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

WAR CRIMES: Against the Aboriginal Peoples of the Northern Territory of Australia

This criminal tyrant is stabbing the Aboriginal people of the North Territory with jabs against their will.  These aboriginal peoples are frightened, they're scared, and they're announcing to the world the war crimes at the hands of the Australian government, led by this Hitler, Michael Gunner.


Sunday, October 10, 2021

"Bruce Aylward [of the WHO] will go down in history as a criminal of immense stature."

Men think in herds; they go mad in herds,

while they only recover their senses slowly,

and one by one.    

--Scottish poetCharles MacKay, from his Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, 1841.


Sometimes you get the feeling that there is a whole industry almost waiting for an epidemic to occur    --British Epidemiologist, Tom Jefferson 

from "Time to Reopen Society."  PANDA’s PANDA [Pandemics, Data, & Analytics] co-founder, Nick Hudson, was the keynote speaker at the March 2021 inaugural BizNews Investment Conference in South Africa.  Here is the link to the Odysee video where you can read the comments.  

At the 3:07 mark, Nick presents an impressive list of colleagues.  They are: 

Scott W. Atlas

Sucharit Bhakdi

Jay Bhattacharya

Sunetra Gupta

Scott Jensen

Martin Kulldorff

Michael Levitt

Paul E. Peterson

Ellen Townsend

Mike Yeadon

At the 13-minutes mark, he cites the criminal action of Canadian physician, Bruce Aylward, who is on the W.H.O.'s leadership team.  That should tell you all you need to know about Bruce.  "Everybody should copy China's response."  Here is a transcript of Nick's presentation.  

Where on earth does the story come from? Bruce Aylward will go down in history as a criminal of immense stature. He takes a delegation to China, spends a few days there and returns and says to the world that everybody should copy China’s response. There was no substantive reason for him to say that. The entire basis for saying this was the doctrine of universal susceptibility. It was clear that in China not everybody had died – therefore, lockdowns work. It is so silly. Before covid, this is repeated wherever you look in any country’s pandemic respiratory virus guidelines. 

And toward the end, Hudson cites the Great Barrington Declaration, penned by a few from the list above.  Read it.  Then sign it.  Please.