Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2024

"Trump could wind up seizing the state capitol, the governor’s residence, etc., plus having his property returned to him."

Thanks to Martin Armstrong's "NYC Bonds Are in Sell Mode."

COMMENT: Hi Martin, 

Thanks for the “astute lawyer” compliment. That was very nice, and coming from you, it is very meaningful to me. 

The Epoch Times headline in your “NYC Out of Control” post calls the dollar part of the verdict against the Trumps a “penalty.” It has also been called a “fine,” but I haven’t yet seen it called “damages” in a headline. I think Hochul, Engoron, and James know that the amount was based on a damage assessment and calculation that may not hold up.  

New York Executive Law § 63(12) clearly reads that the attorney general “may apply . . . for an order . . . directing restitution and damages…”. [Emphasis mine.] New York proved math calculations, not actual damages, where the damaged party had to be made whole. Had the statute recited a list of fines, they’d probably be in a more sound position, but their position now is what I would call “too dicey for comfort.” I would seize nothing in this situation because there are too many cases of improper seizures to worry about. The verdicts against those who seize property in error or improperly or hastily in a flawed or tainted case are many times larger than the amount of the money judgment used to seize and sell the property of the defendant. 

Furthermore, if New York has someone running the Trump businesses, and should he or she destroy or damage the businesses, the state could be liable for many, many times the amount of the verdict/judgment against the Trump family. Trump could wind up seizing the state capitol, the governor’s residence, etc., plus having his property returned to him. I’ve seen this happen. Once, the State of Louisiana overreached, and once, the U.S. government was a litigant against a billionaire oil man, banker, and friend who could not get the IRS to return his multi-million dollar overpayment of taxes. He finally had enough, and he seized the Hale Boggs Federal Court Building. He got his money a day later. 

Perhaps by dancing around exactly what legal principle the amount of the money verdict/judgment is based on (i.e., damages, fines, penalties [i.e., a payment imposed as punishment], whatever), the Hochul, Engoron, James enterprise has walked into a trap. The Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive fines. If they maintain the amount is absolutely based on the principle of damages, how can they show a diminution of the state being “whole” (or “wholeness” if you will) owing to Trump’s actions with third parties. If they maintain the amount of the verdict/judgment is based on a properly enacted and published fine or penalty, then they must face the Eighth Amendment. 

In my opinion, Hochul, Engoron, and James are whistling past the graveyard. They have put their careers on the line, and the dice are tumbling. 

Best regards, and thanks again. 


This is so political it smells, and just because this Judge, who is not qualified to judge a turtle race, simply decrees, they think they are God, and everyone must bow down to them and kiss their ring. It is so rare to find a decent judge in New York. Judge Lawrence McKenna saw what they were doing and tried to protect me. The government went to the Chief Judge to remove him and then sealed the record. 

The DA belongs in prison with the governor and this disgusting judge. This DA is bragging that she will now seize Trump Tower. When the computer projected that the 2024 election would be intermixed with serious civil unrest and that neither side would ever accept the outcome, as we draw closer and closer to this date with destiny, it is looking very, very dark indeed.

The computer is projecting a panic cycle in September, rising volatility in October, and October will be a critical turning point heading into the 2024 election. We should no longer have the motto Gold Bless America. It should be changed to God Save America These LEFTIST are destroying the very foundation of law; without that, civilization can no longer exist. That is the testimony of history – not my opinion. 


Bond investors have piled into New York City’s tax-exempt bonds, lured by their relatively high yields. However, with a $7 billion budget deficit spiraling costs of sheltering asylum seekers and other migrants that have sought refuge in New York on top of this collapse in the rule of law, NYC is a sell – not a buy. Wall Street profits are declining, and with them, there are looming job cuts at major investment banks. Many are migrating to Florida, which puts pressure on city tax revenue. New York’s fiscal outlook is a disaster. That suggests the city’s general obligation bonds aren’t particularly attractive at current valuations – they are a sell. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The total “official” amount of illegal aliens has exceeded 6 million. That is more than the total population of Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Now, they are handing them money, for they will start a crime wave if they do not. The most honest people will steal food when hungry. They think they will be able to buy their votes, and Biden will hand these people citizenship, and they will be able to claim Social Security with some disability. All of this is to rig the 2024 election.  --Martin Armstrong

Sources are saying that the majority of people flooding in through the Southern Border are now from Africa and the Middle East, with a lot of Chinese thrown in for good measure. They denied two of my employees from Europe who have UK and German passports and have been coming to the USA before to come in for the WEC last November. All of a sudden, there is discrimination going on, and it’s about if they are educated and skilled, they are denied. The Biden administration is completely out of control. We cannot afford another four years of this insanity.

The total “official” amount of illegal aliens has exceeded 6 million. That is more than the total population of:

Montana  [1,142,746]

Delaware  [1,044,321]

South Dakota  [928,767]

North Dakota  [788,940]

Alaska  [773,536]

Vermont  [647,818]

Wyoming  [586,485]

TOTAL: 5,912,613  [this is a decent site for tracking data in each state]

The people being let in are not generally highly skilled, and they can’t even speak the language to get a good-paying job. Now, they are handing them money, for they will start a crime wave if they do not. The most honest people will steal food when hungry. They think they will be able to buy their votes, and Biden will hand these people citizenship, and they will be able to claim Social Security with some disability. All of this is to rig the 2024 election. Biden may step down before the Democratic Convention from August 19 to 22, 2024. This sets Biden up to take all the arrows, and Michelle Obama takes the stage. They MUST defeat Trump to adopt the World Economic Forum 2030 Agenda.

We are showing Panic Cycles and Directional Changes due in May markets in September. So get ready. This election year, 2024, will be one epitaph of the United States. It is highly doubtful that we will even see a 2028 election in the future.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

"why don't they just stay and steal in Florida? Because there you go to jail."

Listen to why they leave Florida come to New York commit their crimes and then go back to Florida.

John Miller, 5:00:  There is this one-percenter criminal element that looks at a different opportunity here.  These individuals--I went over their rap sheets yesterday--have multiple charges: grand larceny, robbery attempted.  It's a crew that operated on mopeds and scooters.  They were doing organized retail theft.  They were doing snatches on the street.  They'd take iPhones, iPad, clothing, and so on.  And one of them that they are still seeking has 10 charges on one day because he's part of a pattern that's been going on.  And I'm looking at the dates that their arrests started which is probably close to when they got here.  They've only been here a couple of months. So what the detectives are telling me is they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing here, and then go to Florida and spend the money and and then come back.  And I'm like well why don't they just stay and steal in Florida?  Because there you go to jail.  

Nate the Lawyer, 5:55:  Now these migrants are out on the street after beating up two cops because of bail reform. But that's not the end of the issue because then you would say, well, why can't we deport them right then after they're beating up our law enforcement officers?  Well, that's because New York State and New York City is a sanctuary City and a sanctuary state, meaning that the local officials will not report these gentlemen to ice they will not report these gentlemen to Federal authorities so they can be deported.  That's New York State's policy; that's New York City's policy, and they are proud of their status as a sanctuary City.

6:33. You pledge during your campaign to keep New York City a sanctuary City

Friday, December 1, 2023

Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY) Received More than $200,000 from the Healthcare Industry of the more than $1 Million Super PAC Money--Partly Funded by Bill Gates

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Get The Hell Out Of New York. Not for the decay. Not even for the crime. For the fact that it is a PROSECUTION FACTORY, & juries there will bankrupt you for everything you own for posting memes online, defending yourself against journalists, or just crossing the street.