Showing posts with label Martin Armstrong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martin Armstrong. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

How Joe Biden's Assault on Fossil Fuels Benefits Mexico and Its Peso

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

QUESTION: Good afternoon Mr. Armstrong.

I have been a basic member for 6 years.  Since then I have been following your USD prediction and it is on spot despite everyone saying the contrary.  However, after seeing the EURO, Pound, Yen, and other currencies waterfall, why has the Mexican peso kept its value? I can’t find the logic.  Could you please explain?
Thanks for ALL you do.  BP

ANSWER: This is the Array from 2020. That was the ideal of the high for the dollar and that coincided with the end of the Trump Administration. The Biden Administration has been at war with fossil fuels from the beginning, despite trying to blame Putin.

[But there are plenty of instances where he promises to end fossil fuels under the guise of climate change all in the service of Soros, Davos, WEF, and others to destroy the west.]

This has benefited Mexico from a value perspective, but while claiming to be on board with this Great Reset, they are not as gun-ho as Canada and the USA. Even polls at the start of 2022 in the USA were telling. Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey concluded that 45% of American voters believed the highest priority for businesses was to provide individual consumers with high-quality products and services at the lowest prices. Only 9% of voters classified climate change as the top priority for business, and only 1% said that business resources should pursue social justice as a top priority. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Our capital flow model has been pointing to tremendous inflows to Mexico since they have had the best anti-COVID mandates so there are a lot of Europeans leaving for South and Latin America and Mexico has been a primary target.

This trend appears to be continuing into 2024. As war rises in Europe and the leaders seem intent upon sacrificing their people on the altar of climate change, COVID, and Ukraine, the flight of people and capital will continue. For those who refused to get vaccines, Mexico has been the safe haven for the world.
  • There are no COVID-19 test requirements in Mexico.
  • COVID vaccination passports or certificates are not mandatory to enter Mexico.
  • There are no quarantine requirements in Mexico

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Plot to Seize Russia, War Propaganda, and More

Maria Zeee is the host, and Martin Armstrong is the guest. Here is her summary of the show:

World renowned economist Martin Armstrong joins us to break the story of the several-decade long plan to seize Russia, detailing how he has obtained declassified documents from the Clinton Administration, and how he was previously targeted for possessing this knowledge - which he is finally able to release.

Martin takes us through his encounter with an alleged terrorist from 9/11 while he served in prison, who was actually a Pakistani Christian that was framed by the US Government. We also discuss world events, war propaganda, and Martin's insight into where we are heading.

You can follow Martin's work via his website:

My Notes:

From the very beginning, the interview takes off.  

The Plot to Seize Russia provides the back story on why Martin went to prison and why he was persecuted, the ways in which he was persecuted, and the plot to seize Russia.

I managed to get a hold of documents from the Clinton Administration that have been declassified.  So I've got all the phone calls now between Yeltsin. And the Clintons, and it's really quite eye-opening.
Omitted from the history books is in 1991 when Russia collapsed, NATO actually asked Russia to join.  And that was what sparked the coup against Gorbachev because the hardliners looked at it as surrendering Russia to America.  So they staged a coup, and that's when Yeltsin ended up standing on the tank.  That's the backdrop which history books apparently have omitted.  

Declassified documents from the Clintons about NATO inviting Russia to join.  

The real person who was trying to grab Russia was Russian oligarch, Boris Berezovsky.  He and his 7 oligarchs were actually trying to take over Russia.  And I've got the documents . . . at first he was pitching it that the west should absorb Russia like they did their former enemies, Japan and Germany.  And he said, look, we'll take over the country.  We're not military, we're just businessmen.  That's where it kind of starts.  It wasn't working out well for them at that stage, so then they try blackmailing Yeltsin.  And that's when they staged thus whole thing.  Money was stolen from the IMF and it was all routed through the Bank of New York.  [3:26] And then Edmond Safra, of Republic National Bank was the one that was in league with Berezovsky, and he ran to the Feds and said Bank of New York just did a $7 billion-dollar money laundering.  And so the Feds run in there and it was all set up, and they were blackmailing Yeltsin in July 1999 that he should step down, otherwise, all this was going to come out.  That's when he turned to Putin.  You have to understand all if what was going on at the time.  Yeltsin was being attacked from two sides: one, the hardline communists who filed a motion to impeach him over this Bank of New York and corruption issues that came out.  And they were trying to take back Russia and turn it into the USSR.  On the opposite side, you had the oligarchs who were blackmailing him.  So he turned to Putin.  At the time, nobody knew who Putin was.  He was an unknown.  He wasn't a member of the oligarchs and he wasn't a communist. So Yeltsin appointed him August 9, 1991.  At that stage of the game, the world was like what's going on, what's happening?  First, they thought that he was just going to be another one of these Prime Ministers that's pushed out.  At that stage of the game, what had happened was that in the 1998 Financial Crisis in Russia, apparently, Safra had lost about 50% of his net worth and was putting the bank [Republic National Bank] up for sale with HSBC.  He saw an opportunity, and he stole $1 billion dollars from my accounts.  [5:50]  And on August 27, when that takes place, I call and ask, "What the heck is going on here?"  And the head of the HSBC bank, George Wendler, 1944-2018, gave me the reply, "I'm just the messenger."  Whoa.  Now when you're talking to the head of the bank, and he says he's just the messenger, the only person higher than him was Edmond [Safra]. 

So I said, "You tell Edmond that I'll hop on a plane and I'll be in Geneva in the morning."  

He said, "You can't go there.  He's not in Geneva.  He left for Monaco for security reasons."  So that starts the whole thing going.  So I had assumed that once Putin was installed that that was the sign that the oligarchs were dead, and Safra being involved in the conspiracy, he fled to Monaco, which was like a fortress.  But somebody from the inside left the doors open and they went in.  I knew Dominick Dunne, who wrote the article, "The Death in Monaco," 2000, for Vanity Fair.  [7:07]  Also not reported, Dominick told me, "Look, there were two bullets in his body."  It's an interesting play here, but at the time I thought that Putin killed him.  I was just believing what the Russian press was saying, and it's just not true.  Most of these assassinations had nothing to do with Putin.  This was Berezovsky taking out people that were going to rat on him or one thing or another.  Even when Berezovsky had written a letter to Putin, 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

"sheer hatred between Ukrainian and Russians is legendary . . . removing Putin will escalate things, not stop them. The hardliners will seize power and that will not be good going into 2023"

Thank you to Martin Armstrong.

The sheer hatred between Ukrainian and Russians is legendary and as such the likelihood of this ever reaching peace is unlikely.  My sources continue to suggest that removing Putin will escalate things, not stop them. The hardliners will seize power and that will not be good going into 2023. Claiming they have Putin on the run is not going to win the day in Ukraine. It runs the risk of really escalating things for the hardliners in Moscow are criticizing Putin for being too soft on Ukraine. He for the first time started to attack their power grid. The hardliners will push for a serious attack against Ukraine rather than just securing the Donbas.

There are reports on the Russian General SVR Telegram channel, which tends to be an anti-Putin station, that is claiming there was an inside-job attempt to assassinate Putin with an attack on his motorcade. He was not harmed. They are claiming that the first car of the convoy was blocked by an ambulance, but the second car made a slight detour and did not stop. A loud bang was supposedly heard from Putin’s car, but it continued and arrived safely at the president’s residence.

They further claimed that the body of a man was then found driving the ambulance. They have reported that the head of the president’s bodyguards and several other people have been suspended and are in custody. Nobody has been named and there is no other news service that has reported this claim. 

When we look at our models, the real higher volatility and the turning point in Russia appear to be in October, which is also a Panic cycle in the ruble. What we do see is that the Ukrainians carried out assassination hits in Russia. They have been trying to target Putin to kill him without success so far. They tried to kill Aleksandr Dugin with a car bomb, but they killed his daughter Darya Dugina. This is the car bombing of a pro-Putin supporter in Moscow. The sheer hatred between Ukrainian and Russians is legendary and as such the likelihood of this ever reaching peace is unlikely.

My sources continue to suggest that removing Putin will escalate things, not stop them. The hardliners will seize power and that will not be good going into 2023. Claiming they have Putin on the run is not going to win the day in Ukraine. It runs the risk of really escalating things for the hardliners in Moscow are criticizing Putin for being too soft on Ukraine. He for the first time started to attack their power grid. The hardliners will push for a serious attack against Ukraine rather than just securing the Donbas. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

94% of Baby Food Contains Toxic Metals

The Food and Drug Administration does nothing to protect the American public. We have yet another revelation of products intended for infants containing toxic substances. Healthy Babies Bright Futures’ (HBBF) conducted a study of 288 products, including over 7,000 from other previously published studies. “We found no evidence to suggest that homemade purees and family brands are generally safer, with lower metal levels, than store-bought baby food,” HBBF warned. 

Even WebMD is reporting on this crime. Around 94% of store and homemade baby foods contained at least one toxic heavy metal. The organization warns against consuming puffs, rice cakes, crisped rice cereal, and brown rice when cooked without additional water. These items have actual arsenic within them, and both children and adults are at risk. Yes, the FDA approved these items. In fact, arsenic was found in 68% of store-bought food and 72% of family homemade food. Lead was detected in 90% of store-bought food and 80% of family homemade purees. 

This means that almost ALL available “food” for babies contains toxins. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics warned, “Toxic metal exposure can be harmful to the developing brain. It’s been linked with problems with learning, cognition, and behavior.” Perhaps this is a variable for why autism and other problems have spiked within the US. 

The proposed solution: 
"The FDA should establish and enforce protective limits for heavy metals in all foods consumed by babies and young children. Heavy metal contamination spans all the food aisles of the grocery store; FDA’s safety standards must as well. Standards extending beyond the baby food aisle would also encompass foods eaten during pregnancy , a crucial time for lowering toxic metal exposures." 
I am sure many thought that the FDA was already protecting the American public against ingesting contaminated products. Everyone was so eager for the FDA to approve the COVID vaccines when, in reality, the organization is bought and paid for by lobbyists.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Vandals in the White House Have Destroyed American Wealth and Leverage

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.  

Sanctions strengthened Putin and caused “unfriendly nations” to form a closer alliance against the West. As the West suffers from an energy crisis with no solution in sight, Russia is benefitting from this in more ways than one. You may have heard of the China–Russia East-Route Natural Gas pipeline or the Yakutia–Khabarovsk–Vladivostok pipeline. Construction was approved in 2007, and in 2012, Putin ordered Gazprom to begin construction and renamed the project “Power of Siberia.” China and Russia signed a 30-year deal for $400 billion in 2014, and by December 2019, the pipeline was functional.  

The mainstream media focuses on the failure of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline at the hands of German politicians but forgets that Russia has alternative options for exporting fuel. Deliveries through the Power of Siberia have only reached $3.81 billion since December 2019, but China and Russia have plans to ramp up distribution. China received 16.5 billion cubic meters of gas from the pipeline in 2021. The deal has become so lucrative that Beijing and Moscow created a second pipeline – the Power of Siberia 2. This could double exports from Russia to China with a pipeline that would pass through Mongolia as well.

In the first six months of 2022, Gazprom exported 7.5 billion cubic meters of gas to China, marking a 63.4% uptick in volume. Prior to the invasion of Ukraine in early February, China and Russia agreed to ramp up distribution by 10 billion cubic meters. Reuters believes this could increase sales by $37.5 billion in the next 25 years, but this could increase given the high demand and low availability.

The West, namely Europe, needed Russian energy; Russia did not need Europe. President Biden admitted long ago that sanctions do not work, but in this instance, they completely backfired and have left the West with no leverage over Russian energy. 


"Gone are the days of people flocking to the cities for opportunities. As long as there is an internet connection, the modern American can work from anywhere"

Thank you to Martin Armstrong's "Domestic Exodus from U.S. Cities" at Armstrong Economics.

The US Census Bureau reported that 8.4% of Americans moved in 2021, beneath the 9.3% who moved at the height of the pandemic panic in 2020. Numbers for 2022 may show an uptick in migration to the suburbs or rural areas. Our models indicate that overheating in the housing market will be less prevalent in less populated areas as we are not merely dealing with housing inflation but also mass domestic migration.

Housing may be cheaper in rural areas, but there are additional costs associated with living in the country. There is no public transportation, and people must travel longer distances for work, groceries, shopping, health care, and more. Energy prices are sky-high, and simple trips cost significantly more. Iowa State University professor Dave Peters, as reported by the AP, has been studying the impact inflation has had on rural America. Peters estimates that rural households pay $2,500 more per year for gas alone compared to those living in cities.

Still, prices for housing in the country vs. the city more than make up for increased energy costs. Remote work has made rural living a prospect for many Americans. The National Association of Realtors found that rural areas saw a 54.6% uptick in inbound moves in 2021, followed by micropolitan areas (i.e., small towns) at 53.8%.

In January, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers  (AEM) said that certain remote workers were enticed by rural life after pandemic burnout. They found that people were seeking to abandon the hustle and bustle of city living, citing lower living costs, safer environments, fewer people, no traffic, lower housing prices, different cultures, and politics.

Gone are the days of people flocking to the cities for opportunities. As long as there is an internet connection, the modern American can work from anywhere. As the average potential buyer is priced out from their hometown, the prospect of rural or small town life is increasingly enticing.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

good news for sellers who may have found themselves with no bid but disastrous for the average citizen who is struggling to find permanent shelter

Thank you to Martin Armstrong's "Chinese on US Real Estate Spending Spree."

The Chinese are keen on investing in tangible assets, namely real estate. Canada implemented restrictions on foreign buyers after accusing them of the real estate shortage and sky-high prices. Chinese buyers are now targeting the American housing market. In fact, Chinese buyers outnumbered buyers from any other foreign country and spent over $6 billion on US real estate from April 2021 to March 2022. Canadians came in second for foreign home buyers, spending $5.5 billion in the same period.

The National Association of Realtors also noted that Chinese buyers tend to purchase more expensive properties, averaging over $1 million at a time when home prices were averaging under $400,000 (prices have risen since then). Around 31% of Chinese buyers selected properties in California and tend to choose wealthier areas for investments.

This is simply a means to park cash. Around 44% of foreign buyers purchased homes in all-cash deals. Non-resident foreign buyers were 60% likely to pay in cash compared to 30% of resident foreign buyers. Yes, this does mean that home prices will rise as foreign buyers can outbid most domestic buyers. This is good news for sellers who may have found themselves with no bid but disastrous for the average citizen who is struggling to find permanent shelter while paying for high rental properties that further remove them from the dream of homeownership.

One thing to consider is geopolitical relations. Look at how the US and others treated Russian “oligarchs” this past year by seizing all their assets under the pretense of conspiracy. No actual crime needed to be committed for bank accounts and assets to be forfeited. Tensions are rising with China, namely over Taiwan, and it is not unreasonable to think that the US could pull the same move on another nation. The Chinese government is selling off US debt and slowly putting distance between itself and the current top economy. Private investors may follow suit if geopolitical tensions continue to rise.


Saturday, July 23, 2022


The Insurrection Clause was part of the 14th Amendment passed after the Civil War to prevent anyone from the South from holding office again. This is what they are relying on, and it is really absurd. Trump felt the election was rigged, but that did not lead to a civil war – YET! There are two outcomes here, and both lead to civil war. The ONLY way Trump could be indicted for this would be under the questionable theory of a “conspiracy to commit an insurrection,” which the Constitution does not support as a bar. So they are looking for headlines — not reality. The Justice Department will do whatever the Democrats demand. It is no longer a viable institution. When the rule of law collapses, the ONLY resolution is civil war. The history of Rome shows that endlessly.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.  



It appears the January 6th committee has prevented Stephen K. Bannon from showing his evidence and the right to defend himself including his protection of the executive privilege from the President.

It is suggested he will be found guilty as soon as today and his case then rests on the slim ‘chance’ of the Supreme Court taking the case.

Would you kindly unpack this entire debacle when this committee is not even a court of law in a courtroom, please?

It is shaping up for President Trump to be charged, right on time for the midterms.

Thank you In advance for any clarity you can provide on the latest abuse of power by the legal system and the Justice Department.




The Democrats and Liz Cheney are intent upon criminally charging Trump with insurrection. They need to prevent Trump from running in 2024. This is not about jail time.  This will make the headlines for the mid-term, and this is their Hail Mary play to paint all Republicans as evil and should be thrown out of office. Of course, they are instigating revolution, for our computer points to civil war in the US. I believe this is part of the reason our computer is targeting 2023 as a Political & Geopolitical Year from Hell. Of course, the Democrats who foam at the mouth and live for the day that they can completely eradicate all opposition are blind to history and the consequences of their own actions.

The Insurrection Clause was part of the 14th Amendment passed after the Civil War to prevent anyone from the South from holding office again. This is what they are relying on, and it is really absurd. Trump felt the election was rigged, but that did not lead to a civil war – YET! There are two outcomes here, and both lead to civil war. The ONLY way Trump could be indicted for this would be under the questionable theory of a “conspiracy to commit an insurrection,” which the Constitution does not support as a bar. So they are looking for headlines — not reality. The Justice Department will do whatever the Democrats demand. It is no longer a viable institution. When the rule of law collapses, the ONLY resolution is civil war. The history of Rome shows that endlessly.

This is being done for the midterms — NOT for 2024. They know this would allow Trump ample time to appeal, and the Supreme Court would take that one.  Thus, the Democrats know this is an abuse of power, but they do not care. They have so divided the country there is just no return to normal — EVER!  I really wish this was not the case. But it is getting time to turn out the lights on this Republic experiment. Oh, how the fools we have in Washington refuse ever to consult history. Indeed, it is often said that when Franklin was asked what kind of government they created, he wittingly said:  “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Whether that is true or not is really irrelevant. Republics never last because they are the easiest to corrupt, for the “representatives” can be bought like NASCAR drivers, but they do not wear a patch to show who bought them. I have been in the halls of Capitol Hill, and when I was with the government under Maggie Thatcher, all you saw were lobbyists everywhere. I remember seeing US people in London supporting Tony Blair, trying to spread their Marxist agenda just as Russia once claimed they would bury us with their Marxist agenda.  

In case you can't read the font of Goldberg's article, here is a link to it posted @ Townhall.  

The Justice Department would indict Trump, but nobody would actually violate the law by threatening the Supreme Court over abortion, which is not a Constitutional Right under due process [any] more than euthanasia, or demanding you have a human right to some medical treatment and the government must pay for it. The Supreme Court has held that the Constitution is NEGATIVE, not POSITIVE, and its decision in Harris v McRae illustrated how wrong Roe v Wade was decided. That was a very clever mental manipulation when Justice Ginsberg said Roe was really about reducing population, so you tell the women it is a right to abort, and they protest for that fictional right when they have been manipulated by the Gates Foundation & Rockefeller Foundation that have always supported killing off minorities. They have already brainwashed so many women who think this is a right when in fact they are mindless drones doing the bid of Gates and the Rockefellers.

This is all part of the process of destroying the United States. We cannot live as one nation divided with such hatred. We are becoming Ukraine with a mindless civil war based entirely upon sheer seething hatred of Russian-speaking Ukrainians. There is no going back for Ukraine, and there will be no return to normal for the United States. We will most likely divide along the same lines as North v South. The hatred of state’s rights v federalism will return. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

If the Republicans takeover during the midterm elections, expect Dr. Anthony Fauci to face a trial

Thank you to Martin Armstrong.

Fauci plans to retire as soon as Biden leaves office as he knows he will no longer be protected. He mistakenly believes that he is above the law and will not be prosecuted for his crimes against humanity. Rand Paul, Fauci’s longtime foe, made it very clear that Republicans will subpoena Fauci if they take back the House or the Senate. Paul is not afraid to come off as a “conspiracy theorist” and plainly stated he wanted to know if there was a cover-up involved.

Paul said while speaking to Fox News:

“I do fully believe this virus, this pandemic that killed 6 million people around the world, leaked from the lab. But I think there was a concerted effort by him and his colleagues to cover this up and make sure it didn’t come to light, that the NIH was funding that lab and that there was reasonable scientific evidence that suggests that it came from the lab. So he’s going to be made to testify under oath. And I hope he sticks around because we do have some questions.”

Paul is not alone in his desire to investigate Fauci. Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) vowed to prosecute Fauci if the House gains control during the midterm elections. “We want to prosecute this guy to the full ability of the law. And I’ll tell you, to lie to the American people just to get your name in the news, just to get your face on the cover of books, just to get fame and fortune. I’ll tell you, Dr. Anthony Fauci does not deserve either fame or fortune,” he continued.  Cawthorn also accused Fauci of being a “pawn of the Chinese Communist Party” and lying under oath about his knowledge on gain-of-function research.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced the "Fire Fauci Actin April 2021 which brings to light many valid questions. Why is Dr. Fauci the highest-paid government employee, surpassing even the income of the president? How much did he profit from the pandemic? Why did he claim herd immunity would require up to 85% of the population to be vaccinated when there is no proof or study to support this idea?

If the Republicans takeover during the midterm elections, expect Dr. Anthony Fauci to face a trial. The public at large will then learn the lies being pushed as science and will realize that the entire pandemic was a manufactured event. This will lead to civil unrest on a widescale spanning far beyond America.  

Thursday, July 21, 2022

2023 the Year from Hell?


They just don't understand currency . . . ever.  

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics

9:15  “Oh, the dollar is going to crash, and gold is going to go up.”  That does not happen. 

The U.S. is the reserve currency of the world.  We will be the last to fall, not the first.  And what makes things really worse for the world is the dollar going up, not down, because you have all of these emerging markets that issue debt in dollars, so you have Sri Lanka falling, Lebanon falling.  In China, you’ve got all kinds of riots.  Even three years ago, Beijing was warning the provinces and banks, “Do not borrow in dollars.  But they were borrowing in dollars because, oh, geez, it was a cheaper interest rate.  And they had no concept of foreign exchange risk.  I saw that in the 1980s when I got called in to solve such a crisis that was in Australia.  

10:25  You have a low-glow interest rate but now you need twice as many dollars to pay back.  

10:35  That's what happened in Australia.  The bankers were selling Swiss mortgages.  "Oh, you'll save interest."  But then the currency swings and suddenly you owe 20% more.  The same thing happened in Europe when the Swiss franc and the euro peg broke in 2015.  They again had sold all of these Swiss mortgages to save money on interest.  So you've had the same thing.  You've had all of these emerging markets, and people in China doing things in dollars because the interest rate was virtually zero, 0%.  Oh, gee, look at how much we're saving, and now the dollar is going up and you're seeing bank runs and this is what we're talking about here.  Actually, really the first financial crisis I was called into was in 1973.  It was Franklin National Bank that failed, and it failed basically on a 7% move of the Italian lira.  They were funded basically from Italy, and that brought down Franklin National Bank.  Ever since then just about every financial crisis and currency crisis I've been called into.  Oh, get the guy that did that one.  They just don't understand currency . . . ever.  

12:08  In 2008, when Anheuser Busch got bought by InBev, the euro was $1.60 to the U.S. dollar.  Wow, what a deal.  Now, you fast-forward two or three years, or however many years that was, uh, 14 years, now the euro is par with the dollar.  And you're saying that anybody holding dollar debt in Euro is going to get creamed with this exchange rate because now they've got to pay back even more dollars, right?  

12:40  This is one of the major financial problems that's been going on since the 1970s.  They still do not teach foreign exchange risk in universities.  It's mind-boggling.  When I got called in in 1985, when they were forming the G-5, I wrote a letter to Reagan, telling him that he was going to create a crash in 2 years.  "Oh, yeah, you shouldn't go out of committee, . . . "  You just sold a 1/3 of the national debt to Japan and then you stand up and say that you want the dollar down 40%?  Don't you think they're going to sell?  And they just scratch their head and they say, "Well, why?" 

13:35  Gas deal.  Currency moves can be much worse than interest rate moves.  

13:48  Oh, yeah, currencies can move 20% to 30% in one to two years.  The British pound was like $2.40 in 1980, and it went to par at $1.03 in 1985.  

14:12  What about Deutsche bank?  What about Commerce Bank?  What about Credit Swisse's credit default swaps?  What about Germans and the gas that is cut way back and the economy tanking.  What about these banks?  Don't they have to have a good economy to stay afloat?  

14:29  Absolutely. 

14:30  Could we have a crash in Deutsche Bank?  Because it was the most systemically dangerous bank, according to the IMF, and nothing's changed.  Isn't Deutsche Bank the most systemically dangerous bank still in the world?  It could take down at least Europe?

14:50  All of these things are very real crises.  I can tell you that in speaking with the top three banks in New York City, they refuse to accept any European sovereign debt as collateral.  Period.  That is what started the whole RePo Crisis in 2019.  The real story was they were not willing to accept any sort of collateral on Europe from the European banks on an overnight basis.  You had Merkel coming out and saying "Oh, well we're not going to bail out Deutsche Bank," and she had to say because she refused to allow Greek banks to be bailed out.  Now you're on the opposite side of the table.  Why would you deal with Deutsche Bank if she just said "if they went belly up, sorry, we're not bailing them out."  So that's why the Fed had to step and start becoming the market maker in the RePo markets because banks are not willing, in the United States, to accept any European sovereign debt.  Period.  

16:06  Do you think this is what Socrates is picking up in the August-September time frame--that there's going to be a debt crisis?  

16:15  This is, I think, honestly why they're pushing for war.  This is Schwab's idea, and I've been on the opposite side of the table from him.  Even in our Rome conference, March 2019, Nigel Farage came to be our guest speaker, and he said 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Water demand increased 600% over the past century. Agricultural needs represent 70% of water demand.

Thanks to Martin Armstrong at Armstrong Economics

A new study by the University of Colorado Boulder published on "One Earth" cites water scarcity as the top threat to food security in the next 20 years. “Multiple events occurring at the same time compound the problem,” the study noted, citing droughts, floods, heat waves, pest outbreaks, diseases, and financial and political conflicts. Over 50% of those experiencing food insecurity live in conflict regions, and increasing political instability and civil unrest will cause this figure to rise. Various agencies such as the World Bank and United Nations have cited that food insecurity reached record levels in 2021 and has increased in 2022. However, one aspect that is not often discussed is water.

Humans can survive longer without food than water. Without water, there are no crops or cattle. Other studies point to increasing global demand for water as well. A 2019 study, "Reassessing the projections of the World Water Development Report," found that water demand increased 600% over the past century.

“Global water demand for all uses, presently about 4,600 km3 per year, will increase by 20% to 30% by 2050, up to 5,500 to 6,000 km3 per year. Global water demand for agriculture will increase by 60% by 2025. By 2050 the global population will increase to between 9.4 to 10.2 billion people, an increment of 22% to 32%.”

Agricultural needs represent 70% of water demand. The poorest nations often have less access to clean water, and these are the same areas where the population is expected to rise. The aforementioned study also states that food demand will increase by 60% by 2050.

Our model projected entering another "grand minimum," which overtook the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s. This will result in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. We are facing a global cooling period on the planet that may span 31 to 43 years. It is interesting that these studies are pointing to 2050 as the point where water will become extremely scarce as it aligns with our models’ projection for the weather as we will then enter a new sunspot cycle.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

MonkeyPox: Old Virus, New Vaccine?

Thank you to Martin Armstrong,

The US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is already developing a vaccine for monkeypox. Although the disease may seem novel, the first reported outbreak in monkeys occurred in 1958, and the first human infection was reported in the 1970s in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). According to the Centers for Diseases and Prevention (CDC), the virus is transmitted to humans through direct animal-to-human or human-to-human contact. Before they change the transmission guidelines, I will report what they stated on their website:

“Transmission of monkeypox virus occurs when a person comes into contact with the virus from an animal, human, or materials contaminated with the virus. The virus enters the body through broken skin (even if not visible), respiratory tract, or mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth). Animal-to-human transmission may occur by bite or scratch, bush meat preparation, direct contact with body fluids or lesion material, or indirect contact with lesion material, such as through contaminated bedding. Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet, so prolonged face-to-face contact is required. Other human-to-human methods of transmission include direct contact with body fluids or lesion material, and indirect contact with lesion material, such as through contaminated clothing or linens.”

The disease can reportedly occur through sexual encounters as well. This is NOT an airborne virus – masks and lockdowns would be useless. Cases of the virus are appearing throughout the world, but again, this virus was never limited to one continent. In 2003, 47 cases of monkeypox were reported in the US after pet prairie dogs became infected after being housed with small animals imported from Ghana.

BARDA plans to release JYNNEOS, a smallpox vaccine, to treat monkeypox cases by 2023. The company has already produced almost 13 million freeze-dried doses of the vaccine that are expected to be manufactured in 2024 and 2025.

President and CEO of BavarianNordic Paul Chaplin said, “We are pleased to announce the exercise of the first options under our contract with the US government to deliver a freeze-dried version of the smallpox vaccine with an improved shelf-life, which will be manufactured at our new fill and finish facility. This marks a significant milestone in our long-standing partnership with the US government to ensure the availability of life-saving vaccines for the entire population.”

The European Medicines Agency approved the medication to treat monkeypox in 2013, and the FDA quietly approved its usage in 2019. Since this seems to be a rare illness, why are they planning to manufacture millions of doses to save “the entire population?” The media has only just begun reporting cases of the virus, and it would not be surprising if they pushed yet another unnecessary vaccine on the global population for profit and control.

Friday, May 20, 2022

It is more enticing to come to the US border now that products unavailable to the public are available for free at the cost of the US taxpayer

Thank you, Martin Armstrong

The baby formula shortage has reached a critical level in America. Stores are rationing purchases if they even have the product in stock. Republican Rep Kat Cammack broke the news that baby formula was available, not to taxpaying citizens, but for illegal immigrants at the US-Mexico border. Maria Bartiromo of Fox News followed up on the story after CNN, the White House, and others accused Cammack of lying.

“Lo and behold, not only was there stocked warehouses, but there were multiple stocked warehouses that have been not only filled with baby formula, diapers, wipes and clothing, but they have been doing this for months and there’s more en route,” Cammack told Bartiromo after going to the border to see what was happening.

Under different conditions, this would be a humanitarian act of kindness to provide other nations with crucial supplies. The problem is that Biden is abandoning his own citizens in favor of international interests and a new wave of hopeful Democratic voters. It is more enticing to come to the US border now that products unavailable to the public are available for free at the cost of the US taxpayer. As the President of the United States, Biden is our public servant who is expected to put the interests of his citizens first and foremost. American babies are starving as warehouses full of formula sit idle at our unsecured border.